Everything from Sonys E3 2015 press conference

Uncharted 4 closes an impressive show - but not without a few hiccups

After a slight delay and quick restart, an impressive demo of Uncharted 4 reminds us just how long the wait until next March really is. Drake and Sully unbar a door that opens on a busy street market, but after turning a few corners, they find themselves in the middle of a hectic gunfight. It looks like the Uncharted that you know and love, but fidelity has been amped up considerably. Dust clouds kick up, wood splinters and gives way, and tiles crack as gunfire pierces through Drake's precious cover. Drake and Sully then find a jeep and try to use it escape an armored truck - but not without hitting every fruit cart and fence along the way.The chase eventually leads them across a courtyard and down a winding road into a construction zone. A quick detour puts them back on track - and right back on the warpath of the armored truck. Drake takes the jeep over rooftops, across a junkyard, down into some aqueducts and out past the city limits. Drake takes drastic measures and pulls out a grappling hook. He's about to hit a wall and then - that's it for Sony folks! What a show!

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