Exposed! Video game characters' personal selfies

The art of the selfie
Selfies have become a big thing in recent years thanks to mobile phones having cameras in them. But they've also become a big thing in video games. The 'selfie mode' is great fun in the likes of GTA 5 or Tearaway, but what about the games that don't have one?
Well, it turns out they don't need one. I've made friends with several game characters during my time at GR, which means I can see their Facebook and Twitter pics (read: I've Photoshopped them). Turns out they're just as vain as we are. So 'snap' out of this opening slide and 'click' on through to see said pics and read the descriptions that I found with them.

Sora (from Kingdom Hearts)
Sora's personal description: "Hanging out with my man Jack Skellington down in Halloween Town! This guy is awesome and a gentleman too. Posed for pics and even signed my Keyblade."
Best comment from friends: [From @Paopu_grrl] "Oh Sora! Ur costume is kinda scary haha did u take one with Goofy and Donald too? btw it looks liek Jack's brain is swirling out of his ear lol Say hi to Goofy for me xxx"

Ayane (from Dead or Alive)
Ayane's personal description: "OMG I look awful lol! At least Kasumi ended up with a mouthful of sand LMAO."
Best comment from friends: [From @Hitomi96] "No, hun, u lk amzin wish I looked harf as gd as u lol my bum looks so bg in that pic lol luv u hun go girls YAY! xoxoxoxoxox"

Mario (from Super Mario 64)
Mario's personal description: "I found-a this little penguin for his-a mama. This was-a taken just before I dropped him off ;)"
Best comment from friends: [From @Goomba251436] "'Dropped him off'? Don't think we can't see where you're standing, assface. I'm onto you."

Bayonetta (from Bayonetta)
Bayonetta's personal description: "It's a selfie. Geddit?"
Best comment from friends: [From @enzo62] "I don't get it..."

Pikachu (From Pokemon)
Pikachu's personal description: "Pika! Pikapi! Chuuuuuu!"
Best comment from friends: [From @Misty_Gal] "Awwwww that's such a great pic! Love you Pikachu! But I do pity whoever buys that ketchup. Not sure I'd like Pikachu's tongue spit on my hotdog lol"

Chell (from Portal)
Chell's personal description: "Bet @GordonFreeman would love one of these. #nowyourethinkingwithjealousy"
Best comment from friends: [From @GlaDOS] "I think you are forgetting that you have no friends. Even @CompanionCube's personal account has been deleted because you killed him. Please return to the testing program. Failure to do so will result in suspension of your internet privileges followed by death."

Ryo Hazuki (from Shenmue)
Ryo's personal description: "Megumi and I have been caring for this kitten in Sakuragaoka for a while. Looks like his leg is healing nicely! Soon as it has, I will definitely crack on with avenging my father's death."
Best comment from friends: [From @FukuharaMasayuki] "Ryo-san! Ine-san doesn't have an account but she says the picture is lovely. She also says 'please don't avenge your father's death because she is worried about you'. Oh, @Nozomi says she wishes you cared about her as much as you do that kitten because every time she talks to you, she's screaming 'JUST KISS ME ALREADY' in her head but that's a secret so I mustn't tell you, Ryo-san. See you later!"

Sonic (from Sonic the Hedgehog)
Sonic's personal description: "Just found this old picture I took in the Final Zone of Egg-face jumping up and down on a sign that says 'End'. Always did wonder where he got that from. And why he cared so much about flattening it. 'Mega' times though, right?"
Best comment from friends: [From @AmyRose] "Oh, Sonic - you look so handsome in that picture! You're my hero! By the way, I notice you still haven't changed your relationship status to 'in a relationship'. That's OK, I bet you just forgot. Silly billy! You can do it when you read this. Bye!"

Lara Croft (from Tomb Raider Underworld)
Lara's personal description: "Days like this are the reason I got into the job! Look at the size of the bloody thing! It must be incredibly rare, possibly even the only one in existence. A real scientific breakthrough. Took ages to kill, lol."
Best comment from friends: [From @sam95] "Ummm... maybe you shouldn't kill *everything* you see, babe. I mean, that T-Rex you found would have been of much more scientific value if it wasn't 50% mush and 50% lead by the time you finished with it. Not criticising, hun, just saying."

Something about a question?
I'll level with you. I can't really ask 'but what do you think?' or 'What selfies have you taken recently?' because that wouldn't work in the comments here. So... whassup? That'll have to do. If you enjoyed this, do share it around using the share center thing up there. You can Tweet, Facebook or GooglePlus it. AND MOAR.
And if you're looking for more, check out Video game characters' complaints at the doctor's surgery and 7 trends that defined gaming in 2013.
Justin was a GamesRadar staffer for 10 years but is now a freelancer, musician and videographer. He's big on retro, Sega and racing games (especially retro Sega racing games) and currently also writes for Play Magazine,, PC Gamer and TopTenReviews, as well as running his own YouTube channel. Having learned to love all platforms equally after Sega left the hardware industry (sniff), his favourite games include Christmas NiGHTS into Dreams, Zelda BotW, Sea of Thieves, Sega Rally Championship and Treasure Island Dizzy.