Exclusive poster for Hummingbird with Jason Statham

Hummingbird looks set to be a new kind of Jason Statham vehicle, and we’ve got an exclusive first look at the quad poster.

The film is the directorial feature debut of Steven Knight, who made his name as a screenwriter with Dirty Pretty Things and Eastern Promises .

The Stath gets to exhibit a softer side as Joey Jones (we didn’t just make that name up, promise), an ex-special forces soldier on the run from a court martial. Bearded, bedraggled and homeless, he finds solace in his friendship with a young nun after assuming another man’s identity.

And it's not long before he finds himself drawn back onto a violent path, cracking the heads of those who’ve wronged his new-found love.

The quad poster feature Statham (looking distinctly un-homeless in dinner suit and casually slung bowtie) treading London’s neon-tinged streets.

Check it out in full below:

[ Click on the poster to see it in hi-res ]

Hummingbird opens in the UK on 17 May 2013.

Matt Maytum
Editor, Total Film

I'm the Editor at Total Film magazine, overseeing the running of the mag, and generally obsessing over all things Nolan, Kubrick and Pixar. Over the past decade I've worked in various roles for TF online and in print, including at 12DOVE, and you can often hear me nattering on the Inside Total Film podcast. Bucket-list-ticking career highlights have included reporting from the set of Tenet and Avengers: Infinity War, as well as covering Comic-Con, TIFF and the Sundance Film Festival.