6 Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth tips to aid your adventures

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth tips
(Image credit: Square Enix)

Arming yourself with some Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth tips is good preparation, before you set off to explore The Planet and hunt down Sephiroth. Whether you're already familiar with the series, or Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is your first visit to this world in a while, if ever, it pays to take a bit of advice on board before you get started. From ways to improve your combat abilities, to bonding with your party and what to look out for while exploring, these Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth tips will help steer you onto the right path.

1. The Assess materia is your best friend

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth tips - use Assess materia

(Image credit: Square Enix)

You are going to face a wide variety of enemies in combat over the course of the game, so knowing their weaknesses will help you to take them down quicker in a fight. Make sure at least one member of your party has the Assess materia equipped, then at the start of the battle get some quick blows in to fill your first ATB gauge before using the Assess ability on your foe. This will detail any elemental weaknesses they have that you can use to your advantage, and you should also pay attention to the description of how to apply Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Pressure to them on the left hand side. Taking those actions to put them into a Pressured state will then make them easier to Stagger, opening them up to a flurry of high damage attacks to finish them off.

2. Use the Combat Simulator to learn about your party

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth tips - use the Combat Simulator

(Image credit: Square Enix)

After you meet Chadley for the first time, you'll get access to his Combat Simulator where you can practice and hone your fighting skills in a virtual space. While this opens up various challenges to unlock rewards, you should use this as soon as possible to work through the various Combat Training scenarios for your party at the bottom of the list. This explains the basics of combat, introduces the unique abilities of each party member, and also shows you how to combine them using Synergy, so can really give you a competitive edge in battles and help you make an informed choice of who to select for your party. 

3. Build bonds with your party

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth tips - build party bonds

(Image credit: Square Enix)

During the course of the story, you'll have opportunities to build bonds with your party that not only affect your relationships with each other, but how well you work together in combat as well. Some of this comes through dialogue, so you should speak to the other characters at every chance you get and consider how any responses you choose will make them feel. There are also more practical events that have an effect on your bonds with others, such as choosing a matching Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth beachwear outfit or deciding who to help on the beach during the Costa del Sol chapter, so if there's a particular character you want to get closer to and ultimate go on a Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Gold Saucer date with then focus your attention on them.

4. Equip new weapons to learn fresh abilities

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth tips - equip new weapons

(Image credit: Square Enix)

Whether you're receiving them as rewards or finding them in the many chests scattered around the world, you'll gradually build up a selection of weapons in your arsenal. By regularly using the unique ability for a weapon you'll build up your proficiency with it, and once you max it out you can use that ability in combat even if you have a different weapon equipped, so you can increase the moves you have available be switching to new weapons and building your proficiency with them. I have a separate guide for how to upgrade weapons in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, as the process is somewhat confusing.

5. Explore the open world and use fast travel sparingly

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth tips - explore the world

(Image credit: Square Enix)

The overall Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth map is huge, and each of the open world regions presents you with a vast area to uncover through exploration. It's therefore very tempting to use Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth fast travel wherever possible to get around quickly, but you should try to use that sparingly as there's a lot you'll miss out on by not moving around on foot. Keep an eye out for materials to hoover up, as there's no carry limit and they can be used with the Transmuter to make new items or sold for Gil, while opening chests provides more items and weapons. If you ride a chocobo when available then it may pick up a scent to investigate, and if you follow that to an area with rabbits running around then you can dig up hidden treasure.

6. Get all of the Queen's Blood cards you can

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth tips - collect Queen's Blood cards

(Image credit: Square Enix)

We've written elsewhere about how the Queen's Blood card game is Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's best addition and the RPG's greatest distraction, but if you want to continue securing victory in this moreish deck builder then you'll need to collect additional cards to improve your hands and defeat the tougher opponents. Beating other players you encounter in the open world regions will give you more cards, and purchasing all of them available from any vendors you meet is a wise investment of Gil. Work through all of the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Card Carnival puzzle solutions found on the Costa del Sol in Chapter 6 and you'll add even more cards to your deck, including the powerful Tonberry King.

© 12DOVE. Not to be reproduced without permission

Iain Wilson
Guides Editor

Iain originally joined Future in 2012 to write guides for CVG, PSM3, and Xbox World, before moving on to join GamesRadar in 2013 as Guides Editor. His words have also appeared in OPM, OXM, PC Gamer, GamesMaster, and SFX. He is better known to many as ‘Mr Trophy’, due to his slightly unhealthy obsession with amassing intangible PlayStation silverware, and he now has over 550 Platinum pots weighing down the shelves of his virtual award cabinet. He does not care for Xbox Achievements.