Final Fantasy IV DS Equipment Guide
Date submitted - 9-28-08
Version - v1.0
By - obishawn
The most up to date version of this guide can always be
found at
Table of Contents
I - Introduction
II - Quick Info Charts
III - Weapons
A - Swords
B - Spears
C - Knives
D - Harps
E - Claws
F - Hammers
G - Axes
H - Katanas
I - Rods
J - Staves
K - Bows
L - Arrows
M - Whips
N - Throwing
IV - Armor
A - Shields
B - Head
C - Body
D - Arms
V - Items
A - Restorative
B - In Battle Items
C - Out of Battle Items
D - Key Items
VI - Credits and Thanks
VII - Version History
VIII - Contact Info
I - Introduction
What follows is an exhaustive list of every weapon,
piece of armor, and item in the game; how to obtain it and
how it benefits the characters.
To easily find an item either search for it by name, or by
class (Sword, Shield, Glove, ect) To perform a search,
press ctrl-F, then enter the word you are looking for.
In a future update, I will be adding the Key Items and
enemy locations for the enemies that you can obtain items
by through drops and stealing.
I am also considering re-listing the "Weapons used as
Items" chart so that it will be in chronological order, it
seems to me that would be more helpful.
II - Quick Info Charts
These charts contain a summary of what you will find in
the other lists below. They are placed here for
convenience since they show pertinent information without
all of the drab details.
I have included information charts that I thought would be
most helpful. If you think something else should be added
let me know and I will consider it. If I use your
suggestion or information, you will get complete credit
and thanks.
Best Non-Rare Equipment for the Final Party -
A lot of people may not want to bother with trying to
obtain Adamant Armor and Onion equipment for the final
five so the best equipment to have on the party is:
Cecil Kain Edge
Right - Ragnarok Right - Holy Lance Right - Masamune
Left - Crystal Left - Dragon Left - Murasame
Body - Crystal Body - Dragon Body - Black Garb
Head - Crystal Head - Dragon Head - Ribbon
Arms - Crystal Arms - Dragon Arms - Protect Ring
Rosa Rydia
Right - Rune Staff Right - Stardust Rod
Left - Nothing Left - Nothing
Body - White Robe Body - Luminous Robe
Head - Ribbon Head - Ribbon
Arms - Protect Ring Arms - Protect Ring
Notes about final equipment -
- Without farming, you only get two Protect Rings and
two Ribbons in the game. But you can farm more Ribbons
from 107 Bog Witch in the Sylph Cave and from 139 Dark
Sage in the Lair of the Father. Keep in mind that the
drop rate is very low.
You can also farm for additional Protect Rings from
138 Ahriman in the Lunar Subteranne.
- Genji Helm is the best non-rare equipment for Edge if
you decide to NOT give him a Ribbon.
- Giant's Glove is the best non-rare equipment to give
Edge if you choose to NOT give him a Protect Ring.
Keep in mind that a Protect Ring is the ONLY elemental
defense for Edge.
- Gold Hairpin is the best non-rare equipment to give
Rosa if you choose to NOT give them Ribbons.
- Rune Armlet is the best non-rare equipment to give Rosa
if you choose to NOT give her a Protect Rings.
Optimizing your equipment will put Diamond Armlets on
her because it gives one more point of defense than the
Rune Armlet. But the Rune Armlet boosts both Intellect
and Spirit by 3 points, making it the better choice.
- While the Gold Hairpin and Diamond Armlet offer
protection from thunder-based attacks, the Protect Ring
is the only equipment available for her that protects
against the three basic elements (fire, ice, thunder).
- Rosa has the option of using either Staffs or Bow and
Arrows. The Arrows can provide excellent elemental or
status effects against enemies, and give her a boost to
her speed stat, but I listed the Rune Staff because it
boosts her Spirit +10.
Spirit is what determines how effective her magic and
Prayers are so you should want that number as high as
possible, especially towards the end of the game where
she will be on healing duties more than attacking.
Should you choose to give her Bow and Arrows, the best
non-rare equipment Bow is the Yoichi Bow and Artemis
- Gold Hairpin is the best non-rare equipment to give
Rydia if you choose to NOT give them Ribbons.
- Rune Armlet is the best non-rare equipment to give her
if you choose to NOT give her a Protect Ring.
Optimizing your equipment will put Diamond Armlets on
her because it gives one more point of defense than the
Rune Armlet. But the Rune Armlet boosts both Intellect
and Spirit by 3 points, making it the better choice.
- While the Gold Hairpin and Diamond Armlet offer
protection from thunder-based attacks, the Protect Ring
is the only equipment available for her that protects
against the three basic elements (fire, ice, thunder).
- I listed the Stardust Rod for Rydia because of the
Intellect boost (+10). Also, using it as an item will
cast Comet which will do massive damage to all enemies.
Whips, in stead of Rods, can randomly paralyze, which
can be very helpful. If you choose to give her a whip,
the best non-rare equipment whip is the Flame Whip.
Shields -
Shields provide all kinds of protection, from elements,
status effects, and boosts defense in general. This chart
is a quick-reference tool to show you that information.
| | |
Shield | Halves | Prevents |
| | |
Iron | None | Blind |
| | |
Dark | Holy | Toad, Mini, Pig |
| | |
Demon | Holy | Toad, Mini, Pig |
| | |
Lustrous | Dark | Sleep, Poison, Death, Curse |
| | |
Mythril | None | Confuse, Silence |
| | |
Flame | Ice | Paralyze, Confuse |
| | |
Ice | Fire | Paralyze, Confuse |
| | |
Diamond | Thunder | Paralyze, Confuse |
| | |
Aegis | None | Paralyze, Sleep, Death, |
| | Petrify, Stop |
| | |
Genji | None | Petrify, Toad, Mini, |
| | Pig, Blind, Stop |
| | |
Dragon | Fire, Ice,| Paralyze, Sleep, Stop |
| Thunder | |
| | |
Crystal | Dark | Sleep, Poison, Death, Curse |
| | |
Onion | None | Everything except Berserk |
Weapons used as items -
There are many weapons that have bonus qualities in that
if you use them as an item, they cast a magic spell that
cost you zero magic points!
Like the shield chart above, this chart is to help you
quickly find the information without having to sift
through the details.
To use a weapon as an item, first it must be equipped to
the character. Then, in battle, go to Items and press up.
You will see the weapon you are equipped with, select it,
then select the target, be it friend or foe, and press A.
To make this process even easier, out side of battle, go
into the menu. Go to Abilities, then choose the character.
Find the slot in the Command Window where you want to
place the weapon as an item and press A.
Find the word "Item" in the Known Abilities Window and
press right. The weapon you are equipped with should be
the first thing on the list. Select it and it will be in
the Command Window.
Next time you are in battle all you have to do is choose
it as your action. You can set up the Auto-Battle command
the same way.
| |
Weapon | Casts |
| |
Flame Sword | Fire |
| |
Icebrand | Blizzara |
| |
Stoneblade | Break |
| |
Defender | Protect |
| |
Flame Lance | Fira |
| |
Ice Lance | Blizzara |
| |
Dancing Daggar | Dancing Dagger |
| |
Flame Claws | Fire |
| |
Ice Claws | Blizzard |
| |
Lightning Claws | Thunder |
| |
Gaia Hammer | Quake |
| |
Masamune | Haste |
| |
Rod | Mage Arrows |
| |
Flame Rod | Fire |
| |
Ice Rod | Blizzard |
| |
Thunder Rod | Thunder |
| |
Lilith Rod | Osmose |
| |
Polymorph Rod | Pig |
| |
Faerie Rod | Confuse |
| |
Stardust Rod | Comet |
| |
Staff | Poisona |
| |
Healing Staff | Heal |
| |
Mythril Staff | Basuna |
| |
Power Staff | Berserk |
| |
Aura Staff | Dispel |
| |
Sage's Staff | Raise |
| |
Rune Staff | Silence |
| |
Elven Bow | Shell |
Tails -
Why are Tails important enough to get their own chart?
Because once you obtain a tail, you can bring it to the
Tail Collector and he will tade you the best equipment
in the game for it!
The Tail Collector can be found on a small island north
of Mount Ordeals, you will need the Hovercraft to reach
| | | |
# | Name | Tail | Armor |
| | | |
106 | Green Dragon | Green |Onion Helm |
| | | |
118 | Thunder Dragon | Blue |Onion Shield |
| | | |
120 | Yellow Dragon | Yellow |Onion Gloves |
| | | |
145 | Flan Princess | Pink |Adamant Armor |
| | | |
147 | Armored Fiend | Black |Onion Armor |
| | | |
151 | Red Dragon | Red |Onion Sword |
Enemies that drop Tails and their locations -
Use a Siren in the locations lsited to encounter each
# | Name | Location |
| | |
106 | Green Dragon | Near Sealed Cave |
| | |
118 | Thunder Dragon | Passage of the Eidolons (B2,3) |
| | |
120 | Yellow Dragon | Near Eidolon Cave, Sealed Cave (B3)|
| | |
145 | Flan Princess | Lunar Subterrane (B5 - SE room) |
| | |
147 | Armored Fiend | Lair of the Father (B2-B3) |
| | |
151 | Red Dragon | Lunar Subterrane (B8-B10) |
III - Weapons
This section will cover every weapon in the game. The
layout of each entry will look like this:
Name - The name of the weapon
Used by - Which characts can use it
Element - Any elemental properties
Effects - Any status effects or special abilities
As an Item - the spell cast when used as an item
Obtained by -
Buy - The location in which it can be bought
Drop - The enemies that drop it after battle
Chest - The dungeon you can find it in a chest
Steal - The enemies you can steal it from
Other - Anything that doesn't fit into a category above
Stat changes -
Strength - How it effects your Strength
Speed - How it effects your Speed
Stamina - How it effects your Stamina
Intellect - How it effects your Intellect
Spirit - How it effects your Spirit
Attack - How it effects your Attack
Accuracy - How it effects your Accuracy
Defense - How it effects your Defense
Evasion - How it effects your Evasion
Sells for - How much you can sell it for
A - Swords -
Name - Dark Sword
Used by - Dark Knight Cecil
Element - Dark
Effects - None
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop -
Chest -
Steal -
Other - Begin the game with it equipped
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 10
Accuracy - 85
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 500 Gil
Name - Shadow Blade
Used by - Dark Knight Cecil
Element - Dark
Effects - None
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop -
Chest - Waterway Entrance North, B1
Antlion's Den, B2
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 20
Accuracy - 90
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 1000 Gil
Name - Deathbringer
Used by - Dark Knight Cecil
Element - Dark
Effects - 30% chance of instant death
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop -
Chest -
Steal -
Other - Given by the King of Fabul
Stat changes -
Strength - +5
Speed - +5
Stamina - +5
Intellect - +5
Spirit - +5
Attack - 30
Accuracy - 95
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 3000 Gil
Name - Mythgraven Blade
Used by - Cecil
Element - Holy
Effects - None
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop -
Chest -
Steal -
Other - Received on Mount Ordeals
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit - +3
Attack - 40
Accuracy - 99
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - Can't sell
Name - Lustrous Sword
Used by - Cecil
Element - Holy
Effects - None
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop -
Chest - Sealed Cave, B2
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength - +3
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit - +3
Attack - 80
Accuracy - 99
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 4000 Gil
Name - Excalibur
Used by - Cecil
Element - Holy
Effects - None
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop -
Chest -
Steal -
Other - Give Adamantite to Kokkol
Stat changes -
Strength - +10
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 120
Accuracy - 99
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 30000 Gil
Name - Ragnarok
Used by - Cecil
Element - Holy
Effects - none
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop - 191 Dark Bahamut (Lunar Subterrane, B5)
Chest -
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength - +15
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 150
Accuracy - 110
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 40000 Gil
Name - Ancient Sword
Used by - Cecil, Kain
Element - None
Effects - 30% chance of inflicting Curse
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop -
Chest - Ancient Waterway, B1, Save Room
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 30
Accuracy - 90
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 9500 Gil
Name - Blood Sword
Used by - Cecil, Kain
Element - None
Effects - Drains HP from enemies
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop -
Chest - Cave of Eblan, Save Room
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength - -5
Speed - -5
Stamina - -5
Intellect - -5
Spirit - -5
Attack - 45
Accuracy - 90
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 6500 Gil
Name - Mythril Sword
Used by - Cecil, Kain
Element - None
Effects - Effective against Ghosts
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy - Mythril, 6000 Gil
Drop - 101 Mythril Golem
Chest -
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 50
Accuracy - 90
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 3000 Gil
Name - Sleep Blade
Used by - Cecil, Kain
Element - None
Effects - 30% chance of causing Sleep
As an Item - Casts Sleep
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop -
Chest - Eblan Castle-1F, West Tower
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 55
Accuracy - 90
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 13000 Gil
Name - Flame Sword
Used by - Cecil, Kain
Element - Fire
Effects - None
As an Item - Casts Fire
Obtained by -
Buy - Dwarven Castle, 14000 Gil
Drop - 090 Flame Knight
Chest - Tower of Zot-2F
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack -
Accuracy -
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 7000 Gil
Name - Icebrand
Used by - Cecil, Kain
Element - Ice
Effects - None
As an Item - Casts Blizzara
Obtained by -
Buy - Cave of Eblan, 26000 Gil
Drop -
Chest - Tower of Babil - B12
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 75
Accuracy - 90
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 13000 Gil
Name - Stoneblade
Used by - Cecil, Kain
Element - Earth
Effects - 10% chance of causing Petrify
As an Item - Casts Break
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop - 079 Gorgon
085 Black Lizard
092 Medusa
Chest -
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 77
Accuracy - 90
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 17000 Gil
Name - Avenger
Used by - Cecil, Kain
Element - None
Effects - Berserks the user
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop -
Chest - Sylph Cave, B3
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength - +10
Speed -
Stamina - +10
Intellect - -10
Spirit - -10
Attack - 90
Accuracy - 85
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 10000 Gil
Name - Defender
Used by - Cecil, Kain
Element - None
Effects - None
As an Item - Casts Protect
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop -
Chest - Passage of the Eidolons, B3
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina - +10
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 105
Accuracy - 90
Defense - +20
Evasion -
Sells for - 15000 Gil
Name - Fireshard
Used by - Cecil, Kain
Element - Fire
Effects - None
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy - Troia, 300 Gil
Drop -
Chest -
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 5
Accuracy - 90
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 150 Gil
Name - Frostshard
Used by - Cecil, Kain
Element - Ice
Effects - None
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy - Troia, 300 Gil
Drop -
Chest -
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 5
Accuracy - 90
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 150 Gil
Name - Thundershard
Used by - Cecil, Kain
Element - Thunder
Effects - None
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy - Troia, 300 Gil
Drop -
Chest -
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 5
Accuracy - 90
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 150 Gil
Name - Onion Sword
Used by - Cecil, Kain
Element - None
Effects - A sword that grows stronger with the wielder
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop -
Chest -
Steal -
Other - Give a Red Tail to the Tail Collector
Stat changes -
Strength - + Your level, divided by 3
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - Your level x2
Accuracy - Your level +50
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 1000 Gil
B - Spears -
Name - Spear
Used by - Kain
Element - None
Effects - None
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop -
Chest -
Steal -
Other - Comes equipped on Kain
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 10
Accuracy - 80
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 30 Gil
Name - Wind Spear
Used by - Kain
Element - Wind
Effects - None
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop -
Chest -
Steal -
Other - Equipped on Kain after the Tower of Zot
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 55
Accuracy - 80
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 3500 Gil
Name - Flame Lance
Used by - Kain
Element - Fire
Effects - none
As an Item - Casts Fira
Obtained by -
Buy - Dwarven Castle, 11000 Gil
Drop - 090 Flame Knight
Chest -
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 66
Accuracy - 80
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 5500 Gil
Name - Ice Lance
Used by - Kain
Element - Ice
Effects - None
As an Item - Casts Bizzara
Obtained by -
Buy - Cave of Eblan, 2100 Gil
Drop -
Chest - Tower of Babil, 2F
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 77
Accuracy - 80
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 10500 Gil
Name - Blood Lance
Used by - Kain
Element - None
Effects - Drains enemy's HP
Effective against Giants & Flans
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop -
Chest - Eblan Castle - 2F
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack -
Accuracy -
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 15000 Gil
Name - Gungnir
Used by - Kain
Element - None
Effects - None
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop -
Chest -
Steal -
Other - Equipped on Kain after the Giant of Babil
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina - +15
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 99
Accuracy - 90
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 16000 Gil
Name - Wyvern Lance
Used by - Kain
Element - None
Effects - Effective against Dragons
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop - 146 Blue Dragon
151 Red Dragon
Chest -
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 110
Accuracy - 100
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 20000 Gil
Name - Holy Lance
Used by - Kain
Element - Holy
Effects - Effective against Ghosts
As an Item - Casts Holy
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop - 192 Plague Horror
Chest - Lunar Subterrane - B7
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 140
Accuracy - 110
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 30000 Gil
C - Knifes -
Name - Mythril Knife
Used by - Paladin Cecil, Kain, Adult Rydia,
Edward, Rosa, Palom, Edge
Element - None
Effects - Effective against Ghosts
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy - Mythril, 3000 Gil
Drop - 101 Mythril Golem
Chest -
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed - +1
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 10
Accuracy - 110
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 1500 Gil
Name - Dancing Dagger
Used by - Paladin Cecil, Kain, Adult Rydia,
Edward, Rosa, Palom, Edge
Element - None
Effects - None
As an Item - Dancing Dagger
Obtained by -
Buy - Mist, 5000 Gil
Drop -
Chest -
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed - +2
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 28
Accuracy - 110
Defense -
Evasion - +10
Sells for - 2500 Gil
Name - Mage Masher
Used by - Paladin Cecil, Kain, Adult Rydia,
Edward, Rosa, Palom, Edge
Element - None
Effects - Effective against Mages
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop -
Chest - Sylph Cave, B2
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed - +3
Stamina -
Intellect - +3
Spirit -
Attack - 35
Accuracy - 110
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 6500 Gil
Name - Knife
Used by - Edge (Throw only)
Element - None
Effects - A knife received from Yang's Wife
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop -
Chest -
Steal -
Other - Received from yangs Wife after completing the
Yang/Sylph Cave side quest.
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 999
Accuracy - 999
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 100 Gil
D - Harps -
Name - Dream Harp
Used by - Edward
Element - None
Effects - 30% chance of causing Sleep
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop -
Chest -
Steal -
Other - Comes equipped on Edward
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 5
Accuracy - 100
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 240 Gil
Name - Lamia Harp
Used by - Edward
Element - None
Effects - 30% chance of causing Confuse
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop - 100 Lamia Matriarch
103 Lamia
Chest - Antlion's Den, B2
Steal - 100 Lamia Matriarch
103 Lamia
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 13
Accuracy - 100
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 600 Gil
E - Claws -
Name - Flame Claws
Used by - Yang
Element - Fire
Effects - None
As an Item - Casts Fire
Obtained by -
Buy - Baron, 350 Gil
Fabul, 350 Gil
Drop -
Chest -
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina - +1
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 5
Accuracy - 95
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 175 Gil
Name - Ice Claws
Used by - Yang
Element - Ice
Effects - None
As an Item - Casts Blizzard
Obtained by -
Buy - Baron, 450 Gil
Fabul, 450 Gil
Drop -
Chest -
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina - +1
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 5
Accuracy - 95
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 225 Gil
Name - Thunder Claws
Used by - Yang
Element - Thunder
Effects - None
As an Item - Casts thunder
Obtained by -
Buy - Baron, 550 Gil
Fabul, 550 GIl
Drop -
Chest -
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina - +1
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 5
Accuracy - 95
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 275 Gil
Name - Faerie Claws
Used by - Yang
Element - None
Effects - 30% chacnce of causing Confuse
Effective against Giants
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop -
Chest - Loadstone Cavern, B3
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina - +3
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 5
Accuracy - 95
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 300 Gil
Name - Hell Claws
Used by - Yang
Element - None
Effects - 30% chance of inflicting Poison
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop -
Chest - Tower of Zot, 5F
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina - +4
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 5
Accuracy - 95
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 325 Gil
Name - Cat Claws
Used by - Yang
Element - None
Effects - None
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop - 049 Cait Sith
097 Coeurl
Chest - Tower of Babil, B11
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed - +5
Stamina - +5
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 5
Accuracy - 95
Defense -
Evasion - +5
Sells for - 350 Gil
F - Hammers -
Name - Wooden Hammer
Used by - Cid
Element - None
Effects - Extra damage to Machines
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy - Troia, 80 Gil
Drop -
Chest -
Steal -
Other - Comes equipped on Cid
Stat changes -
Strength - +3
Speed -
Stamina - +2
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 55
Accuracy - 90
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 40 Gil
Name - Mythril Hammer
Used by - Cid
Element - None
Effects - Extra damage to Machines and Ghosts
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy - Mythril, 8000 Gil
Drop - 064 Fell Turtle
074 Armadillo
Chest -
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina - +3
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 65
Accuracy - 99
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 4000 Gil
Name - Gaia Hammer
Used by - Cid
Element - Earth
Effects - Extra damage to Machines
As an Item - Casts Quake
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop - 096 Steel Golem
Chest - Tower of Zot, B5
Steal - 096 Steel Golem
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength - +3
Speed -
Stamina - +4
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 75
Accuracy - 90
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 6000 Gil
G - Axes -
Name - Dwarven Axe
Used by - Cecil, Kain, Cid
Element - None
Effects - None
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy - Dwarven Castle, 15000 Gil
Drop -
Chest - Dwarven Castle, East Tower, 1F
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength - +5
Speed - -2
Stamina - +5
Intellect - -2
Spirit - -2
Attack - 82
Accuracy - 95
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 7500 GIl
Name - Ogrekiller
Used by - Cecil, Kain, Cid
Element - None
Effects - Extra damage to Giants
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy - Tomra, 250000 Gil
Drop - 135 Armored Fiend
Chest - Tower of Babil, B2
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength - +6
Speed - -3
Stamina - -6
Intellect - -3
Spirit - -3
Attack - 90
Accuracy - 95
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 12500 Gil
Name - Poison Axe
Used by - Cecil, Kain, Cid
Element - None
Effects - 30% chance of inflicting Poison
Extra damage to Giants
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop - 135 Armor Construct
147 Armored Fiend
Chest - Passage of the Eidolons, B3
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength - +7
Speed - -4
Stamina - +7
Intellect - -4
Spirit - -4
Attack - 105
Accuracy - 95
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 47000 Gil
Name - Rune Axe
Used by - Cecil, Kain, Cid
Element - None
Effects - Extra damage to Mages
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop - 135 Armor Construct
Chest -
Steal - 147 Armored Fiend
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength - +8
Speed - -5
Stamina - +8
Intellect - -5
Spirit - -5
Attack - 110
Accuracy - 90
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 61500 Gil
H - Katanas -
Name - Kunai
Used by - Edge
Element - None
Effects - None
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy - Cave of Eblan, 4000 Gil
Drop -
Chest -
Steal -
Other - Comes equipped on Edge
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed - +1
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 35
Accuracy - 100
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 2000 Gil
Name - Ashura
Used by - Edge
Element - None
Effects - None
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy - Tomra, 70000 Gil
Drop -
Chest - Tower of Babil, B4
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed - +2
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 40
Accuracy - 100
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 3500 Gil
Name - Kotetsu
Used by - Edge
Element - None
Effects - None
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy - Feymarch, 11000 Gil
Drop -
Chest - Sealed Cave, B1 & B2
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed - +2
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 45
Accuracy - 100
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 5500 Gil
Name - Kiku-ichimonji
Used by - Edge
Element - None
Effects - None
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop -
Chest - Sylph House, 1F
Passage of the Eidolons, B3
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina - +2
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 50
Accuracy - 100
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 9000 Gil
Name - Murasame
Used by - Edge
Element - None
Effects - None
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop - 190 White Dragon
Chest - Lunar Subterrane, B3
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength - +3
Speed - +1
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 55
Accuracy - 100
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 30000 Gil
Name - Masamune
Used by - Edge
Element - None
Effects - None
As an Item - Casts Haste
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop - 194 Ogopogo
Chest - Lunar Subterrane, B8
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength - +1
Speed - +3
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 60
Accuracy - 120
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 30000 Gil
I - Rods -
Name - Rod
Used by - Rydia, Tellah, Palom, FuSoYa
Element - None
Effects - None
As an Item - Casts Mage Arrows
Obtained by -
Buy - Kaipo, 100 Gil
Agart, 100 Gil
Drop - 010 Tiny Mage
Chest -
Steal -
Other - Comes equipped on Rydia
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect - +1
Spirit -
Attack - 5
Accuracy - 80
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 50 Gil
Name - Flame Rod
Used by - Rydia, Tellah, Palom, FoSuYa
Element - Fire
Effects - None
As an Item - Casts Fire
Obtained by -
Buy - Mysidia, 380 Gil
Drop -
Chest -
Steal -
Other - Comes equipped on Palom
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect - +2
Spirit -
Attack - 12
Accuracy - 80
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 190 Gil
Name - Ice Rod
Used by - Rydia, Tellah, Palom, FuSoYa
Element - Blizzard
Effects - None
As an Item - Casts Blizzard
Obtained by -
Buy - Mysidia, 220 Gil
Drop -
Chest - Underground Waterway South, B2;
Antlion's Den, B2
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect - +2
Spirit -
Attack - 12
Accuracy - 80
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 110 Gil
Name - Thunder Rod
Used by - Rydia, Tellah, Palom, FuSoYa
Element - Thunder
Effects - None
As an Item - Casts Thunder
Obtained by -
Buy - Baron, 700 Gil
Drop -
Chest -
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect - +2
Spirit -
Attack - 12
Accuracy - 80
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 350 Gil
Name - Lilith Rod
Used by - Rydia, Tellah, Palom, FuSoYa
Element - None
Effects - Extra damage to Undead
As an Item - Casts Osmose
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop - 038 Lilith
Chest -
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect - +4
Spirit -
Attack - 18
Accuracy - 80
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 550 Gil
Name - Polymorph Rod
Used by - Rydia, Tellah, Palom, FuSoYa
Element - None
Effects - None
As an Item - Casts Pig
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop -
Chest - Mist, Northwest house, chimney
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect - +5
Spirit -
Attack - 20
Accuracy - 80
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 625 Gil
Name - Faerie Rod
Used by - Rydia, Tellah, Palom, FuSoYa
Element - None
Effects - None
As an Item - Casts Confuse
Obtained by -
Buy - Feymarch, 5000 Gil
Drop -
Chest - Sylph Cave, B3
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect - +7
Spirit -
Attack - 30
Accuracy - 80
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 2500 Gil
Name - Stardust Rod
Used by - Rydia, Tellah, Palom, FuSoYa
Element - None
Effects - None
As an Item - Casts Comet
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop -
Chest - Lunar Subteranne, B4
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect - +10
Spirit -
Attack - 45
Accuracy - 80
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 50000 Gil
J - Staves -
Name - Staff
Used by - Rydia, Tellah, Rosa, Porom, FuSoYa
Element - None
Effects - None
As an Item - Poisona
Obtained by -
Buy - Kaipo, 160 Gil
Agart, 160 Gil
Drop -
Chest -
Steal -
Other - Comes equipped on Tella and Rosa
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit - +1
Attack - 6
Accuracy - 80
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 80 Gil
Name - Healing Staff
Used by - Rydia, Tellah, Rosa, Porom, FuSoYa
Element - None
Effects - None
As an Item - Casts Heal
Obtained by -
Buy - Mysidia, 480 Gil
Baron, 480 Gil
Drop - 098 Sorcerer
Chest -
Steal -
Other - Comes equipped on Rosa and Porom
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit - +3
Attack - 9
Accuracy - 80
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 240 Gil
Name - Mythril Staff
Used by - Rydia, Tellah, Rosa, Porom, FuSoYa
Element - None
Effects - Effective agaisnt Undead
As an Item - Basuna
Obtained by -
Buy - Mythril, 4000 Gil
Drop -
Chest - Mythril (in a bush near NE house)
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit - +2
Attack - 11
Accuracy - 80
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 2000 Gil
Name - Power Staff
Used by - Rydia, Tellah, Rosa, Porom, FuSoYa
Element - None
Effects - 30% chance of inflicting Berserk
As an Item - Casts Berserk
Obtained by -
Buy - Cave of Eblan, 2000 Gil
Drop -
Chest -
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit - +4
Attack - 20
Accuracy - 100
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 1000 Gil
Name - Aura Staff
Used by - Rydia, Tellah, Rosa, Porom, FuSoYa
Element - None
Effects - None
As an Item - Casts Dispel
Obtained by -
Buy - Feymarch, 7000 Gil
Drop -
Chest - Sylph house, 1F
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit - +5
Attack - 26
Accuracy - 100
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 3500 Gil
Name - Sage's Staff
Used by - Rydia, Tellah, Rosa, Porom, FuSoYa
Element - None
Effects - None
As an Item - Casts Raise
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop -
Chest - Lunar SUbteranne, B2
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit - +7
Attack - 38
Accuracy - 80
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 5000 Gil
Name - Rune Staff
Used by - Rydia, Tellah, Rosa, Porom, FuSoYa
Element - None
Effects - 30% chacne of inflicting Silence
Effective against Mages
As an Item - Casts Silence
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop - 065 Marionetteer
098 Sorcerer
115 Summoner
Chest -
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit - +10
Attack - 42
Accuracy - 80
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 7500 Gil
K - Bows -
Name - Bow
Used by - Rosa
Element - None
Effects - None
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy - Kaipo, 220 Gil
Agart, 220 Gil
Drop -
Chest -
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed - +1
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 10
Accuracy - 75
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 110 Gil
Name - Power Bow
Used by - Rosa
Element - None
Effects - None
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy - Mysidia, 700 Gil
Agart, 700 Gil
Drop -
Chest - Damcyan prison
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength - +3
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 20
Accuracy - 75
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 350 Gil
Name - Great Bow
Used by - Rosa
Element - None
Effects - None
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy - Dwarven castle, 2000 Gil
Drop -
Chest - Troia Castle
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed - +2
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 30
Accuracy - 75
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 1000 Gil
Name - Killer Bow
Used by - Rosa
Element - None
Effects - None
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy - Tomra 3000 Gil
Cave of Eblan, 3000 Gil
Drop -
Chest - Tower of Babil, B10
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed - +4
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 40
Accuracy - 75
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 1500 Gil
Name - Elven Bow
Used by - Rosa
Element - None
Effects - Effective agaisnt Mages
As an Item - Casts Shell
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop -
Chest - Sylph Cave, B1
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed - +5
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 50
Accuracy - 75
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 2500 Gil
Name - Yoichi Bow
Used by - Rosa
Element - None
Effects - None
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop -
Chest - Feymarch
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed - +6
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 60
Accuracy - 100
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 5500 Gil
Name - Artemis Bow
Used by - Rosa
Element - None
Effects - None
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop - 144 Moonmaiden
Chest -
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed - +7
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 80
Accuracy - 90
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 9500 Gil
L - Arrows -
Name - Medusa Arrows
Used by - Rosa
Element - None
Effects - 30% chance of causing Petrify
Effective agaisnt Avians
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop - 079 Gorgon
085 Black Lizard
Chest - Sylph's Cache, B3
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 2
Accuracy - 80
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 20 Gil
Name - Iron Arows
Used by - Rosa
Element - None
Effects - Effective against Avians
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy - Kaipo, 50 Gil
Agart, 50 Gil
Drop -
Chest - Damcyan Castle, Basement
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 5
Accuracy - 80
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 25 Gil
Name - Holy Arrows
Used by - Rosa
Element - Holy
Effects - Effective against Avians, Ghosts, Undead
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy - Mysidia, 500 Gil
Agart, 500 Gil
Drop -
Chest - Damcyan Castle, Basement
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 10
Accuracy - 80
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 250 Gil
Name - Fire Arrows
Used by - Rosa
Element - Fire
Effects - Effective against Avians
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop - 084 Chimera
Chest - Troia Castle
Steal - 084 Chimera
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 15
Accuracy - 80
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 250 Gil
Name - Ice Arrows
Used by - Rosa
Element - Blizzard
Effects - Effective against Avians
As an Item - none
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop - 063 Ice Lizard
Chest - Troia Castle
Steal - 063 Ice Lizard
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 15
Accuracy - 80
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 250 Gil
Name - Thunder Arrows
Used by - Rosa
Element - Thunder
Effects - Effective agaisnt Avians
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy -
Drop - 124 Lesser Marilith
132 Clockwork Soldier
Chest - Troia Castle
Steal - 124 Lesser Marilith
132 Clockwork Soldier
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 15
Accuracy - 80
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 250 Gil
Name - Blinding Arrows
Used by - Rosa
Element - None
Effects - 30% chance of causing Blind
Effective against Avians
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy - Dwarven Castle, 1000 Gil
Drop -
Chest -
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 20
Accuracy - 80
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 500 Gil
Name - Poison Arrows
Used by - Rosa
Element - None
Effects - 30% chacne of inflicting Poison
Effective against Avians
As an Item - None
Obtained by -
Buy - Cave of Eblan, 1000 Gil
Drop - 050 Ettin Snake
052 Cave Naga
Chest -
Steal -
Other -
Stat changes -
Strength -
Speed -
Stamina -
Intellect -
Spirit -
Attack - 20
Accuracy - 80
Defense -
Evasion -
Sells for - 500 Gil
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I'm GamesRadar's Managing Editor for guides, which means I run GamesRadar's guides and tips content. I also write reviews, previews and features, largely about horror, action adventure, FPS and open world games. I previously worked on Kotaku, and the Official PlayStation Magazine and website.

As Final Fantasy 14 raiders tear through the MMO's hardest duty with no healers and then no tanks, the community can only see this going one way: "Now it's time to clear without DPS"

Final Fantasy 14's funniest speedrunning beef continues as runner who lost a world record to its original champ in just 1 day returns, beats record, is promptly dethroned again