Extraction is fun, fast, frantic, and remarkably generic

Trying to break into the Team Fortress 2 kingdom
Welcome to Extraction, a game set in an empty London after a mysterious radioactive attack left the city uninhabitable. Now, the only people remaining are bands of mercenaries attempting to extract vital information left in data banks. And what happens when two bands of mercenaries who are attempting to steal the same thing come together? A firefight breaks out, obviously. But this is a firefight you've all fought before.
Set for a 2014 release, Extraction has it's sights set on becoming a major player in the overcrowded competitive multiplayer shooter scene. Developer Splash Damage (of Brink fame) currently has no plans to release a single player campaign, but there will be a leveling system, where you'll unlock new weapons and abilities. Oh, and it's free to play--the monetization model is based roughly on Team Fortress 2's, where you buy cosmetic gear instead of weapons and abilities.
Currently in the beta there are five different classes to choose from. All your standards are present, Sniper, Heavy Assault, Medic, Support and Engineer. The plans are to roll out new classes as the beta moves towards launch. Much like Dota and League of Legends, certain class types will be free to try and will rotate every week, hoping to give players a chance to find their favorite style of play. When asked what set their shooter apart from all the others the response was "It's a AAA quality free-to-play heavily invested in competitive multiplayer." While it's nice to see someone attempting to give Team Fortress Two a run for it's money, we hope they can find an interesting hook before release or we're afraid it could get lost amidst the crowd of generic shooters.
Check out the following slides for additional images and more information.

Didn't his mother ever tell him not to play on the railroad tracks? Things like this could happen.

There was no mention of any vehicular gameplay so likely it's either a grounded turret or you have to escort a slow moving vehicle.

It's always important to secure the high ground, raining death from above is fun in every game.

You can see design aspects leaking over from Brink in the way the buildings look. Let's hope that's the only thing it takes.

You should always have an engineer on your team to set up a turret and lock down a heavily used corridor.

A flashbang is a tried and true way to catch you enemy off guard and go in for the easy kill.

The reasons behind the radioactive attack on London are still unclear but the city seems to be relatively intact.