Fable: The Lost Chapters cheats
Xbox | Submitted by goku32
Quick Money
First max out guile. Go to the trader in Oakvale that sells gifts. Buy all the gifts that the trader sells. After that sell everything back to him. You will have $15000 more than what you originally had.
Xbox | Submitted by Maze
Purfume = Big $$$
This is probably the fastest way i got easy money in Fable.
Go do the quest to lead the traders out of darkwood.
Then get to Oakvale and use the money earned and buy as many perfumes as you can. Buy, sell, buy, sell over and over and you will get tons of money at the start of the game.
Xbox | Submitted by Fableboy
How To Kill Lady Grey
We all know you cant kill Lady Grey yourself, but you can get some help.
First punch Lady Grey around then she will get the guards. Refuse to pay the fine, and they'll shoot arrows at you. Hide behind Lady Grey for a few shots and she'll be dead gone forever.
PC | Submitted by TheOnlyGamer123456789
Unlimited Money
Esc Menu
Type Money666 in the Esc Menu. This may sound weird but it works every time. When you type it in your if you go to your inventory it shows a bunch of nines.
Xbox | Submitted by Street Racer
Unlimited Skill Experience Points
In the Beginning of the game, the hero is being trained at the Guild. Right after he turns into a teenager, he is to pass three tests. They are melee training, skill training, and will training. Once you pass all these tests, Maze will test you himself. First he will ask you to use melee attacks on him. Instead of doing that, take out your Yew Longbow, lock on to him, and shoot him from a distance. He takes damage but won't die. You won't be punished for your actions either. I gained 5000 Skill Experience Points in just 15 Minutes!
Xbox | Submitted by Seph_Lezar
Demon Door Race
This is the easy way of completing the demon door race. For those of you who don't know, the demon door race is in the guild, at the beginning, talk to one of the male apprentices outside maze's tower.
Here are the easy steps to completing the race
-Begin race
-Run to the demon door
-When you reach the demon door turn around and run back to where you saw people hitting targets (Near the tree by the bridge)
-Don't forget to target them, attack one until you go see Maze for your bad behavior
-Run down the spiral staircase and take a left
-On your immediate right there will be the man who made you the bet (The race guy)
-Talk to him and receive cash
Note-If you don't get this the first time don't worry. It took me a couple tries, but it works.
Xbox | Submitted by Vince
Very Easy Stealing
What is needed:
1.Well renown
2.Stealth (ability to steal items)
3.Some Beer
First you need to buy some some beer (8 to 10)(for example the Weapons/Clothes Trader at Heroes Guild) then you ask the Trader to follow you, take him to a far of place and tell him to stop following you. Then you give him some beer until he gets gets drunk (swaggering, wasted). Then you run back to his store and start you five finger discount. Don't worry you will have a enough time to take everything that is visible.
*Also you can make a profit by selling him the stuff you just stole. Ain't that great. The only bad side to this is that you will gain little evil points on every theft. But it is worth it....
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar
Find 25 Silver Keys
With so many side quests and events taking place that can sway you toward good or bad, you may forget that there are hidden items scattered throughout Fable. These exist in the form of silver keys that are used to unlock special reward chests throughout the world. So if you can tear yourself away from kicking chickens long enough, you may want to check out the following silver-key locations.
There are 25 silver keys and 10 silver-key chests scattered throughout Albion. These keys are not destroyed when you use them, but you'll need more and more of them to open the chests that contain the best stuff. Silver-key chests contain some of the best items in the game, such as elixirs of life, rare augmentations, and legendary weapons that are superior to anything you could ever buy.
1 // Lookout Point
Hack through the thorny bushes near the statue in Lookout Point to reveal a thin path that leads to the first silver key.
2 // Bowerstone South
You can find the second silver key on the balcony of the Bowerstone South clothing shop.
3 // Fisher Creek
Use your fishing pole at one of the many fishing spots on the north side of the map (by the treasure chest) to hook the third silver key.
4 // Guild Woods
Once you get your fishing pole, return to Guild Woods and use it at the spot where you stood to fire at the bandits before your graduation.
5 // Greatwood Lake
This one's easy. Just head up toward the broken bridge at the north part of the Greatwood Lake map.
6 // Orchard Farm
Fish from the pier at the far east end of the map to pull up the Orchard Farm silver key.
7 // Rose Cottage
Use your spade to dig up a key in a patch of dirt lined by red flowers in Grandma's backyard at the west end of this map.
8 // Hobbe Cave
You'll find a ring of mushrooms near the north end of the Focus Chamber map of Hobbe Cave, where you fought the nymph boss. Use your spade to dig up a key there.
9 // Darkwood Lake
There's a strange spire with a hole near the top in the middle of Darkwood Lake. Put an arrow through that hole to dislodge a silver key.
10 // Ancient Cullis Gate
You can hook the 10th silver key by fishing off the edge of the bridge at the west end of Darkwood's Ancient Cullis Gate map.
11 // Grey House
You can fish up a silver key in the pond at the northeast end of the Grey House area near the Demon Door.
12 // Oakvale
You can dig up both a silver key and an obsidian greataxe as part of the treasure buried by the ghost pirate in the Oakvale cemetery.
13 // Twinblade's Camp
If you cross the shallow pond on the south side of the camp, you'll find a small plot of land with a treasure chest and several barrels. Dig between them to unearth a silver key.
14 // Witchwood Stones
Fish up a silver key in the pond to your left (across from the Demon Door) as you enter Witchwood Stones from the south.
15 // Witchwood Lake
As you enter this area from the west, you'll see a statue lit by a red glow to your left. Use your spade there to dig up a silver key.
16 // Knothole Glade
If you use your spade in a ring of plants between the homes in the southern part of Knothole Glade, you can dig up another silver key.
17 // Windmill Hill
You'll find a flower-lined mound, where you can dig up one of the two keys in this area in the garden by the small farmhouse on the west side of Windmill Hill.
18 // Windmill Hill
The other Windmill Hill silver key is located behind the windmill. You can dig it up from a similar flower-lined ring of dirt.
19 // Headsman's Hill
As part of the mayor's invitation quest, you'll battle Thunder at Headsman's Hill. During the duel, you'll fall to a smaller area of the map, where you can fish up a silver key from a pond.
20 // Bowerstone Manor
Marrying Lady Grey is the only way to get access to Bowerstone Manor in Bowerstone North. When you do, you'll find a silver key by searching the lady's bed.
21 // Lychfield Cemetery
There are three keys in this area. One can be found in a crypt in the south-central part of the map, buried with the corpse.
22 // Lychfield Cemetery
The second key is buried in a grave right outside of the crypt where you found silver key No. 21.
23 // Lychfield Cemetery
You can fish up the third Lychfield Cemetery key from the stream just through the gates and west of the grave keeper's shack.
24 // Cliffside Path
You'll find another spot to dig up a buried silver key in the hill at the north end of this map, past the underground tunnel.
25 // Hook Coast
Break into the lighthouse in Hook Coast by picking the lock or smashing down the door. You'll find the final silver key in a ground-floor cabinet.
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar
The 6 Hero Dolls
To get the 6 hero dolls just follow these directions:
Doll of you - buy in Bowerstone North or get it by picking it up from an assassin sent to kill you for defeating twinblade
Thunder hero doll - buy in arena (during the arena quest) or buy in Bowerstone North
Briar Rose hero doll - high score in card pairs at Bowerstone South
Whisper hero doll - high score in coin golf at Oakvale
Maze hero doll - perfect score of 40 in shove ha'penny at Hook Coast (to do this just put the power of shot arrow to just before the first line and shoot)
Twinblade hero doll - high score in spot the addition in the pub at twinblade's camp (after the quest to defeat him)
After getting all hero dolls, go to Bowerstone South and talk to the school teacher to end the quest.
Xbox | Submitted by Fable Master
Defeat Final Boss (Dragon)
First you need alot of health potions and will potions because you will get hit. You also need a good enough weapon (Avos Tear or Sword of Aeons.) You will need some good spells like Berserk and Physical Shield. Multi-arrow will be good as well if you like using the bow. When you go into Archon's Folly you will see the dragon land in front of you. If you have Berserk run over to the dragons head and cast it. Once you cast it kick the crap out of its head untill it jumps up and flys around. While its flying around minions will appear and you will need to get rid of them. Sometimes summoners will apear around the outside so if they do make sure to kill them because they are annoying. The dragon will rain down fire on you while its flying and also shoot fireballs so cast Phisical Sheild and try to dodge all that fire. The dragon should land after he shoots fireballs so run back over to him and cast Berserk again and swing for his head. Just keep repeating this process untill it dies. Note: after you kill the dragon you will have a choice to wear Jack's Mask or to destroy it. Wear it if you're going for evil or destroy it if you're good. To wear it just don't press A. There you go, game completed. By the way, if you want to carry on with the game don't skip the credits.
Xbox, PC | Submitted by DaRkHeRo
Infinite Silver Keys
Note: This trick requires a spade! You can get one from some of the "general" merchants. First, take the Hobbe Cave Quest and go to the Rose Cottage. Walk to the circle of flowers near the house. Use your spade and dig up a Silver Key. You can also get 500 gold each time you do this if desired, by cutting the thorns and opening the treasure chest; however, you will get Evil points. Do a hero save, then load the saved game again. You should appear out of the Rose Cottage area. You can repeat this process as much as desired. If you want to get unlimited keys throughout the game, do not finish the quest. You can keep going back and getting the Silver Key.
Xbox | Submitted by Troy Senecal
Unlimited Money
Buy a maritial home. Put your best trophie on the plaque. Sell the house. Break into the house, steal the trophy and buy the house back. You will make as much money as the trophy is worth. You can keep on doing this for unlimited money.
Xbox | Submitted by DreXor
Unlimited Money And Experience
Enter the arena quest as usual and fight through all the rounds. After each round of course it asks you if you'd like to leave the arena, always accept to return after you kill the stone giants. Don't fight the scorpion or you'll lose out on this loop.
When you return to the "training area" you get your gold from the arena winnings, right around 19k. Do a hero save, and talk to the guard on the other side of the training area. He'll say he guards the in door, and you say you want to leave. It'll say you failed the quest and will auto reload with all the experience you got fighting and all the gold you won. Before re-entering the arena you can go spend the experience points in the guild.
Major hint: all you need are mana potions, physical shield and enflame. Max out enflame and physical shield, and you can use those wo spells for the entire arena.
PC | Submitted by fable master
Defeat Final Boss (Dragon)
First you need alot of health potions and will potions because you will get hit. You also need a good enough weapon (Avos Tear or Sword of Aeons.) You will need some good spells like Berserk and Physical Shield. Multi-arrow will be good as well if you like using the bow. When you go into Archon's Folly you will see the dragon land in front of you. If you have Berserk run over to the dragons head and cast it. Once you cast it kick the crap out of its head until it jumps up and flies around. While its flying around minions will appear and you will need to get rid of them. Sometimes summoners will appear around the outside so if they do make sure to kill them because they are annoying. The dragon will rain down fire on you while its flying and also shoot fireballs so cast Physical Shield and try to dodge all that fire. The dragon should land after he shoots fireballs so run back over to him and cast Berserk again and swing for his head. Just keep repeating this process until it dies. Note: after you kill the dragon you will have a choice to wear Jack's Mask or to destroy it. Wear it if you're going for evil or destroy it if you're good. To wear it just don't press A. There you go, game completed. By the way, if you want to carry on with the game don't skip the credits.
PC | Submitted by Brojack437
Take Over Bowerstone
First, you need to have got Lady Grey as wife, or kick her out of business and become Mayor of Bowerstone.
Second, you need to have your rep really high to famous can be down by getting a trophy and showing it off anywhere.
Evil part = You get the villagers to follow you then take them outside and slaughter them.
Good part = This one takes longer, you get the villagers to follow you and you let beasts kill them (Don't take too long or people will move into their houses).
Xbox | Submitted by Fable Good Guy
Free Weapons/ Items
After you have done the quest where you have to escort the traders and end up in Oakvale, look around the places where the green dots on your map are and you'll find a guy that says something like "I run the chicken kicking competiton at the beach but a ghost is scaring the chickens. Can you get rid of him". The ghost is down further on a beach like thing. Talk to him and he'll say something like "Can you give my wife the money that I saved. It's on the left side of the jetty. You might need a spade." Buy the spade from the shop with a moneybag and use it close to the jetty on the left side. Once you get the $500, go over to the right side and talk to the lady and give it to her then go talk to the ghost. He'll say that he buried stuff in the local graveyard under the axe. The graveyard is up the top in the exit that isn't the main exit. Dig to the side of the statue with the axe. You get an Obsidian great axe and something else. Also dig in the graves.
PC | Submitted by Einar
Better Exp.
To gain a rather large amount of experience, do the arena quest. When you get to the last part where you can either spare or kill Whisper, do a Hero Save. Then, load the Hero Save. You should start off where you began the quest. You will also have aquired all of your experience for fighting. You may do this as many times as you wish. The stronger you get, the faster you can make it through the quest.
-Don't forget to buy better abilities at the guild each time before re-doing the quest!
-This gives you some 60,000 exp. depending on how well you fight.
-Unfortunately, since the arena doesn't give you the gold until it's too late to do a Hero Save, you will not keep the money from the arena.
PC | Submitted by Yin and Yang
A Lot Of Money Quite Easily
IMPORTANT NOTE:This cheat requires you have at least 20,000 gold or more so you can buy the houses.
Go to the Bandit Camp after Oakvale and make as many bandits as you can follow you, take them back to Oakvale.
When there, slaughter everyone so no-one survives, buy the Inn first, then the 2-3 houses around it.
Rent them out and leave Oakvale, 1 day later return and collect the rent or wait 3 days for alot of rent, then either get the bandits again and slaughter them, or do a single rampage through Oakvale and take the houses nearest the last 2-4 ones from before.
After a while you'll own Oakvale and you can simply go there from time to time for huge amounts of money.
This works for other towns, but not Bowerstone because you aren't allowed weapons there, you can try fisticuffs but it's hard.
Xbox | Submitted by Fable Master
Defeat Final Boss (Dragon)
First you need a lot of health potions and will potions because you will get hit. You also need a good enough weapon (Avos Tear or Sword of Aeons.) You will need some good spells like Berserk and Physical Shield. Multi-arrow will be good as well if you like using the bow. When you go into Archon's Folly you will see the dragon land in front of you. If you have Berserk run over to the dragon's head and cast it. Once you cast it kick its head until it jumps up and flies around. While its flying around minions will appear and you will need to get rid of them. Sometimes summoners will apear around the outside so if they do make sure to kill them because they are annoying. The dragon will rain down fire on you while it's flying and also shoot fireballs, so cast Physical Sheild and try to dodge all that fire. The dragon should land after he shoots fireballs so run back over to him and cast Berserk again and swing for his head. Just keep repeating this process until it dies. Note: after you kill the dragon you will have a choice to wear Jack's Mask or to destroy it. Wear it if you're going for evil or destroy it if you're good. To wear it just don't press A. There you go, game completed. By the way, if you want to carry on with the game don't skip the credits.
Xbox, PC | Submitted by idiotman77
Easy Strength Exp
Go to Bowerstone Quay and wait until the fist fighter gang comes. Then start hitting one of the members in the back until he is cornered. When he is cornered keep hitting him. You won't get bad points and he will never die. In 10-20 minutes, I got 20,000 str exp.
PC | Submitted by puppet master
Custom Tattoos
Think you can do a better job than the finest skin artists in Albion? Want to
customise your Hero down to his very flesh? Here's how to do it.
In the Tattoos folder (found in 'My Documents\My Games\Fable') you'll see a folder
named after your user profile. Inside you'll find a bitmap (.bmp file) for each of
the tattoo types you can customise:
Open the tattoo type you want to customise in an image editing program such as
Paint. Once you have edited the image, save the result.
Next time you pay a visit to a Tattooist in the game, your customised tattoo will
be available for application in the same way as those found on Tattoo Cards.
Please note that customised tattoos will only become available in game once they
have been altered.
Should you ever need to revert back to the blank tattoo image, you will find the
originals in the 'Data\Tattoos' folder, which is in your Fable installation
folder. Simply copy the bitmap file over the custom tattoo you want to replace
(removing the "_base" part of the filename).
PC | Submitted by puppet master
Rip Off A Head
Requirements: bow, attitude
When you are fighting bandits you can actually tear their head off!!!
All you have to do is to hold the arrow until it gets full power, then aim for their head, let go and their head comes right off along with some blood.
You can also kick the head for even more enjoyment.
PC | Submitted by Ballistic_Maniac
Excellent Strength Experience & Combat M
For this hint to work best, you must have:
Sword of Aeons
Physical Shield 4
Lots Of Will Potions
Go to the lychfield graveyard and enter the demon door that leads to the "Old Graveyard Path". Now follow to the end and go through the big door that leads to the "Circle of Dead". Go through and enter the door to the "Underground Chamber". Now go through and enter the "Underground Tunnel". Now follow through and take the right path which leads to the "Cliffside Path". Now you be in a room head through the northern archway and go about half way along this path and stop. Zombies will be spawning all around so quickly activate physical shield, and pull out sword of aeons. now start chopping up enemies, and use a will potion every time your magic energy gets low. This works great cause while your physical shield is activated your combat multipler will continue to rise, and the higher it rises the more experience you will recieve. In 10 minutes, my combat multiplier was higher than 100, and i got 130,000 strength experience !
Xbox | Submitted by monky519
Legendary Weapons And Location
The harbinger found near temple of avo strength stats must be maxed out
cutlass bluetane greatwoods cave demon door
ronok the ax grey house demon door
dollmasters mace abandonroad demon door
wellows pickhammer greatwood gorge demon door
murren greathammer in 20 key chest at heroesguild
murren great ax 15 key chest in lighthouse at hookcoast
solus greatsword buy in north bowerstone
the sentus donate enough to temple of avo
skorms bow sacrafice enough people at chapel of skorm
arkens crossbow 15 key chest at darkwood marshes
frying pan hidden at orchard farm(read hidden clus 1-6)
sword of aeons kill jack of blades and kill sister (strongest melee weapon in the game)
Xbox | Submitted by Vash t.s.
Hobb Quest
When you rush off to go kill the Hobbs your partner, Whisper, can really make you mad! If your beating the mess out of a Hobb and you are about to kill it Whisper can charge in and take your kill which she does alot! Here's two solutions:
1: You can run to the bridge and let whisper start killing the Hobbs there, then you can turn around while she is distracted and head for some trees were the Hobbs come out and start killing them there and if Whisper tries to run over there and start taking your kills again, run back toward the bridge again and kill the Hobbs that appear there.
2: Make one of the big red Hobbs chase you and run into Whisper. she can deal with the big red ones while you can find the little white ones and kill them because they are much weaker than the red ones. (Sometimes though the red ones are persistent and will follow you anyway).
Xbox | Submitted by bob
Get Sword Out Of The Stone
First of all, you have to fill up your toughness and physiqe. Then go the the Temple of Avo(Where you donate money) and go up the hill to the left. There you will see a group of men around a rock with the sword in it. Press "A" a couple of times and make he guy at the stone leave(If someone is thying to take the sword out) Go to the sword and press "A" and a movie will kick in, and you should get it!
Xbox | Submitted by K Kash
Slum Lord
First you have to be strong.Second you have to go two a town that lets you have your weapons(Oakvale my personal favorite}.Third kill all the civilians so thier house should be for sale. Fourth buy all the houses and then put them up for rent.Fifth wait a couple of days then the civilians should be back.Sixth now last but not least wait for every three days then the civinians should put gold outside{if they dont kick them out}.Now pick it up.Now you should have lots of money.Now thats EASY.Now just go on to the next town and repeat those EASY steps.
Xbox | Submitted by cheatmaster
Funny Lightning
If you`re very evil you can put up your middle finger and if you are fighting just put up your middle finger and hold and while you`re holding your middle finger up cast lightning at the person you`re fighting with and the lightning will come out of your middle finger! It works with some other expressions too.
Xbox, PC | Submitted by Joey Loso
Bandit Attack
This is a way to have fun after you beat the game. Go to Twinblade's camp and get all the bandits to follow you. Then take them to Oakvale and start killing people and guards. The bandits will join in, and you've got yourself a bandit raid!
Xbox, PC | Submitted by Ezra Hammond
Skorm's Bow Trick
As you know, you can get Skorm's Bow by sacrificing enough people at his little establishment in Darkwood.However, if you sacrifice someone at exactly midnight, you will almost always get the bow the first time.By far the best way to do this is to get a hired man, such as the guy in front of the Temple of Avo, the assassin in Bowerstone South,or the guy in Oakvale,upon returning to your town.This is because they take money every hour on the hour,so that you can tell when it is exactly midnight.Like i said,you will almost always get the bow the first time.Results may vary however.The bow looks awesome by the way,having a large red plate covering your hand and doing something like 270 damage.
Xbox | Submitted by bob
Fountain Of Youth
Go to the temple of avo and donate 50,000 and you will lose 5-10 years off your life if you donate even more you can be rewarded with a title and if you donate up to 95,000 you can get a weapon. If you have not got that much money you can simply donate all you've got and then quickly press A before you see your money go down and you still have your money so keep donating untill it adds up to 95,000 and then donate 0 and you should be rewarded with a powerfull weapon.
Xbox | Submitted by Jack of Blades
Jack's Costume With Mask
At the Archon Circle, right before you fight Jack the 2nd time, when Briar Rose asks you get the three souls, kill Thunder for the "Arena Chapion" part. Kill Briar Rose for the "Heroine" part. And finally kill the guild master for the last part. "Good" Luck!
PC | Submitted by bob
Getting The Sword Out Of The Stone
First of all, you have to fill up your toughness and physiqe. Then go the the Temple of Avo(Where you donate money) and go up the hill to the left. There you will see a group of men around a rock with the sword in it. Press "A" a couple of times and make he guy at the stone leave(If someone is thying to take the sword out) Go to the sword and press "A" and a movie will kick in, and you should get it
PC | Submitted by cheatmaster
Funny Lightning
If you`re very evil you can put up your middle finger and if you are fighting just put up your middle finger and hold and while you`re holding your middle finger up cast lightning at the person you`re fighting with and the lightning will come out of your middle finger! It works with some other expressions too!
PC | Submitted by FableFanaticAKA-S.T.
Easy Money
Have a level 4 or higher guile then go to the North Bowerstone shop and buy ALL the diamonds the guy has at ONCE- (if you do not have enough just buy as many as you can) - Then because you have bought them all he is desperate and will pay a much higher price for them so sell ALL of them at ONCE back to him and reapeat I got about 100,000 in 3 minutes or so.
PC | Submitted by mike
More Money (Evil)
As I said before, the best way to earn money is to be completely evil. This one is very evil as well. First marry the mayors daughter (any town) then lead him out in the woods and murder him. Since the rules apply that the closely related male would be mayor you are now the mayor!!!! and most likely your rich!!
NOTE: If you don't understand how your the closest male to the family it's easy. Your the husband of the daughter if the mayor had a son then he would be the mayor. So it is especially important that you eliminate them as well as the mayor.( I don't mean to be this evil because im going to be more good than evil in the game.....or am I.)
PC | Submitted by Joker
Continue Playing After End Of Game
If you beat the game, all you have to do is let the game run through the end credits.
Note: If you killed the girl with the sword of aeons, and you stay through the end credits, you will be able to use that sword in the game.
PC | Submitted by Vince
Easy Stealing From A Trader
What is needed:
1.Well renown
2.Stealth (ability to steal items)
3.Some Beer
First you need to buy some some beer (8 to 10)(for example the Weapons/Clothes Trader at Heroes Guild) then you ask the Trader to follow you, take him to a far of place and tell him to stop following you. Then you give him some beer until he gets gets drunk (swaggering, wasted). Then you run back to his store and start you five finger discount. Don't worry you will have a enough time to take everything that is visible.
*Also you can make a profit by selling him the stuff you just stole. Ain't that great. The only bad side to this is that you will gain little evil points on every theft. But it is worth it....
PC | Submitted by dogg
Blue Patched Teddy (Good Way)
To get the blue patched teddy bear you have to first talk to a litle girl. And she said she has lost a teddy bear and asks you to find it. If you look around the town and you find a young boy who is getting bullied beat up the bully kid and the little boy will give you the teddy !Return the bear to the little girl and congrats you got a point into the good side.
PC | Submitted by monky519
Legendary Weapons And Location
The harbinger found near temple of avo strength stats must be maxed out
cutlass bluetane greatwoods cave demon door
ronok the ax grey house demon door
dollmasters mace abandonroad demon door
wellows pickhammer greatwood gorge demon door
murren greathammer in 20 key chest at heroesguild
murren great ax 15 key chest in lighthouse at hookcoast
solus greatsword buy in north bowerstone
the sentus donate enough to temple of avo
skorms bow sacrafice enough people at chapel of skorm
arkens crossbow 15 key chest at darkwood marshes
frying pan hidden at orchard farm(read hidden clus 1-6)
sword of aeons kill jack of blades and kill sister (strongest melee weapon in the game)
PC | Submitted by Mando & Adam
Find 25 Silver Keys
These are the keys in the original Fable - there are more in the Lost Chapters.
With so many side quests and events taking place that can sway you toward good or bad, you may forget that there are hidden items scattered throughout Fable. These exist in the form of silver keys that are used to unlock special reward chests throughout the world. So if you can tear yourself away from kicking chickens long enough, you may want to check out the following silver-key locations.
There are 25 silver keys and 10 silver-key chests scattered throughout Albion. These keys are not destroyed when you use them, but you'll need more and more of them to open the chests that contain the best stuff. Silver-key chests contain some of the best items in the game, such as elixirs of life, rare augmentations, and legendary weapons that are superior to anything you could ever buy.
1 // Lookout Point
Hack through the thorny bushes near the statue in Lookout Point to reveal a thin path that leads to the first silver key.
2 // Bowerstone South
You can find the second silver key on the balcony of the Bowerstone South clothing shop.
3 // Fisher Creek
Use your fishing pole at one of the many fishing spots on the north side of the map (by the treasure chest) to hook the third silver key.
4 // Guild Woods
Once you get your fishing pole, return to Guild Woods and use it at the spot where you stood to fire at the bandits before your graduation.
5 // Greatwood Lake
This one's easy. Just head up toward the broken bridge at the north part of the Greatwood Lake map.
6 // Orchard Farm
Fish from the pier at the far east end of the map to pull up the Orchard Farm silver key.
7 // Rose Cottage
Use your spade to dig up a key in a patch of dirt lined by red flowers in Grandma's backyard at the west end of this map.
8 // Hobbe Cave
You'll find a ring of mushrooms near the north end of the Focus Chamber map of Hobbe Cave, where you fought the nymph boss. Use your spade to dig up a key there.
9 // Darkwood Lake
There's a strange spire with a hole near the top in the middle of Darkwood Lake. Put an arrow through that hole to dislodge a silver key.
10 // Ancient Cullis Gate
You can hook the 10th silver key by fishing off the edge of the bridge at the west end of Darkwood's Ancient Cullis Gate map.
11 // Grey House
You can fish up a silver key in the pond at the northeast end of the Grey House area near the Demon Door.
12 // Oakvale
You can dig up both a silver key and an obsidian greataxe as part of the treasure buried by the ghost pirate in the Oakvale cemetery.
13 // Twinblade's Camp
If you cross the shallow pond on the south side of the camp, you'll find a small plot of land with a treasure chest and several barrels. Dig between them to unearth a silver key.
14 // Witchwood Stones
Fish up a silver key in the pond to your left (across from the Demon Door) as you enter Witchwood Stones from the south.
15 // Witchwood Lake
As you enter this area from the west, you'll see a statue lit by a red glow to your left. Use your spade there to dig up a silver key.
16 // Knothole Glade
If you use your spade in a ring of plants between the homes in the southern part of Knothole Glade, you can dig up another silver key.
17 // Windmill Hill
You'll find a flower-lined mound, where you can dig up one of the two keys in this area in the garden by the small farmhouse on the west side of Windmill Hill.
18 // Windmill Hill
The other Windmill Hill silver key is located behind the windmill. You can dig it up from a similar flower-lined ring of dirt.
19 // Headsman's Hill
As part of the mayor's invitation quest, you'll battle Thunder at Headsman's Hill. During the duel, you'll fall to a smaller area of the map, where you can fish up a silver key from a pond.
20 // Bowerstone Manor
Marrying Lady Grey is the only way to get access to Bowerstone Manor in Bowerstone North. When you do, you'll find a silver key by searching the lady's bed.
21 // Lychfield Cemetery
There are three keys in this area. One can be found in a crypt in the south-central part of the map, buried with the corpse.
22 // Lychfield Cemetery
The second key is buried in a grave right outside of the crypt where you found silver key No. 21.
23 // Lychfield Cemetery
You can fish up the third Lychfield Cemetery key from the stream just through the gates and west of the grave keeper's shack.
24 // Cliffside Path
You'll find another spot to dig up a buried silver key in the hill at the north end of this map, past the underground tunnel.
25 // Hook Coast
Break into the lighthouse in Hook Coast by picking the lock or smashing down the door. You'll find the final silver key in a ground-floor cabinet.
PC | Submitted by K Kash
Slum Lord!
First you have to be strong.Second you have to go two a town that lets you have your weapons(Oakvale my personal favorite}.Third kill all the civilians so thier house should be for sale. Fourth buy all the houses and then put them up for rent.Fifth wait a couple of days then the civilians should be back.Sixth now last but not least wait for every three days then the civinians should put gold outside{if they dont kick them out}.Now pick it up.Now you should have lots of money.Now thats EASY.Now just go on to the next town and repeat those EASY steps.
PC | Submitted by Kelly G. Newman
Defeating Jack Of Blades (Physical)
Well, I hate to say this, but I have already beaten Jack, also known as the final boss. Also make sure that you save it right before you take the quest following your mother getting kidnapped, if you don't you surely regret it.
All you have to do is insure that you have plenty of strength, health, mana, and potions to keep you health and mana up at a reasonable level. Seems like pretty much every game right, well here is the part that you need to pay attention to.
Try to get the spell Assassin Strike at max level, along with Multi-Strike and Multi-Arrow. The three of these will ensure that you have an extremely easy time defeating this boss. Along with pretty much every other boss. I beat the game in around 12 hours just following the main quest.
Now he will send a number of monsters at you when you first encounter him in the final battle, dispose of them at your leisure. When the force field around him is gone, charge up on him and cast the multi-strike spell and use the unblockable attack. It may take a couple regular swipes to get the unblockable to come up, but you will do the most damage that way.
After you get him about halfway down in health he will take to the air in the center of the room you are fighting him in. This is where the multi-arrows come in handy. Cast it and get ready to dodge and shoot arrows. It should only take a few shots and he will be dead.
Just so that you know, the weapons I used was a Masters Greatsword with Silver, Sharpness and one other that I can't remember and can't check (refer to the first paragraph, I forgot to save for a while because of the auto-save). And I used an Ebony Bow. That is pretty much it, and you should be able to take him out a little to easy in my opinion.
PC | Submitted by Street Racer
Unlimited Skill Experience Points
In the Beginning of the game, the hero is being trained at the Guild. Right after he turns into a teenager, he is to pass three tests. They are melee training, skill training, and will training. Once you pass all these tests, Maze will test you himself. First he will ask you to use melee attacks on him. Instead of doing that, take out your Yew Longbow, lock on to him, and shoot him from a distance. He takes damage but won't die. You won't be punished for your actions either. I gained 5000 Skill Experience Points in just 15 Minutes!
PC | Submitted by Vash t.s.
Hobb Quest
Ok, this is for the Hobb Quest in Orchard Farm(the one were you have to kill all the Hobbs for the farmer). When you rush off to go kill the Hobbs your partner, Whisper, can really make you mad! If your beating the mess out of a Hobb and you are about to kill it Whisper can charge in and take your kill which she does alot! Here's two solutions:
1: You can run to the bridge and let whisper start killing the Hobbs there, then you can turn around while she is distracted and head for some trees were the Hobbs come out and start killing them there and if Whisper tries to run over there and start taking your kills again, run back toward the bridge again and kill the Hobbs that appear there.
2: Make one of the big red Hobbs chase you and run into Whisper. she can deal with the big red ones while you can find the little white ones and kill them because they are much weaker than the red ones. (Sometimes though the red ones are persistent and will follow you anyway).
PC | Submitted by Street Racer
Hint: Stay Big From Berserk!
You can become permanently hugh like berserk by doing the following:
1) Get the spell
2) Cast Berserk
3) Save your cast
4) Reload the game after you cast the spell, Volia, you are now the hulking hero you always wanted to be!
If you cast Berserk again after using this technique, when it wears off you will return to normal size.
PC | Submitted by Fable
Demon Doors
door (1) Heroe's guild
use the Lamp that you received at your Heroes'Guild graduation in front of this door to solve the door's little riddle. In addition to the big prize of an Elixir of life,this Demon Door contains a tatoo,and a few books in the bookcase and on the reading table.
door (2) Greatwood gorge
This door wants to see some evil deeds,and there are three ways to get it open. the simplest is to become completely evil (horns,circling flies,red smoke, all that). Another is to convince it of your cruelty by savagely murdering several people in front of it (your own bodyguards, or people you've escorted from town). A third way is to eat evil crunchy chick foods in front of it. you'll need 10, which can buy at the bandit camp or darkwood camp.
PC | Submitted by Sean Taylor
Fast Quests
The building to the left of the Skill Training map in your Fable Book (the one that comes with the game)there is a person that asks you to find 4 apples just walk around all the grass and look for small red dots on the screen those are the apples.
When you go to the right of the Dining Hall there are 2 guys and one is boasting that he is the fastest in the Guild just hold B and run.(The reason for this is they dont tell you how to run until you are past this quest)
Is you use ranged in the start the bow is alot faster then the crossbow but the crossbow is stronger.
Once you know how to use Ranged,Will,Strength soon after you can do a Test on them to show you are the best at it.On the sword one just try to get hit once and win the fight you will get a A+.On will just use L (auto lock)and use lighting on the targets and when you get to the last one just move back to the first and keep using auto to get a A+.On ranged try to shot the farthest target away then shot middle and the closest then just start going out on the middle one to get a A+.
PC | Submitted by Nathan
Important Health
Make sure you learn the heal spell as soon as you can. (you can learn it the first time you level up right after your training)
This of course is useful in battle but more importantly during escort quests; by casting the spell you will heal yourself as well as the ones following you.
PC | Submitted by Seph_Lezar
Demon Door Race
Ok, you may have seen this on other sites but this is the easy way of completing the demon door race. For those of you who don't know, the demon door race is in the guild, at the beginning, talk to one of the male apprentices outside maze's tower.
Here are the easy steps to completing the race
-Begin race
-Run to the demon door
-When you reach the demon door turn around and run back to where you saw people hitting targets (Near the tree by the bridge)
-Don't forget to target them, attack one until you go see Maze for your bad behavior
-Run down the spiral staircase and take a left
-On your immediate right there will be the man who made you the bet (The race guy)
-Talk to him and receive cash
Note-If you don't get this the first time don't worry. It took me a couple tries, but it works.
PC | Submitted by Matt Pierce
Lotsa Cash
The easy way to make cash is to buy a house in any town then put some trophies in it and buy new furniture then rent it out and sleep in the bed for a couple days and every few days there will be money under the sign in front of the house. Keep doing this over and over again and you'll have lots of money in no time and wont get evil or good points for it
PC | Submitted by GamesRadar
The 6 Hero Dolls
To get the 6 hero dolls just follow these directions:
Doll of you - buy in Bowerstone North or get it by picking it up from an assassin sent to kill you for defeating twinblade
Thunder hero doll - buy in arena (during the arena quest) or buy in Bowerstone North
Briar Rose hero doll - high score in card pairs at Bowerstone South
Whisper hero doll - high score in coin golf at Oakvale
Maze hero doll - perfect score of 40 in shove ha'penny at Hook Coast (to do this just put the power of shot arrow to just before the first line and shoot)
Twinblade hero doll - high score in spot the addition in the pub at twinblade's camp (after the quest to defeat him)
After getting all hero dolls, go to Bowerstone South and talk to the school teacher to end the quest.
PC | Submitted by bob
Fountain Of Youth
Go to the temple of avo and donate 50,000 and you will lose 5-10 years off your life if you donate even more you can be rewarded with a title and if you donate up to 95,000 you can get a weapon. If you have not got that much money you can simply donate all you've got and then quickly press A before you see your money go down and you still have your money so keep donating untill it adds up to 95,000 and then donate 0 and you should be rewarded with a powerful weapon.
PC | Submitted by bender
Multiple Swords Of Aeons
Right, at the end of the game, when you teleport to the guild, press BACK, and go to WORLD SAVE and save the game. Then, go and talk to the guildmaster, and he'll be laying down on a bookcase. Run through the chamber of fate, and kill Jack. Then, you will be given the Sword of Aeons. Dont do anything!!! (Dont throw the sword into the vortex, or kill your sister!) press BACK, and then go to HERO SAVE. Save it in the same place as last time. Then after HERO SAVing it, go to load, (still on the BACK button list)and LOAD the thing you just overit. You will appear back at the guild were you saved a minute ago, and you will be holding the Sword of Aeons. Then talk to the guildmaster again,then,go back into the chamber of fate to kill Jack. And dont do anything again, and then HERO SAVE it. Then go back to LOAD. And keep repeating this, and you'll have loads of swords. Then, if u think you have enough swords, fight jack again, and either throw the sword in (you throw only 1 sword in)and be really good. Or kill your sister, and get 1 extra sword and be bad. Then, the credits will roll after you kill or save your sister. DO NOT SKIP THE CREDITS! Otherwise you will go back to your last save point. (TO WARN YOU! THE CREDITS ARE TRULY ABOUT 5 OR 6 MINUTES, OR LONGER)After the credits, you will be in the chamber of fate, and then you should weild the sword of aeons. After that, I suggest that you should go into Greatwood (forests), test out the sword(kills people in 1 hit!)and at the same time, look for a trader who will buy your spare Sword sof Aeons. (The swords are worth about 260,000 coins,) Enjoy your sweet glorious sword and money.
PC | Submitted by Shortbread
A VERY Good Sword
There is a more powerful sword than the sword of aeons! It is called The Bereaver and it does 280 (as opposed to 235) damage! first you need to go to the necropolis. Then go to the demon door, he will say something about silver keys and that he will let you through if you give him all yours. Go in and the bereaver will be in the chest!
Xbox | Submitted by sid
Avo's Tear
Hero's Guild where the statues are located outside of Maze's quarters
If you decide not to kill your sister with the sword of Aeons, then your a smart person because you can get an even better sword with the same augmentations as the sword of Aeons. The guildmaster will tell you to try to find evidence of this sword in Maze's quarters. There you will find journal entries telling you where to get it. It is located in the first statue where all the past heros are now RIP and the stone in front of it reads "waiting for a powerful hero" just read the stone and you will get it.
Note: you have to read the journal entries before you can get the sword!
Xbox | Submitted by cheatman
Loads Of Money
Buy a house and you might see a board on the wall. Put your most valuable trophy on it. Sell the house, sneak in and take them off and buy the house again at the reduced prize (as there's no trophy now, see?). Do this again and again until you've got as much money as you like.
Xbox | Submitted by Street Racer
Stay Big From Berserk
You can become permanently hugh like berserk by doing the following:
1) Get the spell
2) Cast Berserk
3) Save your cast
4) Reload the game after you cast the spell, Volia, you are now the hulking hero you always wanted to be!
If you cast Berserk again after using this technique, when it wears off you will return to normal size.
Xbox | Submitted by Gods_Forsaken_One
19 Silver Keys
When on the "Hobbe Cave" quest, go to Rose cottage, BUT DON'T TALK TO THE OLD HAG. Instead, Take a spade and go to the left of the house where the rose garden is. Dig up your brand new key and go next to the house and behind the thorn bushes there is a chest. The chest has 500 gold so get it. Make a hero save and load. Do this right up to 19 keys (Total) and stop it. Save your game and quit or go somewhere else. Otherwise the game freezes up while autosaving and you cant play anymore.
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Iain originally joined Future in 2012 to write guides for CVG, PSM3, and Xbox World, before moving on to join GamesRadar in 2013 as Guides Editor. His words have also appeared in OPM, OXM, PC Gamer, GamesMaster, and SFX. He is better known to many as ‘Mr Trophy’, due to his slightly unhealthy obsession with amassing intangible PlayStation silverware, and he now has over 750 Platinum pots weighing down the shelves of his virtual award cabinet. He does not care for Xbox Achievements.

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