Features archive
March 2010
268 articles
- March 31
- BLOG Eating People Is Wrong
- TalkRadar UK #32: Wild Ambitions
- Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions – first look
- BLOG Hi Ex 2010
- Steven Moffat Interview Part Three
- 6 things the Halo mystery could be
- Stacked Metroid: Other M trailer is loaded with new content
- More impressions of Halo Reach
- Game music of the day: Final Fantasy XIII
- March 30
- March 29
- Eleven must-know things about UFC Undisputed 2010
- 7 things we want from Dead Space 2
- Top 7... tricks that make video games highly addictive
- Call of Duty 7 rumours: are they true?
- 5 ways the new Ghost Recon trailer makes us want the game
- BLOG Supernatural 5.15
- Doctor Who Week
- First look at Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
- Steven Moffat Interview, Part One
- Summer Movies 2010: 28 Films You Must See
- Dressing Doctor Who
- March 28
- March 27
- The worst videogame TV shows of the decade
- 9 things real female gamers hate about gaming
- 5 reasons to hate Mario
- Star Wars: The Old Republic developers tell all
- 10 things you have to know about Super Street Fighter IV
- Should you buy a DSi XL?
- Forum nonsense: Big Bieber!
- TalkRadar 94 - Prevenge of the Nerds
- Game music of the day: the most HATED tracks
- The 6 most humiliating Avatar costumes on Xbox Live [PICS]
- March 26
- SFX Collection: Lost
- More evidence TV knows little about games. Or the modern world
- 5 simple steps to being an angry gamer
- The SFX Spurious Awards Of The Week #3
- When celebrity voice-acting goes very right
- What's the connection between God of War III and South Park?
- Lost Planet 2 updated impressions
- BLOG True Blood 2.05
- 5 reasons to hate Grand Theft Auto
- Super Mario Galaxy 2's insane planets
- 10 Movie Teens Gone Bad
- The Story Behind The Blind Side
- Gaming's most hated technology failures
- 10 reasons the iPhone is a shitty game platform
- 100 Reasons fanboys hate RPGs (2009)
- What will be shown at this year’s BlizzCon?
- Game music of the day: Tempest 2000
- 5 reasons to hate Zelda
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
- 100 Reasons fanboys hate shooters (2009)
- March 25
- Sexiest hands in gaming
- Words of advice for budding freelancers
- Infinity Ward: Business as usual, morale is high
- Sonic 4: Episode 1 - YOUR questions answered
- Two new Modern Warfare 2 DLC trailers hit, one funny, one violent
- 50 Reasons to play WoW: Cataclysm
- SFX Issue 192
- Game music of the day: Red Steel 2
- 6 ways Army boot camp is getting tougher for gamers
- 100 Reasons fanboys hate PC gaming (2008)
- Timeless hate speech with the Westboro Baptist Church
- Awesome BioShock 2 pen writes words, reminds us DLC has shipped
- Fable III developer interview
- 100 Reasons fanboys hate Nintendo (2008)
- E-mail funhouse: Do a Bieber roll!
- TalkRadar UK #31: Three mildly angry men
- The most biased TV video game debate ever
- March 24
- What other hardware announcements are coming in 2010?
- 3DS: How Nintendo can do 3D without glasses
- Making The Most Of Bartertown
- 6 video game brand extensions that need to happen
- Hands-on with Nexuiz
- First look at Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
- Games we once loved, but now hate
- Game music of the day: Advance Wars Dual Strike
- Metroid: Other M's quirky controls explained
- The Witcher 2 debut trailer
- 100 Reasons fanboys hate Sony (2008)
- Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – producer interview
- BLOG The Merits of a Mouse
- Check out GamesRadar's new look
- March 23
- 100 Reasons fanboys hate Xbox (2008)
- 10 of the greatest gamer rages on YouTube
- Nintendo 3DS: Good idea or total crap?
- BLOG Dealing with change with sci-fi for inspiration
- Top 25 SFX TV Shows
- Game music of the day: GoldenEye 007
- Sniper: Ghost Warrior preview
- Why Louis will die
- Amazing fan art unmasks Tali’s face from Mass Effect 2
- Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I
- EA wasn't laughing at South Park last week
- Master the Song of Storms in five minutes
- March 22
- The Top 7... things gamers love to hate
- Jack Tretton's PR madness translated into sense
- Old school gaming features we'd love to see return
- Gran Turismo 5 - does it really look that good?
- Glitch! Knife kills building in Battlefield Bad Company 2
- Welcome to another Week of Hate!
- The Expendables: Everything We Know
- The Evolution of Maggie Gyllenhaal
- March 20
- Alpha Protocol: one mission, three ways to kick ass
- New BlazBlue slated to uppercut your console
- Is Kratos cribbing from Max Payne?
- Borderlands: The Secret Armory of General Knoxx
- The most blood and guts you'll ever see on Wii
- BLOG True Blood 2.04
- TalkRadar 93 - Pokegods
- Game music of the day: Sonic the Hedgehog
- When gamers give back
- Bill Paxton Pinball is a geeky dream come true
- 20 Bizarre and beautiful browser games
- Sonic 4 site updates with screens, kickass music
- Bayonetta 2 - how to make the best better
- March 19
- Characters we want to see in Darkstalkers 4
- Eight most talked about stories (15-19 March)
- Shame games - the most embarrassing game in your history
- The Chinese MMO invasion begins
- Doctor Whos Back
- 5 things the God of War teaser could mean
- The SFX Weekly Spurious Awards #2
- Game character size comparison
- New MGS: Peace Walker video hits interwebs
- So... Kratos kills his family to avenge his family?
- Game music of the day: Link's Awakening
- LOTR: War in the North begins its journey to Mt. Doom
- FF Versus XIII will have airships, overworld, stupid name
- Dragon Age 2 release date announced?
- Bad Company 2 sells 2.3 million, fastest March seller ever?
- BioShock 3: Where next for the story?
- March 18
- Reggie's recent PR madness translated into sense
- How Codemasters has given F1 a kick up the gearbox
- Unlock God of War III's Hit Man trophy with godly glitch
- These game heroes died for your sins
- Things you can’t sleep with in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening
- 12 Cruellest Movie Girlfriends
- St. Paddy's Day disgraces: Six of gaming's most offensive Irish stereotypes
- Heavy Rain Sucks: The Game
- New PlayStation Move ad takes shots at Microsoft and Nintendo
- Sam Fisher on Twitter?
- BLOG True Blood 2.03
- Game music of the day: Donkey Kong Country 2
- TalkRadar UK #30: Hot and bothered
- 5 games that would make amazing theme park attractions
- March 17
- First gameplay footage of Comic Jumper is brilliant
- TV ads that steal from games
- 6 things Capcom need to do with Resident Evil 6
- Pokemon HeartGold SoulSilver launch center
- Need For Speed: World hands-on
- Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening DLC review
- Ghost Recon teasers trickling out on Twitter
- Super Mario Warfare 2
- Are JRPGs dead?
- March 16
- Yakuza 5 announced in Japan
- How short is TOO short for a video game?
- What is Bungie Aerospace? Here are four ideas
- 23 Awesome '80s Action Figures That Should Be Movies
- Three Flash games about Japanese people hitting things
- Cheating the Pokewalker
- 10 face-kicking songs that better be in Green Day Rock Band
- ModNation Racers: Creation masterclass
- March 15
- Gears of War 3: Could we be in for some jungle action?
- Arcade cabinets that would make awesome real life vehicles
- Nintendo DS 2 - the near-certain reality
- Hunted: The Demon's Forge - Gears of War gets medieval
- Why PS3 needs a new Jak & Daxter game
- Will you buy Modern Warfare 2’s Stimulus Package?
- The Top 7... Least interactive games
- 15 Inappropriate Movie Babysitters
- Predators: Everything We Know
- March 14
- March 13
- BLOG Aaron Douglas interview
- INTERVIEW Game developers BioWare
- Old-school adventure games that deserve the Monkey Island treatment
- Street Fighter IV iPhone review
- Alpha Protocol - updated impressions
- TalkRadar 92 - GDC Deez Nuts
- Is Limbo the next great puzzle game?
- Mass Effect 2 DLC: Kasumi’s Stolen Memory
- Top 25 SFX Books
- March 12
- Transformers: War for Cybertron first-look
- Gaming's most hideous mums
- 8 most talked about stories of the week (8-12 March)
- The mystery of Alan Wake revealed
- VIDEO: Yakuza 3's most fatal finishers
- Naughty Bear – first look
- Boobs, blasters, bombs and.. strategy?
- OXM Translates Modern Warfare 2's chatter
- Mafia II: Seven sins in under an hour
- Games summed up in 5 words
- Sightseeing in Fallout: New Vegas
- Why Blur is Mario Kart for grown-ups
- March 11
- Can cell phone graphics hit PS3 quality in 3 years?
- PlayStation Move: Five ideas we'd like to see
- Why Leave Home is the best shooter you've never played
- Is Medal of Honor the new Modern Warfare?
- Every PlayStation Move game and how much you care about them
- True Crime versus GTA
- PS3 motion controller unveiled as Move
- Civilization V is very much the same, yet totally different
- The end of polygons: Can we have perfect graphics NOW?
- Which Robin will we get in Arkham Asylum 2?
- Hakan, the oily wrestler revealed in Super SFIV
- TalkRadar UK #29: Hate figures
- March 10
- When consoles fight crime
- F1 2010 screens - how do they compare to the last F1 game?
- Mass Effect 3: So what happens next?
- Hilariously stupid game censorship
- Mapathy: are new maps enough for MW2 DLC?
- Are intentionally addictive games really so creepy?
- Tron Legacy: Everything We Know
- Your brain on games
- Swanky shots from the Final Fantasy XIII launch party
- How to get better at StarCraft II without playing
- God of War III's sex minigame revealed!
- BLOG Dollhouse 2.13 Epitaph 2: Return
- March 9
- March 8
- March 6
- March 5
- March 4
- March 3
- March 2
- March 1