Final Fantasy 3 Job Guide
Final Fantasy III - Job Guide
Penguin Knight, Seferaga and Egervari3
Version: 1.40
Last Update: 3-13-08
Penguin Knight: [email protected]
Seferaga: [email protected]
All rights reserved (C) 2007-2008
Introduction to the FAQ
This guide was translated and written by Penguin Knight, and has been combined
with Seferaga's and Egervari3's Job Guide for a more resourceful document. :)
Penguin Knight:
I have gathered, translated, interpreted, and typeset this written guide for
players who cannot understand Japanese, but are interested in understanding how
the statistics work for most aspects of Final Fantasy III DS.
Most of the statistics are taken from the following Japanese sources:
The descriptions and interpretations are mostly my creation, however, some of
them are taken from valuable discussions I had with the users at GameFAQs.
The MAIN purpose of this FAQ is to help all NEW players, in an organized and
user-friendly style, with any Job questions they may have.
It will inform them of which Jobs are effective in each area of the game,
useful strategies when using their favorite Jobs, details of Job Abilities,
what to use against those DIFFICULT bosses, and A LOT more! ;)
If you need to, check the "Credits" and "Copyright" sections at the bottom of
the document.
Learn something, and ALWAYS have fun! :)
Table of Contents
Use Ctrl+F to find what you're looking for, and copy/paste the brackets {}.
I) Job Introduction: {I}
II) General Information: {G1}
{G1-1} Job Level
{G1-2} Character Level
{G1-3} JP Overflow
{G1-4} The Transition Phase
{G1-5} Attaining 9999 HP
III) Mechanics and Formulae: {M1}
{M1-1} Attacking
{M1-2} Melee Proficiency
{M1-3} Healing Magic
{M1-4} Offensive Magic
{M1-5} Status Magic
{M1-6} Other Formulae
IV) Descriptions, Stats, and Abilities: {JOB}
{JOB-FR} Freelancer
{JOB-WA} Warrior
{JOB-MO} Monk
{JOB-WM} White Mage
{JOB-BM} Black Mage
{JOB-RM} Red Mage
{JOB-TH} Thief
{JOB-RA} Ranger
{JOB-KN} Knight
{JOB-SC} Scholar
{JOB-GE} Geomancer
{JOB-VI} Viking
{JOB-DR} Dragoon
{JOB-DK} Dark Knight
{JOB-EV} Evoker
{JOB-BA} Bard
{JOB-BB} Black Belt
{JOB-MA} Magus
{JOB-DE} Devout
{JOB-SU} Summoner
{JOB-SA} Sage
{JOB-NI} Ninja
{JOB-OK} Onion Knight
V) The Effective Jobs: {E1}
{E1-1} Land Turtle
{E1-2} Djinn
{E1-3} Nepto Dragon
{E1-4} Giant Rat
{E1-5} Medusa
{E1-6} Gutsco
{E1-7} Salamander
{E1-8} Hein
{E1-9} Kraken
{E1-10} Goldor
{E1-11} Garuda
{E1-12} Odin
{E1-13} Leviathan
{E1-14} Bahamut
{E1-15} Hecatoncheir
{E1-16} Doga & Unei
{E1-17} Titan
{E1-18} Ninja
{E1-19} Amon
{E1-20} Kunoichi
{E1-21} General
{E1-22} Guardian
{E1-23} Scylla
{E1-24} Xande
{E1-25} Cerberus
{E1-26} Two-Headed Dragon
{E1-27} Echidna
{E1-28} Ahriman
{E1-29} Cloud of Darkness
{E1-30} Iron Giant
VI) Job Suggestions: {S1}
{S1-1} How to Choose an Effective Party
{S1-2} Job Observations
{S1-3} Quick Party Set-ups
{S1-4} Thematic Parties
VII) Version History
VIII) Credits
IX) Copyright
I) Job Introduction: {I}
Jobs are special classes that can be assigned to each party member. When you
assign a Job to someone, they will inherit all the different traits and
abilities which that Job is based upon. All of FFIII revolves around you
changing your Jobs and experimenting with your favorites; All while attempting
to exploit the weaknesses of your foes, and allowing you to conquer the ever-
growing Darkness! :)
The Jobs
|| ||
|| Wind Crystal Fire Crystal ||
|| ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ||
|| Warrior Ranger ||
|| Monk Knight ||
|| White Mage Geomancer ||
.-------------'| Black Mage Scholar |'-------------.
|.------------.| Red Mage |.------------.|
||Initial Job:|| Thief ||Secret Job:||
||~~~~~~~~~~~~|| ||~~~~~~~~~~~~||
|| Freelancer || Water Crystal Earth Crystal ||Onion Knight||
|'------------'| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |'------------'|
'-------------.| Viking Black Belt |.-------------'
|| Dragoon Magus ||
|| Dark Knight Devout ||
|| Evoker Summoner ||
|| Bard Sage ||
|| Ninja ||
|| ||
At the beginning of the game, the only Job you will have access to is the
Freelancer Job. As you progress further into the game, you will come across
the Four Crystals. Each Crystal will grant to you a certain amount of Jobs in
which you will then be able to use. By the end of the game, you will have a
satisfying selection of 23 unique and well-dressed Jobs! ^_^
II) General Information: {G1}
{G1-1} Job Level |
Q: What is Job Level?
A: Job Level (Job LV) is a renewed idea for the DS version. Each character can
have, at most, 23 jobs, and every Job comes with a Job LV showing how
proficient that specific character is at that Job. Maximum Job LV is 99.
Q: What does Job LV do?
A: The more you train as that Job, the higher the level will become, and the
better your character will perform! Here is EVERYTHING that Job LV affects:
1. Number of hits when attacking.
2. Chance of executing a Critical Hit.
3. Physical damage.
4. Black Magic damage.
5. White Magic recovery.
6. Summon damage.
7. Attack Power of bare-handed Monks and Black Belts.
8. It also enhances the special abilities of certain Jobs.
9. In one of the side quests, a Job Mastery Item will be unlocked when a
character reaches Job LV 99.
Q: What is NOT affected by Job LV?
A: The characters' overall stats are not affected by Job LV. Strength, Agility,
Vitality, Intellect, and Mind.
Two characters with SAME Job and Character LV, but different Job level, will
have the same stats. However, their performance may differ.
Q: Speaking of the Job Mastery Items, can I get more than one?
A: There is ONE item per Job, and you can only get each of them once. In the
end you can only have 23 of them.
Q: How does the Job LV increase?
A: Every character has a hidden stat called Job Points (JP) that dictates their
Job LV growth. When JP is accumulated to 99, Job level goes up by 1. Each
action (except: Front, Back, Escape, and Flee) will contribute a fixed amount
of job points to the character.
The amount of JP contributed follows the rules below:
| JP Gain: |
Job: | JobLv 1-14 | JobLv 14+ |
Freelancer | 20 | 20 |
Warrior | 20 | 14 |
Monk | 20 | 14 |
White Mage | 20 | 10 |
Black Mage | 20 | 10 |
Red Mage | 20 | 12 |
Thief | 20 | 18 |
Ranger | 20 | 14 |
Knight | 20 | 12 |
Scholar | 24 | 24 |
Geomancer | 20 | 14 |
Viking | 20 | 14 |
Dragoon | 20 | 16 |
Dark Knight | 20 | 14 |
Evoker | 20 | 10 |
Bard | 20 | 18 |
Black Belt | 20 | 14 |
Magus | 20 | 10 |
Devout | 20 | 10 |
Sage | 20 | 10 |
Summoner | 20 | 12 |
Ninja | 20 | 12 |
Onion Knight| 20 | 8 |
Thanks to evilynxis at GameFAQs for clarifying this. I have been speculating
about this system for a while, and finally his comment made me re-read the
Japanese thread once more with extra care. And this revision should be right.
{G1-2} Character Level |
Q: What does EXP do?
A: EXP is experience points you collect after each battle. When you have gained
enough EXP, your character will gain one Character LV.
Q: What does Character LV affect?
A: When you go up one Character LV, the following things happen:
- Your HP Increases; Your HP gain depends on your Vitality and current
Character LV.
- Your stats will shift up to the next level within your Job class. For
all the Stat Profiles, see section III of the guide.
- If your character is a mage, MP Profile will also shift up one level. For
all the MP Profiles, see section III of the guide.
Important Notes:
1. Strength, Agility, Vitality, Intellect, Mind, and MP, are predetermined
stats. This means that each Job has its own fixed stat "chart" that will
always be the same, no matter what you do.
2 MAX HP is the ONLY thing that is carried over between Job changes.
Experience Chart:
This is a chart showing you how much experience is needed to level up at each
character level.
Level | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10|
0+ | 16 31 58 99 159 239 343 473 631 821|
10+ | 1044 1304 1601 1940 2321 2748 3222 3745 4321 4950|
20+ | 5636 6380 7185 8051 8982 9980 11046 12183 13393 14676|
30+ | 16037 17475 18995 20596 22282 24053 25913 27863 29904 32039|
40+ | 34269 36597 39024 41552 44183 46918 49760 52710 55769 58941|
50+ | 62226 65627 69144 72781 76538 80417 84420 88549 92805 97191|
60+ |101707 106356 111139 116058 121115 126311 131648 137128 142752 148522|
70+ |154439 160506 166724 173095 179619 186299 193137 200134 207292 214611|
80+ |222095 229744 237561 245546 253701 262028 270529 279205 288057 297087|
90+ |306298 315689 325264 335023 344968 355100 365422 375934 ------ |
{G1-3} JP Overflow |
This was tested and proven, that, there is a 99 JP "Overflow" limit. Let me
explain how this works.
Let's say you have an Onion Knight, Job Level 50. For every action you take,
you will get 8 JP.
100 / 8 = 12.5
To level up you will have to take 13 actions.
13 x 8 = 104
If you end the battle at this point, you will have a 4 JP "Overflow". What
you could do, however, is keep fighting the battle to get more JP!
In every battle, you can get a total of 199 JP. You will obviously level up
for reaching 100, but that extra 99 will carry-over to your next battle! With
that much "Overflow" JP, you will only need to take 1 action in the next
battle, to level up your Job! Nice!
All "Overflow" will differ, depending on how many actions you take and how
much JP Gain you get for that specific Job. So keep track if you want!
That's it! ^_^
{G1-4} The Transition Phase |
One of the worst parts about switching between Jobs is the horrible, horrible
"Transition Phase". Yes, it needed two. :P Here is an explanation of what
this phase is, and does.
Let's say you currently have Luneth as a Monk. Then after a while, you decide
to swap Jobs and make him a Warrior! Because you changed your Job, this will
put you into the transition phase.
In this phase, certain defects will veil your character.
1. Stats will be lowered.
2. Performance hindered.
Just think of it as you "learning" this new Job. That makes sense right? I
mean, you have to use something for a while to become good at it! :P
Fortunately, this phase doesn't last very long. When you switch Jobs, the game
will let you know how many battles you will need to fight in order to become
proficient at the new Job. (meaning normal stats and performance)
All Jobs in FFIII have two properties:
From chaotic to lawful;
From magical to physical.
Suppose X axis is from physical (negative) to magical (positive); and Y axis is
from chaotic (negative) to lawful (positive). The coordinates should be:
Freelance (0,0)
Warrior (-1,1)
Monk (-1,-1)
B. Mage (1,-1)
W. Mage (1,1)
R. Mage (0,2)
Ranger (-1,3)
Knight (0,4)
Thief (-1,-4)
Scholar (2,2)
Geomancer (3,-3)
Dragoon (-3,3)
Viking (-3,-3)
B. Belt (-4,0)
Bard (3,3)
D. Knight (0,-4)
Evoker (-3,0)
Warlock (4,-4)
Devout (4,4)
Summoner (-4,0)
Sage (4,2)
Ninja (-2,-4)
The number of battles in the Transition Phase is then:
|vertical distance between points| + |horizontal distance between points| -
job level of the new job / 10
For those of you who are not very sure about what is |x|, it means absolute
value. For example, |7| and |-7| both would become 7.
For instance, to change from a Freelancer to a new Monk, the formula will be:
|-1 - 0| + |-1 - 0| - 0/10 = 2 battles
If you level up the Monk up to job level 20, then there should be no Transition
needed for freelancer-to-monk job change.
There are a few rules to this penalty:
- It accumulates, so multiple job changes at one time will stalk up the
adaptation period.
- It has a cap of 10, so even changing from a Magus to a new Dragoon should
take 14, the requirement will still be only 10.
If you are having a hard time understanding this, check out the following
chart made by OneWittyBritty.
{G1-5} Attaining 9999 HP |
HP is the only statistic that is carried over between Job changes.
If you have been a low HP Growth class, such as mage, for a long time, your HP
will be relatively lower than your fighter cohort.
Why? Let's look at the formula of HP growth:
HP Gain = Character's Level + Vitality + Bonus
Bonus = (Random # between 0 and 0.5) x Vitality
Take note that the Vitality in this formula is the BASE Vitality; All penalties
toward stats, after Job Changes or during Mini status, as well as Stat boosts
obtained from equipment, DO NOT affect your HP growth.
Because stats are fixed within each Job, choosing a low Vitality Job will
result in a character with relatively low Max HP.
The lowest Character LV to beat the Final Boss, as far as I have seen, is two
28's and two 29's; So getting Max HP to 9999 is not necessary. However, if
you aim at perfection, and MUST attain Max HP, you might want to consider
leveling up with the highest HP class: Black Belt.
NOTE: Job Level has nothing to do with HP.
The following chart estimates how much HP you will gain, as a Black Belt, from
your current Character LV to LV 99.
For Example:
You have a Warrior with 2300 Max HP, at Character LV 49, and you change him
into a Black Belt. What is the possible HP growth until Character LV 99?
Go down the chart to Character LV 49. You'll see: 49 | 7350 | 8269 | 9188.
This means, if your luck is bad, you can still have a 7350 HP gain. If you're
okay at being lucky (getting half of the bonus), you'll still have a 8269 gain.
And if your luck is good, you'll gain 9188, which means, you'll actually reach
9999 HP sooner than you'll reach Character LV 99.
I started the chart at Character LV 21 because you normally won't get the
Black Belt Job sooner than that.
The chart shows numbers higher than 9999, but that's just calculation, Max HP
never goes beyond 9999.
| HP Gain |
Character LV | | | |
when changed | Low Bonus | Medium Bonus | Large Bonus |
to Black Belt| | | |
---- | ---- | ----- | ----- |
21 | 9282 | 10442 | 11603 |
22 | 9240 | 10395 | 11550 |
23 | 9196 | 10346 | 11495 |
24 | 9150 | 10294 | 11438 |
25 | 9102 | 10240 | 11378 |
26 | 9052 | 10184 | 11315 |
27 | 9000 | 10125 | 11250 |
28 | 8946 | 10064 | 11183 |
29 | 8890 | 10001 | 11113 |
30 | 8832 | 9936 | 11040 |
31 | 8772 | 9869 | 10965 |
32 | 8710 | 9799 | 10888 |
33 | 8646 | 9727 | 10808 |
34 | 8580 | 9653 | 10725 |
35 | 8512 | 9576 | 10640 |
36 | 8442 | 9497 | 10553 |
37 | 8370 | 9416 | 10463 |
38 | 8296 | 9333 | 10370 |
39 | 8220 | 9248 | 10275 |
40 | 8142 | 9160 | 10178 |
41 | 8062 | 9070 | 10078 |
42 | 7980 | 8978 | 9975 |
43 | 7896 | 8883 | 9870 |
44 | 7810 | 8786 | 9763 |
45 | 7722 | 8687 | 9653 |
46 | 7632 | 8586 | 9540 |
47 | 7540 | 8483 | 9425 |
48 | 7446 | 8377 | 9308 |
49 | 7350 | 8269 | 9188 |
50 | 7252 | 8159 | 9065 |
51 | 7152 | 8046 | 8940 |
52 | 7050 | 7931 | 8813 |
53 | 6946 | 7814 | 8683 |
54 | 6840 | 7695 | 8550 |
55 | 6732 | 7574 | 8415 |
56 | 6622 | 7450 | 8278 |
57 | 6510 | 7324 | 8138 |
58 | 6396 | 7196 | 7995 |
59 | 6280 | 7065 | 7850 |
60 | 6162 | 6932 | 7703 |
61 | 6042 | 6797 | 7553 |
62 | 5920 | 6660 | 7400 |
63 | 5796 | 6521 | 7245 |
64 | 5670 | 6379 | 7088 |
65 | 5542 | 6235 | 6928 |
66 | 5412 | 6089 | 6765 |
67 | 5280 | 5940 | 6600 |
68 | 5146 | 5789 | 6433 |
69 | 5010 | 5636 | 6263 |
70 | 4872 | 5481 | 6090 |
71 | 4732 | 5324 | 5915 |
72 | 4590 | 5164 | 5738 |
73 | 4446 | 5002 | 5558 |
74 | 4300 | 4838 | 5375 |
75 | 4152 | 4671 | 5190 |
76 | 4002 | 4502 | 5003 |
77 | 3850 | 4331 | 4813 |
78 | 3696 | 4158 | 4620 |
79 | 3540 | 3983 | 4425 |
80 | 3382 | 3805 | 4228 |
81 | 3222 | 3625 | 4028 |
82 | 3060 | 3443 | 3825 |
83 | 2896 | 3258 | 3620 |
84 | 2730 | 3071 | 3413 |
85 | 2562 | 2882 | 3203 |
86 | 2392 | 2691 | 2990 |
87 | 2220 | 2498 | 2775 |
88 | 2046 | 2302 | 2558 |
89 | 1870 | 2104 | 2338 |
90 | 1692 | 1904 | 2115 |
91 | 1512 | 1701 | 1890 |
92 | 1330 | 1496 | 1663 |
93 | 1146 | 1289 | 1433 |
94 | 960 | 1080 | 1200 |
95 | 772 | 869 | 965 |
96 | 582 | 655 | 728 |
97 | 390 | 439 | 488 |
98 | 196 | 221 | 245 |
99 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Worried that you won't be able to make it? Check the following chart to see if
you can still get Max HP.
If you have LESS then the Required HP for your current level, you will NEVER
be able to get 9999 HP. Sorry. :P
Character Level | Required HP |
---- | ---- |
42 | 24 |
43 | 129 |
44 | 236 |
45 | 346 |
46 | 459 |
47 | 574 |
48 | 691 |
49 | 811 |
50 | 934 |
51 | 1059 |
52 | 1186 |
53 | 1316 |
54 | 1449 |
55 | 1584 |
56 | 1721 |
57 | 1861 |
58 | 2004 |
59 | 2149 |
60 | 2296 |
61 | 2446 |
62 | 2599 |
63 | 2754 |
64 | 2911 |
65 | 3071 |
66 | 3234 |
67 | 3399 |
68 | 3566 |
69 | 3736 |
70 | 3909 |
71 | 4084 |
72 | 4261 |
73 | 4441 |
74 | 4624 |
75 | 4809 |
76 | 4996 |
77 | 5186 |
78 | 5379 |
79 | 5574 |
80 | 5771 |
81 | 5971 |
82 | 6174 |
83 | 6379 |
84 | 6586 |
85 | 6796 |
86 | 7009 |
87 | 7224 |
88 | 7441 |
89 | 7661 |
90 | 7884 |
91 | 8109 |
92 | 8336 |
93 | 8566 |
94 | 8799 |
95 | 9035 |
96 | 9271 |
97 | 9511 |
98 | 9754 |
99 | 9999 |
III) Mechanics and Formulae: {M1}
{M1-1} Attacking |
This section delineates all the statistics about physical attacks. These
formulae are shared among all Jobs. Notice that basically, all physical attacks
are similar, with the exceptions of Archery, Bare Hands, and Harps. (which will
all be separately discussed)
Number of Hits: |
For attacks other than Archery and Harps, the calculation is as follows:
Number of Hits = 1 + Agility / 7 + JobLV / 14 + (Melee Proficiency. - 1) / 7 -
Wt. of Equipment / 6
- This is calculated once per hand.
- Maximum hits is 16 per hand, but actually it works like damage; The number of
hits can go beyond 16 per hand. However, you will only see 16 (one hand) or
32 (both hands) on screen.
For Archery attacks:
Number of hits = 1 + Agility / 9 + JobLV / 14 + (Sum of both Melee Prof. - 2)
/ 14
For Harp attacks:
Number of hits = 1 + Agility / 6 + JobLV / 22 + (Sum of both Melee Prof. - 2)
/ 14
Basic Damage: | (except Archery, Bare Hands, and Harps)
Basic Damage = (Attack + Strength - Enemy's Vitality / 2 - Enemy's Def. / 2 +
JobLV / 11 + Melee Prof. / 9) x (Attack / Enemy's Def.) x
Weapon Property Adjustment x Magical Property Adjustment
- This is calculalted once per hand.
- The (Attack / Enemy's def) term has a permitted maximum of 2.
- Property Adjustment is 2 if it is weakness, 0.5 if it is resistance.
Hit Rate: | (except Archery, Bare Hands, and Harps)
Hit Rate = {[80 + Weapon Hit Rate + Agility / 10 + JobLV / 10 - Enemy's
Agility / 20 - Wt. of the Weapon / 6] / 2}%
- Maximum is 95%.
Basic Damage: Bare Hands |
Basic Damage = (JobLV + Strength - Enemy's Vitality / 2 - Enemy's Def. / 2 +
CharacterLV / 9 + Melee Prof.) x (Attack / Enemy's Def.) x
Weapon Property Adjustment x Magical Property Adjustment
- This is calculalted once per hand.
- The (Attack / Enemy's def) term has a permitted maximum of 2.
- Property Adjustment is 2 if it is weakness, 0.5 if it is resistance.
Hit Rate: Bare Hands |
Hit Rate = {(165 + Agility / 10 + JobLV / 10 - Enemy's Agility / 20) / 2}%
- Maximum is 95%.
Basic Damage: Archery |
Basic Damage = (Sum of both hands' Attack + Strength - Enemy's Vitality / 2 -
Enemy's Def / 2 + Sum of both hands' Melee Prof. / 2) x (Attack
/ Enemy's Def.) x Weapon Property Adjustment x Magical Property
- The (Attack / Enemy's def) term has a permitted maximum of 2.
- Property Adjustment is 2 if it is weakness, 0.5 if it is resistance.
Hit Rate: Archery |
Hit Rate = {[80 + Weapon Hit Rate + Agility / 10 + JobLV / 10 - Enemy's
Agility / 20] / 2}%
- Maximum is 95%.
Basic Damage: Harps |
Basic Damage = Attack of Weapon + Mind - Enemy's Mind - Enemy's Mag. Def.
Hit Rate: Harps |
Hit Rate = (40 + Mind - Enemy's Mind)%
- Maximum is 95%.
Final Damage: Everything |
Damage Inflicted = Basic Damage from both hands x Random No. x No. of
Successful Hits x Critical Adjustment x Dual-hand Adjustment
Random No. = number between 0.5 and 0.7
Critical Rate = (Agility - Enemy's Agility + 5)%, Maximum is 10%.
- If using two weapons, the Dual-Hand Adjustment will become 0.6.
- Archery, Bare Hands, and Harps DO NOT have dual-hand penalty.
- Harps do not have critical hits.
The 0.6 Dual-Hand Adjustment seems to be a penalty, but actually not. When
two same weapons are equipped, attack became the sum (doubled) in the damage
calculation. In the final damage calculation, instead of halfing the damage,
the formula only takes 40% away. So, you'll find your two-hand fighting deals
even more damage than adding up each single-hand damage together. The
difference is then the 10% (60% instead of 50%) difference. Conclusion: It's
very effective to fight with two hands.
{M1-2} Melee Proficiency |
Q: I saw "Melee Proficiency" in the formula, what is that?
A: According to the Japanese Complete Guide, this Melee Proficiency is a
hidden statistic. Each arm has its own proficiency, and the initial level
is 1, maximum is 99.
Q: How do you increase Melee Proficiency?
A: By attacking. For every 33 attacks, you will gain one level in Melee
Proficiency. Just keep hitting and it will naturally go up.
{M1-3} Healing Magic |
(Outside Battle)
Total Recovery = Root Recovery x MTA
Root Recovery = Base x (Mind / 2 + JobLv / 4 + Recipient's Vitality / 8)
MTA = 1, if 1 ally targeted.
" = 0.8, if 2 allies targeted.
" = 0.75, if 3 allies targeted.
" = 0.7, if 4 allies targeted.
(Inside Battle)
Total Recovery = Root Recovery x MPA x Random No. x MTA
Root Recovery = Base x (Mind / 2 + JobLv / 4 + Recipient's Vitality / 8)
MPA = 1
= 2, if used on undead.
Random No. = number between 0.9 and 1.0.
MTA = 1, if 1 ally targeted.
" = 0.7, if 2 allies targeted.
" = 0.6, if 3 allies targeted.
" = 0.5, if 4 allies targeted.
W. Magic:| Base: |
Cure | 10 |
Cura | 30 |
Curaga | 80 |
Curaja | 120 |
Summon: | Base: |
Heatra | 120 | - Healing Light
MPA = Magical Property Adjustment
MTA = Multiple Target Adjustment
{M1-4} Offensive Magic |
Total Damage = Root Damage x MPA x Random No. x MTA
Success Rate = (30 + Int - Enemy's Mind)%
Root Damage = (Base + JobLv - Enemy's MDef - Enemy's Mind) x Int / 3
MPA = 2, if weak against.
" = 0.5, if resistant.
Random No. = number between 0.9 and 1.1, if Success Rate IS passed.
" = number between 0.5 and 0.6, if Success Rate ISN'T passed.
MTA = 1, if 1 enemy targeted.
" = 0.6, if 2 enemies targeted.
" = 0.5, if 3 enemies targeted.
" = 0.4, if 4 enemies targeted.
W. Magic:| Base: |
Aero | 40 |
Aeroga | 200 |
Holy | 300 |
B. Magic:| Base: |
Fire | 40 |
Blizzard | 43 |
Thunder | 46 |
Poison | 35 |
Fira | 85 |
Blizzara | 88 |
Thundara | 85 |
Break | 110 |
Blizzaga | 180 |
Thundaga | 183 |
Firaga | 190 |
Bio | 170 |
Quake | 140 |
Drain | 130 |
Flare | 320 |
Meteor | 170 |
Summon: | Base: |
Icen | 190 | - Icy Stare
Icen | 220 | - Diamond Dust
Spark | 193 | - Thunderstorm
Spark | 220 | - Judgment Bolt
Heatra | 200 | - Hellfire
Heatra | 220 | - Inferno
Hyper | 170 | - Clobber
Hyper | 175 | - Stomp
Hyper | 220 | - Earthen Fury
Catastro | 255 | - Slash
Leviath | 300 | - Cyclone
Leviath | 350 | - Tidal Wave
Bahamur | 400 | - Megaflare
MPA = Magical Property Adjustment
MTA = Multiple Target Adjustment
{M1-5} Status Magic |
Inflict Rate = Chance + (JobLv / 7 + Int - Enemy's Mind)%
W. Magic:| Chance: |
Toad | 10% |
Mini | 10% |
Confuse | 25% |
Silence | 40% |
Tornado | 40% |
B. Magic:| Chance: |
Sleep | 25% |
Poison | 30% |
Blind | 30% |
Break | 30% |
Shade | 20% |
Warp | 20% |
Breakga | 10% |
Death | 10% |
Summon: | Chance: |
Icen | 25% | - Mesmerize
Spark | 20% | - Mind Blast
Catastro | 10% | - Zantetsuken
Leviath | 10% | - Demon Eye
Bahamur | 10% | - Rend
{M1-6} Other Formulae |
Action Sequence:
Action Score = Agility x 2 - All weight + Random No.
Random No. = number between 0 and Agility.
- The higher the score, the earlier to take a turn; Calculated every turn.
- All weight includes equipment weight and action weight. Both are not covered
in this FAQ.
Defend: (except Knights)
For one turn:
Damage received = Original damage x 0.5
Escape Score = Lowest CharacterLV in party - Highest Monster LV in enemies
- If result > 1, escape is successful.
- If failed, multiple attempts will accumulate the chance.
IV) Descriptions, Stats, and Abilities: {JOB}
The purpose of this section is to provide you with detailed Job descriptions
that are meant to go above and beyond the manual - giving you top quality and
in-depth information that you can't find anywhere else.
Also included into this section are Job Profiles; Which show JP Gain charts,
Stat progression, MP growth, and usable equipment for each Job. There are also
detailed breakdowns of all Job Abilities. :)
{JOB-FR} Freelancer |
The Freelancer is the first Job you get to use, even though you probably
don't know you're using a Job at this point if this is your first time playing
the game.
There's not much to say about the Freelancer. They can use a wide variety of
low-level equipment - basically any weapon or armor you will acquire in the
first few hours of gameplay up until you are blessed with the powers of the
Wind Crystal.
Freelancers can cast level 1 White and Black Magic, which let you cast
low-level spells to cure your party, as well as cast offensive magic to exploit
enemy weaknesses (Fire will most likely be the spell you'll use against the
tougher Undead enemies at this point).
Once you acquire the jobs from the Wind crystal, you'll immediately want to
switch all of your characters over to another Job. I suggest you read all the
job descriptions in this FAQ to help you make your decision.
As for endgame, the Freelancer obviously doesn't factor in, even though there's
some potential. It is possible to use some of the best equipment on the
Freelancer, like the Ultima Weapon and Excalibur, which not only give you an
amazing attack power, but this will give you a +20 point boost to all your
stats. Furthermore, if you use the Wi-Fi connection to unlock their mastery
gear, the Celestial Gloves, you will further get another +15 point boost to all
of your stats!
While this is pretty nifty on paper, the Freelancer's base statistics aren't
that amazing to look at. While they have no inherant weaknesses, they also have
no inherant strengths either. Even with the Celestial Gloves, because other
Jobs have better stats all across the board (Dark Knight, Dragoon,
Red Mage, etc.), this one piece of armor still causes the Freelancer to come
up short.
For example, let's compare the Freelancer to the Red Mage. The Red mage can
essentially use the same equipment and receive the same set of stat boosts
(minus Celestial Gloves, plus Crimson Vest). Red Mages can also cast level 1-5
for both White and Black Magic, and they have better Vitality, Intelligence and
Mind stats to boot (a 33 point different at level 99)!
That's not to say Red Mage is the best class in the game, but it is superior to
Freelancer in every way (not to mention the character model is hugely
nostalgic!). Therefore, I suggest only using the Freelancer until you acquire
the jobs from the Wind Crystal - as if you had a choice! :)
Profile: | Freelancer | Initial Job
JP Gain: | JobLv 1-14 | JobLv 14+ |
----------|------------|-----------| "Freelancers can use low-level
Attack | 20 | 20 | magic, but their base attributes
Magic | 20 | 20 | are pretty low."
Guard | 20 | 20 |
Item | 20 | 20 |
Actions........ Total actions taken during battle, for one character.
JP Gain........ Amount of JP you gain for each action.
Add............ Additional JP from previous battle.(Overflow)
Total JP Gain.. The amount of JP at the end of battle.
Overflow....... Extra JP that will carry over to the next battle.
-----------.----------.----------.------.----------------. .-----------.
Battle # | Actions: | JP Gain: | Add: | Total JP Gain: | | Overflow: |
-----------|----------|----------|------|----------------| |-----------|
1 | 5 | 20 | -- | 100 | | -- |
2 | 5 | 20 | -- | 100 | | -- |
3 | 5 | 20 | -- | 100 | | -- |
4 | 5 | 20 | -- | 100 | | -- |
5 | 5 | 20 | -- | 100 | | -- |
-----------'----------'----------'------'----------------' '-----------'
Etc, etc...
The Freelancer is one of the easiest Jobs to level up. No matter what your
current Job Level is, you will always gain 20 JP, making Overflow potentially
On average, you must take 5 actions per battle to level up a Freelancer.
------------------------------. .----------------------------------.
MP Chart: | | Stats: |
------------------------------| |----------------------------------|
LV | L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 | | LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND |
----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|
1 | 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | | 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|
10 | 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|
20 | 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | | 20 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 |
----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|
30 | 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | | 30 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 |
----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|
40 | 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | | 40 | 24 | 24 | 24 | 24 | 24 |
----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|
50 | 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | | 50 | 29 | 29 | 29 | 29 | 29 |
----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|
60 | 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | | 60 | 34 | 34 | 34 | 34 | 34 |
----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|
70 | 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | | 70 | 38 | 38 | 38 | 38 | 38 |
----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|
80 | 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | | 80 | 43 | 43 | 43 | 43 | 43 |
----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|
90 | 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | | 90 | 48 | 48 | 48 | 48 | 48 |
----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|
99 | 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | | 99 | 52 | 52 | 52 | 52 | 52 |
------------------------------' '----------------------------------'
NOTE: LV = Character Level NOTE: LV = Character Level
Battle Commands
Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon.
Magic: Can cast Lv. 1 White Magic and Lv. 1 Black Magic.
Guard: Increases defense, reducing all damage by 50%.
Item: Use an item from the item list.
Weapons to Use
Knives: Knife, Dagger, Mythril Knife, Spark Dagger, Main Gauche, Poison Dagger.
Swords: Golden Sword, Longsword, Wightslayer, Mythril Sword, Tyrfing,
Serpent Sword, Salamand Sword, Freezing Blade, Royal Sword, Excalibur,
Ultima Weapon.
Bows: Bow, Great Bow, Killer Bow.
Arrows: Wooden Arrow, Holy Arrow, Iron Arrow.
Claws: Bronze Knuckles.
Armor to Equip
Head: Leather Cap, Mythril Helm, Shell Helm, Headband, Ice Helm,
Feathered Hat, Scholar Hat, Black Cowl, Chakra Band, Dragon Helm,
Diamond Helm, Ribbon, Genji Helm, Crystal Helm.
Body: Vest, Rusty Mail, Leather Armor, Mythril Armor, Mage Robe, Shell Armor,
Kenpo Gi, Ice Armor, Scholar Robe, Flame Mail, Knight Armor,
Black Garb, Reflect Mail, White Robe, Black Robe, Bard Vest,
Black Belt Gi, Dragon Mail, Gaia Vest, Demon Mail, Diamond Mail,
Genji Armor, Crystal Mail.
Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Mythril Gloves, Gauntlets,
Thief Gloves, Rune Bracers, Power Bracers, Diamond Bracers,
Diamond Gloves, Protect Ring, Genji Gloves, Crystal Gloves,
Celestial Gloves.
Shield: All (excluding Onion Shield)
Mastery Item
Name: Celestial Gloves
Def: 40
MDef: 18
Bonus: +15 All Stats
{JOB-WA} Warrior |
The Warrior is a decent enough job to start with, mainly aimed at doing damage
while also soaking up some hits for the party. The Warrior also gets an ability
called Advance that let's him do more damage at the cost of lowering their
In the beginning of the game, the Advance skill's effects don't amount to much
either way, and like any job ability, it'll make a bigger difference later on,
doing up to 2.4x the attack damage of a regular attack while being job
level 99. The problem with the job, though, is that you probably won't remain
a Warrior long enough to tell or care.
Outside of the Advance ability, how does it stack up damage wise? Actually,
pretty good. I mean, the whole point of Warriors is to deal damage, and the job
doesn't disappoint. The main problem is that while the Warrior gets the job
done, there are other jobs that can do it equally well... and "then some"
(in case you don't know, I'm pointing to the Red Mage). Red Mages can attack
for the same damage, use the same weapons, and wear the same armor until you
get to the Fire Crystal, making the Warrior an inferior pick.
This is very contradicting to what you might think, especially after playing
many Final Fantasy games in the older generation. The old adage that you must
have a knight/warrior character in the front position is pretty much thrown out
the window based on how FFIII defines its job's statistics and job archetypes.
This is especially true when the game forces your beginning party into a few
situations where physical attacks are meaningless (due to the constant use of
the Mini spell).
To make matters worse, every other fighting job in the game outclasses a
Warrior at some point, including the Monk within the same tier of jobs. This is
mostly due to the fact that the Warrior stat growths are not nearly as high
compared to other jobs. This is most notable, even by the time you get the
Fire Crystal. Knights and Rangers may take a few job levels to reach the
number of hits and damage you'll be accustomed to, but eventually the Warrior
won't measure up.
Also, the weapons and armor that become available won't be exclusive to the
Warrior either. The Royal Sword is the last Sword he can use for example, and
that's meant for the Knight in all honesty. Basically, the Warrior doesn't
remain competitive for long. With the Monk and Red Mage available, why bother
using the Warrior in the first place?
That pretty much sums up the Warrior. The job's nearly useless at the
beginning, and has no end-game potential whatsoever. The exception to this is
unlocking the job's ultimate equipment through job maxing. This gives the
Warrior his mastery weapon: The Gigantic Axe, which boosts their strength stat
by a whopping +20 and gives them an attack power of 155, free to use another
weapon in their off-hand.
Still, only the most determined to power level their Warrior to job level 99
will ever enjoy these benefits. I also think the Warrior's stat growths are on
the low side compared to a Knight and other top tier classes, making the whole
affair to be quite moot. A Knight at job level 30-40 with Excalibur, Ragnorak
and/or Ultima Weapon is immediately useful. Why invest so much time into the
Warrior when you already have something better with no investment? For the rest
of us who don't care about exploiting trophy accomplishments and
power-leveling, we can safely skip this one. I recommend that you never take
a Warrior through Final Fantasy 3, ever.
Profile: | Warrior | Wind Crystal
JP Gain: | JobLv 1-14 | JobLv 14+ |
----------|------------|-----------| "Warriors are weapons experts.
Attack | 20 | 14 | Their Advance ability allows
Advance | 20 | 14 | them to deal even more
Guard | 20 | 14 | damage than normal, but they
Item | 20 | 14 | also get hit a lot harder."
Actions........ Total actions taken during battle, for one character.
JP Gain........ Amount of JP you gain for each action.
Add............ Additional JP from previous battle.(Overflow)
Total JP Gain.. The amount of JP at the end of battle.
Overflow....... Extra JP that will carry over to the next battle.
-----------.----------.----------.------.----------------. .-----------.
Battle # | Actions: | JP Gain: | Add: | Total JP Gain: | | Overflow: |
-----------|----------|----------|------|----------------| |-----------|
1 | 8 | 14 | -- | 112 | | 12 |
2 | 7 | 14 | 12 | 110 | | 10 |
3 | 7 | 14 | 10 | 108 | | 8 |
4 | 7 | 14 | 8 | 106 | | 6 |
5 | 7 | 14 | 6 | 104 | | 4 |
6 | 7 | 14 | 4 | 102 | | 2 |
7 | 7 | 14 | 2 | 100 | | -- |
8 | 8 | 14 | -- | 112 | | 12 |
9 | 7 | 14 | 12 | 110 | | 10 |
10 | 7 | 14 | 10 | 108 | | 8 |
-----------'----------'----------'------'----------------' '-----------'
Etc, etc...
On average, you must take 7-8 actions per battle to level up a Warrior.
Stats: |
LV | STR | AGI | VIT | INT | MND |
1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 9 | 9 |
20 | 17 | 17 | 16 | 14 | 14 |
30 | 24 | 24 | 22 | 18 | 18 |
40 | 31 | 31 | 28 | 22 | 22 |
50 | 38 | 38 | 34 | 26 | 26 |
60 | 44 | 44 | 40 | 29 | 29 |
70 | 51 | 51 | 46 | 33 | 33 |
80 | 58 | 58 | 52 | 37 | 37 |
90 | 65 | 65 | 58 | 41 | 41 |
99 | 71 | 71 | 63 | 45 | 45 |
NOTE: LV = Character Level
Battle Commands
Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon.
Advance: Increases attack power, but decreases defense.
Advance Damage = Original Damage x (1.5 + JobLv / 110)
Damage Received = Original Damage x (1.5 + JobLv / 110)
If JobLv = 99, then both are multiplied by 2.4!
Guard: Increases defense, reducing all damage by 50%.
Item: Use an item from the item list.
Weapons to Use
Knives: Knife, Dagger, Mythril Knife, Spark Dagger, Main Gauche, Poison Dagger.
Swords: Golden Sword, Longsword, Wightslayer, Mythril Sword, Tyrfing,
Serpent Sword, Salamand Sword, Freezing Blade, Royal Sword, Excalibur,
Ultima Weapon.
Bows: Bow, Great Bow, Killer Bow.
Arrows: Wooden Arrow, Holy Arrow, Iron Arrow.
Axes: All
Armor to Equip
Head: Leather Cap, Mythril Helm, Shell Helm, Headband, Ice Helm,
Feathered Hat, Scholar Hat, Black Cowl, Chakra Band, Dragon Helm,
Diamond Helm, Ribbon, Genji Helm, Crystal Helm.
Body: Vest, Rusty Mail, Leather Armor, Mythril Armor, Mage Robe, Shell Armor,
Kenpo Gi, Ice Armor, Scholar Robe, Flame Mail, Knight Armor,
Black Garb, Reflect Mail, White Robe, Black Robe, Bard Vest,
Black Belt Gi, Dragon Mail, Gaia Vest, Demon Mail, Diamond Mail,
Genji Armor, Crystal Mail.
Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Mythril Gloves, Gauntlets,
Thief Gloves, Rune Bracers, Power Bracers, Diamond Bracers,
Diamond Gloves, Protect Ring, Genji Gloves, Crystal Gloves,
Celestial Gloves.
Shield: All (excluding Onion Shield)
Mastery Item
Name: Gigantic Axe
Atk: 155
Bonus: +20 STR
{JOB-MO} Monk |
The Monk is a variant on a typical fighting Job, essentially giving you higher
damage output and more hits per round at the cost of wearing lower-defense
armor. An interesting facet with the Monk is that the Job can deal damage with
his bare hands, meaning you don't have to find or buy weapons to make the Monk
During the beginning of the game, Monks start off weak, but with some Job
levels, they really start to come into their own. Typically, before the Fire
Crystal, Monks do more damage than any other Job using standard attacks.
The Monk also has the Retaliate ability, which allows them to dish out a
counter attack on the enemy to deal 2x the damage of a regular attack,
provided they get hit.
This ability is hit and miss, because if your Monk is not attacked, you miss
out on the opportunity to attack that round. If you only had a 2-member party,
or had a way to coerce the enemy to attack the Monk, this ability would be
even or better. However, given that the chance of being hit is only 25%, and
that you don't deal 4x+ damage, I'd say this ability is worthless. I'd suggest
sticking to normal attacks.
The only exception to this rule is when you are attacked by 3 enemies (doesn't
happen until Nepto Temple to the best of my knowledge), or when the boss does
3 attacks per round (this is very rare). In those cases, it's statistically
favorable for the enemy to hit your Monk, because there is a 75% chance that
your Monk will do 2x the damage. If you were to run this scenario 100 times,
you'll end up dealing more damage on average than simply using regular
Also, when fighting the Iron Giant, he will attack 4 times per round. In this
case, there is a 100% to do 2x the damage. Using the Retaliate ability in these
cases is actually beneficial.
Outside of using your bare hands to attack, the Monk can also equip Claw
weapons, just like Yang in Final Fantasy IV. However, the main problem with
using these claw weapons is that they often lower your attack power,
especially at higher levels. Too often, having no weapons equipped will deal
more damage than using two claws.
Now, I find this rather odd, because the game constantly feeds the player with
new and higher attack power claws in almost every dungeon, ending with Hellish
Claws in the Ancients' Maze. In fact, I can't think of any other weapon type
that is consistently fed to the player throughout the entire game! It's as if
the game is toying with you, trying to get you to use them. Outside of
exploiting an elemental weakness, I don't see the point. There's even a set of
claws called "Faerie Claws" that boost your Intellect and Mind stats. The Monk
is supposed to take advantage of this... how?!
The Monk has some end-game potential - although it's a hit and miss... just
like the Retaliate ability :) The Black Belt Job is available at tier 4, and is
the natural replacement for the Monk. The Black Belt has higher stats in
Strength, Speed and Vitality, making it highly seductive to switch over. If you
don't have the ability to use the Wi-Fi Connection AND if you don't mind
Job-leveling to get the max benefit, then you should do so. You may have to
build up your Job Levels a little, but the end result will be worth it.
However, if you have a Wi-Fi connection and don't mind putting the effort into
acquiring the Monk's ultimate equipment, there is some potential to be more
effective then the Black Belt, but in a different way than you might expect.
This also has the added bonus that you won't have to max out the Job Levels of
the Black Belt from square one.
In addition to using the Fuma Garb (let's face it, the Master Dogi on the Black
Belt is not that big of an upgrade) and the Ribbon to help out with the Monk's
glaring Magic Defense problems, the Monk gets access to the Shura Gloves, which
gives 45 defense! That's 27 more defense than the Protect Ring! Also, the Magic
defense is +1 better too! This gives the Monk quite a bit of an edge over the
Black Belt.
Since weapons don't matter, the amount of damage you do is only limited by your
character's level/Job level. The same can be said for the Black Belt as well,
so the Black Belt has an advantage there having higher stats. Still, using all
of this gear on your Monk will definitely make him end-game worthy. There's
also something to be said about not having to Job-grind all the way back to
level 99 as well.
Overall, my recommendation is to possibly use this Job over a Red Mage up until
you get the Jobs from the Fire Crystal. Then, make a choice if you want to keep
him or not. If you want to put the time into making the Monk qualify for
endgame, that's up to you. For the rest of us, we can safely upgrade to the
Black Belt.
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I'm GamesRadar's Managing Editor for guides, which means I run GamesRadar's guides and tips content. I also write reviews, previews and features, largely about horror, action adventure, FPS and open world games. I previously worked on Kotaku, and the Official PlayStation Magazine and website.

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