Find out why everyone's playing board games again with some of the best ones reduced to $8 for Prime Day

Find out why everyone's playing board games again with some of the best ones reduced to $8 for Prime Day
(Image credit: Ravensburger)

Look, I understand that there might be some scepticism over $8 board game deals for Prime Day. But seriously. This offer isn't on some cheap tat, and it's not a dusty old relic your grandparents break out every Thanksgiving. It's on something actually good. More specifically, Jaws is now $8.44 instead of $30 (or £15 instead of £25 in the UK). It being that cheap is absurd.

That's because this is the perfect example of why board games are making such a fierce comeback. Tense, engrossing, and easy to pick up without being a novelty you'll get bored of quickly, the Jaws board game gives you plenty to laugh and cheer about. An emphasis on teamwork makes it a great bonding experience as well; this isn't the sort of game you zone out of until it's your turn again. As I mentioned in my review, it's legitimately one of the best cooperative board games out there.

It's not alone in terms of bang for buck, either. Hocus Pocus: The Game has also been reduced to $9, and that's a good choice if you want a quieter two-player distraction that has unique, memorable mechanics. Meanwhile, Disney Villainous (currently discounted to $25 from a $40 MSRP) is a must-have for those who want a strategy game they can really sink their teeth into. It rewards well-thought-out tactics, looks beautiful, and is ideal for a world still struggling under Covid-19 - you have your own board, cards, and tokens and rarely need to share anything.

However, the ultimate example of why everyone's getting into board games again would be Pandemic. No, not the literal one. This tabletop race against time is arguably one of the best board games out there, and, as I mentioned in my Pandemic board game review, it's like a psychological shot of espresso. Because players are attempting to eradicate randomized diseases around the board, it's endlessly replayable and requires plenty of communication - not to mention some last-minute hail Marys - to snatch victory. It's currently $21 at Amazon instead of $45, or £25 instead of £35 if you're based in the UK.

Pick one of these up - or any of the recommendations in our guide to the best Prime Day board game deals - and you'll quickly understand why folks are so into board games again.

Board game deals for Prime Day

Jaws | $30 $8 at Amazon
UK deal: £25 £15 at Amazon UK

Jaws | $30 $8 at Amazon
UK deal: £25 £15 at Amazon UK
I'm not exaggerating when I say that Jaws is one of the most fun co-op experiences I've had while playing board games. As an adaptation of the classic movie, it pits three players against another controlling a shark that could strike at any time, anywhere. It's fantastic, particularly at $8 for the Amazon Prime Day board game deals.

Hocus Pocus | $20 $9 at Amazon
UK deals: £25£17 at Amazon UK

Hocus Pocus | $20 $9 at Amazon
UK deals: £25 £17 at Amazon UK
Although it's set during Halloween, you don't have to wait until the witching hour to enjoy this one - as we mentioned in our Hocus Pocus board game review, it's a challenging yet engrossing co-op experience for the whole year 'round. It's got some really unique mechanics as well, so there's a lot to get your teeth into.

Disney Villainous | $40 $25 at Amazon
UK deal: £35 £32 at Amazon UK

Disney Villainous | $40 $25 at Amazon
UK deal: £35 £32 at Amazon UK
If you want a competitive board game and you love Disney, Villainous is made for you. It allows players to take control of classic baddies like Maleficent or Jafar and make their evil dreams come true. Thanks to amazing production values, it's also stunning to look at. If you want to see more, don't forget to check in with our Disney Villainous review.

Pandemic | $45 $21 at Amazon US
UK deal: £35 £25 at Amazon UK

Pandemic | $45 $21 at Amazon US
UK deal: £35 £25 at Amazon UK
Although it hits a little closer to home nowadays, Pandemic is still a fantastic game that we'd highly recommend (plus, being able to kick a pandemic's butt - even if it's only on the tabletop - is therapeutic). This is the perfect co-op experience with loads of replayability, so seeing it this cheap is a bargain.

Want some other Prime Day bargains? Check out these Prime Day Dungeons and Dragons deals, Prime Day laptop deals, and Prime Day TV deals.

Benjamin Abbott
Tabletop & Merch Editor

As the site's Tabletop & Merch Editor, you'll find my grubby paws on everything from board game reviews to the latest Lego news. I've been writing about games in one form or another since 2012, and can normally be found cackling over some evil plan I've cooked up for my group's next Dungeons & Dragons campaign.