Dynasty Warriors 3 Cheats

Dynasty Warriors 3 FAQs

  • FAQ

    Submitted by Z-Force

Dynasty Warriors 3 Hints

  • PS2 | Submitted by j=u-nk+in%theTRuNK

    Life And Musou Upgrade

    In the battle The Yellow Turban Rebellion, there are two upgrdes for your Musou and your life. The Musou upgrade is on the west side of the map near Zhang Liang but just a tiny bit south than his initial position. It is in a life jar. The life upgrade is right on the outside of the northern part of the castle immediately east of the river.

Dynasty Warriors 3 Unlockables

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    LU BU 4th Weapon

    (Dong Zhou's side) Play battle at Hu Lao Gate and kill the supply unit, afterwards he should leave you a weapon box this box will contain the "SKY SCORCHER"!!!

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Cao Cao's 4th weapon

    To get cao cao's 4th weapon, you must go to the yellow turban rebellion and choose han's side. Right when you start, head directly to Zhang Bao at the top of a small mountain on the east side. Defeat him then defeat Zhang Liang at the opposite side. (You cannot defeat any other generals while doing this or you will have to restart. Also the weapon has an instant death attack so anyone who comes near dies except for generals)

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Guan Yu's 4th Weapon (Blue Moon Dragon)

    Be Guan Yu and play at Guan Yu's Escape. After you defeat Zhen Ji or Xu Huang (I don't remember) a supply unit will appear. Kill the supply unit and he will leave behind a weapon box that contains Guan Yu's ultimate weapon, the "Blue Moon Dragon".

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    fire arrows and power scroll

    To get the fire arrows, choose the battle of chi bi and wait till Zhuge Liang activates the wind and hear Zhou yu say "Zhuge Liang...he is a devil." Then go defeat Xiahou dun and Zhang he. After a message will com up saying a mystery item discovered. It will appear around the area of cao cao. To get the power scroll, defeat gan ning on the levelhe fei

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    zhang jiao's 4th Weapon

    this cheat is won't take long. in the yellow turban rebellion pick the yellow turbans. head all the to sun jian. defeat cheng pu, huang gai, and sun jian. a special item will appear. track it down to get the Volcano Staff.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Zhao Yun 4th Weapon

    (Sun Quan side) Play battle at Chang Ban and kill all other generals besides Cao Cao and Zhang Liao, then kill Zhang Liao, afterwards a message should come up that says "supply unit has appeared" go and take out the supply unit, after that he should leave you a weapon box containing the "Fierce Dragon"

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Find Special Items

    When you enter a level, Just play the level for awhile. Try to help your friends and getalot of kills. Then on the screen will show you where the special item is. But alot of times you don't see it because you are to busy or something. So just look in your history and Flip down ental you find it. It will tell you the exect location of the item. Also try killing all the officers first and leave the last bose for the end. This code works in some leaves not all but must of them.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Lu Bu

    To get Lu Bu, you must kill 1,000 enemies at the battle of Hu Lao Gate

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar


    Start out on the battle of chi but, it doesn't matter if it is on hard are not. Be on wei side and go down and before huang gai does his fire attack kill zhou yu and haung gai will retreat and after a little bit it will say,A SPECIAL ITEM HAS BEEN DISCOVERED then go get it and finish the level out.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Taishi Ci

    Play in wu territory but go to conditions first and it doesn't say Taishi Ci as a genearl,so skip him and kill the other generals about 15 mins left or so you will see him surrend to sun Ce then he will on your side then finish the level and you could pick him in free mode or muso mode

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    How To Get Full Stats for Your Character Quickly

    Go to the level Assault on the Wu Territory. Pick the Allied Forces. Then choose a character. When you start the level the first thing you have to do is walk out of the first gate. Then you should see a tower just as you walk out the gate. Go behind the tower and there should be a musou up+10. After that go to Zhou Yu and beat him up. Then go to Sun Ce and on your way you should see a crate with a life up+10. Before you kill Sun Ce kill all of his officers. Do this again and again and your character should have full stats in no time. Also you can do a big combo on anyone and they will drop something better than you expected.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    How to Get Art of War

    You go to The Siege Of The He Fei Castle on Wei forces.You defeat every leader except for Sun Quan and it will say special item appeared!!!!!!!!!!Get the item and defeat Sun Quan and you will have art of war!!!!!!

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Bodyguard Manual

    When in free mode go to the battle of He Fei Castle and be Lu Xun. Go and beat Xu Zhu in less than two minutes (use the combo attack, norm, norm, norm, norm, strong, and after that get behind him and do it again). after that a com will come up saying 'a mystery item has been found'. it will appear north west of the position of the late Xu Zhu, but you will have to go around the castle to get it. The item will be found in a box. Break it open and there will be an item bag containing 'Bodyguard Manual'. This item will power up your body guards, but you don't see it.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Gan Ning's 4th Weapon

    This can be done in free mode or in musou mode but in free mode it has to be on hard. Pick the He Fei stage and be on the Wu side, then wait for Tai Shi Ci's death event and by the 2 gates by Cao Cao, the supply team will appear soon.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    pang tong's 4th Weapon

    in the battle of cheng du ally with lui bei. defeat zhang ren and that other general heading towards you. another special item will appear calling itself the Tornado Staff.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    zhang liao's 4th Weapon

    during the battle of hei fei be in wei. defeat both of the generals in front of you. a special item will appear to the southeast. this item is the Dragon Breath.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Secret Ending

    Enter the options screen from the main menu and select the "opening edit" option.Highlight the "Replay" selection: then hold L1 + L2 + R1 and press x

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    4th Weapons !!!

    The only way to obtain your character's 4th weapon is by performing certain things during a certain level "MUST BE ON HARD" (NOTE:Most levels are when your character plays a main part)

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Zhiang Wei 4th Weapon

    (SHU side) Play battle at Jie Ting and play until the supply unit appears then go kill then collect the weapon box from the supply unit which will contain the "BLINK"

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Sun Ce's 4th weapon

    First off on the "Assault on Wu Territory" pick Sun ce's forces.When the battle starts,fight your way to Taishi Ci.Pass him,and do not kill him yet.Kill the main general a little ways behind him,and come back.Now pass him once more and head to the next general who stands to the east.Kill him and a message saying "A special Item has been discovered" will appear.Return to that point to find the weapon.(It will be in a red item bag)You can then do whatever you want to finish the level. (Note: The game must be on the Hard mode to work)

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Imperial Saddle

    Be Shu in the Battle at Yi Ling. Stop the fire attack and then defeat all the generals except Sun Quan. A Take out the supply team that comes. They leave the Imperial saddle

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Lubu's Horse for All Levels

    Ok first pick Musou mode and pick a good dmg character like Dian Wei and play it. You need to kill everyone on the whole level including Lubu and all gate captains not one person can remain (YOU CAN USE IT ON EASY)!!!!!! and put your body guards in defense so they don't kill Dong Zhuo, your team wont be strong enough to do it alone. Then when you see the last gate captain way up in the corner go kill it and it will be a Supply Captain, he will give you a flaming red item bag that contains Red Hare Saddle, its effect is you start any level riding Lubu's horse Red Hare, it is very easy to accomplish, accept trying to kill Lubu. What you need to do is do NOT let him attack you or he will wipe you out with ease. You should hit him with your full combo using your 3rd or 4th weapon and if he starts to block it then STOP your combo and switch to block mode and block attack then attack him again and when you get a special use it. That's how I beat him. But remember (THIS DOES NOT HAVE TO BE ON HARD) EASY WORKS TOO!!!!.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Secret Item

    On a Wu Zhang Plains Go to Zhang-Fei And Defeat Him But Then Go Directly to The main Guy (I forgot his Name) And A Video Should Show your dude and some meteors. Then It will show the location of the item.

Dynasty Warriors 3 Cheats

  • Xbox | Submitted by STEG

    Get LU BU Easier

    First go to Hu Lao Gate Stage and use Dian Wei. begin the stage on Cao Cao's attack route and run past like 3 enemy platoons and have them chase u till your out of range of any friendly troops that will take your valuable K.O.'s and turn around and kill em continue this till u get to hu lao gate u should have 400 to 600 kills when u ram your way through the gate kill Diao Chan and Li Jue so nothing is in your way and dont go around killing gate captains cuz they'll bring more troopz 2 kill finally when youve had your fill of kill go and kick da crap out of the remaining gate capn's and finally Dong Zhuo

  • Xbox | Submitted by andrew worcester

    item: fire arrows and power scroll

    To get the fire arrows, choose the battle of chi bi and wait till Zhuge Liang activates the wind and hear Zhou yu say "Zhuge Liang...he is a devil." Then go defeat Xiahou dun and Zhang he. After a message will com up saying a mystery item discovered. It will appear around the area of cao cao. To get the power scroll, defeat gan ning on the levelhe fei

  • Xbox | Submitted by STEG

    Never Lose Weapon Deadloks

    To never lose the weapon dedlocks get a turbo control and when it happens have the turbo on and hold down the square till itz over youll never lose not even in hard mode.

  • Xbox | Submitted by jon

    Secret Ending

    Enter the options screen from the main menu and select the "opening edit" option.Highlight the "Replay" selection: then hold L1 + L2 + R1 and press x

  • Xbox | Submitted by V. V.

    Sun Ce's 4th weapon

    First off on the "Assault on Wu Territory" pick Sun ce's forces.When the battle starts,fight your way to Taishi Ci.Pass him,and do not kill him yet.Kill the main general a little ways behind him,and come back.Now pass him once more and head to the next general who stands to the east.Kill him and a message saying "A special Item has been discovered" will appear.Return to that point to find the weapon.(It will be in a red item bag)You can then do whatever you want to finish the level. (Note: The game must be on the Hard mode to work)

  • Xbox | Submitted by Roy Kang

    Get Guan Yu's 4th Weapon (Blue Moon Dragon)

    Be Guan Yu and play at Guan Yu's Escape. After you defeat Zhen Ji or Xu Huang (I don't remember) a supply unit will appear. Kill the supply unit and he will leave behind a weapon box that contains Guan Yu's ultimate weapon, the "Blue Moon Dragon".

  • Xbox | Submitted by Inferno

    4th Weapons !!!

    The only way to obtain your character's 4th weapon is by performing certain things during a certain level "MUST BE ON HARD" (NOTE:Most levels are when your character plays a main part)

    LU BU: (Dong Zhou's side) Play battle at Hu Lao Gate and kill the supply unit, afterwards he should leave you a weapon box this box will contain the "SKY SCORCHER"!!!

    Zhao Yun: (Sun Quan side) Play battle at Chang Ban and kill all other generals besides Cao Cao and Zhang Liao, then kill Zhang Liao, afterwards a message should come up that says "supply unit has appeared" go and take out the supply unit, after that he should leave you a weapon box containing the "Fierce Dragon"

    Zhiang Wei: (SHU side) Play battle at Jie Ting and play until the supply unit appears then go kill then collect the weapon box from the supply unit which will contain the "BLINK"

  • Xbox | Submitted by Gan Ning

    Get Taishi Ci

    Play in wu territory but go to conditions first and it doesn't say Taishi Ci as a genearl,so skip him and kill the other generals about 15 mins left or so you will see him surrend to sun Ce then he will on your side then finish the level and you could pick him in free mode or muso mode

  • Xbox | Submitted by softaker

    In-game reset

    Press Start + Back during game play. Note: This only works in certain screens.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Kill Generals Easier

    To Kill Generals or Bosses is to never let them attack. If u ever get a General or boss in the air (and u have your 2nd weapon or higher) don't hold back use S,S,S,S,T then do not press the T a second time (so you hit him high in the air) but wait like a half second and use it again. continue as many times as you can cuz u get better shields or swords after they die. It works better when there's no annoying bow men, sergeants, majors, or other annoying generals 2 mess your move connecting. GOOD LUCK

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlock all Shu Chars

    L1, Square, Triangle, R2, L1, L2, L2, R1, Square, L1.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlock all Wu Chars

    Triangle, Triangle, L1, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, L2, L2.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get All Shu Kingdom Warriors

    Go to the title screen and put in L1, Square, Triangle, R2, L1, L2, L2, R1

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar


    Enter the following code at the Main Menu highlight Free Mode and enter the following: Unlock All Free Mode Stages:

    R1, R2, L2, L1, Square, L1, L2, R2, R1, Triangle.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlock All Movies in Gallery

    Triangle, L1, Triangle, R1, Triangle, Square, L2, Square, R2, Square.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Opening Animation

    Go to the title screen and put in R1, Square, L1, Square, R2, Triangle, L2, triangle

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get All Sound Tests

    Go to the title screen and put in Square, Triangle, Triangle, Square, L1, R1, R2, L2

  • PS2 | Submitted by STEG

    Get All Movies

    Go to the title screen and put in L1, Triangle, R1, Triangle, L2, Square, R2, Square

  • Xbox | Submitted by sdcarrigna

    Red Hare Saddle

    To get the red horse, you have to go to the hu lou gate and kill lu bu. Then a supply unit will appear. Don't worry if it starts to go to a gate, just follow it. If you kill the supply captain, he will drop a red bag and that's the horse saddle. (better to do it after the generals are destroyed up north

  • Xbox | Submitted by STEG

    Kill Generals Easier

    To Kill Generals or Bosses is to never let them attack. If u ever get a General or boss in the air (and u have your 2nd weapon or higher) don't hold back use S,S,S,S,T then do not press the T a second time (so you hit him high in the air) but wait like a half second and use it again. continue as many times as you can cuz u get better shields or swords after they die. It works better when there's no annoying bow men, sergeants, majors, or other annoying generals 2 mess your move connecting. GOOD LUCK

  • Xbox | Submitted by soccernut

    Gan Ning's 4th Weapon

    This can be done in free mode or in musou mode but in free mode it has to be on hard. Pick the He Fei stage and be on the Wu side, then wait for Tai Shi Ci's death event and by the 2 gates by Cao Cao, the supply team will appear soon.

  • Xbox | Submitted by andrew worcester

    Cao Cao's 4th weapon

    To get cao cao's 4th weapon, you must go to the yellow turban rebellion and choose han's side. Right when you start, head directly to Zhang Bao at the top of a small mountain on the east side. Defeat him then defeat Zhang Liang at the opposite side. (You cannot defeat any other generals while doing this or you will have to restart. Also the weapon has an instant death attack so anyone who comes near dies except for generals)

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Find Special Items

    When you enter a level, Just play the level for awhile. Try to help your friends and getalot of kills. Then on the screen will show you where the special item is. But alot of times you don't see it because you are to busy or something. So just look in your history and Flip down ental you find it. It will tell you the exect location of the item.
    Also try killing all the officers first and leave the last bose for the end. This code works in some leaves not all but must of them.

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Secret ending

    Enter the options screen from the main menu and select the "opening edit"option. Highlight the "replay" selection, Then hold L+R and press A.

  • Xbox | Submitted by Daniel Gonza'ez

    Unlock Lu Bu

    To unlock Lu Bu, play Musuo Mode and get over 1,000 KOs in Huo Lou Gate. Make sure you defeat all the officers. An easy way is to put the difficulty on easy, and stand near gates that have a lot of units pouring out. Also, put your body guards on Defense.

  • Xbox | Submitted by Matt

    Get Lu Bu

    To get Lu Bu, you must kill 1,000 enemies at the battle of Hu Lao Gate

  • Xbox | Submitted by Bryce Bays

    How to Get HEALTH

    All you have to do is kill the nearest elite guard around you. Also you can kill gate captains, but they don't give you a lot of health. It's better to kill elite guards. Some times they give you full health and full musou.

  • Xbox | Submitted by Stewy

    Multiple Codes

    All Shu Generals -press WHITE, BLACK, X, Y, WHITE, R, L, BLACK at the main menu. You will hear a sound if entered Correctly.

    Opening Edit - press X, Black, Y,White, L, R, White, White, at the main menu. Listen for a sound.

    BGM Test option - Press L,White, Y, R, White, Black, X, Y, at the main menu. You should hear a sound

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlock all Chars

    R2, R2, R2, L1, Triangle, L2, L2, L2, R1, Square.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Never Lose Weapon Deadloks

    To never lose the weapon dedlocks get a turbo control and when it happens have the turbo on and hold down the square till itz over youll never lose not even in hard mode.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get LU BU Easier

    First go to Hu Lao Gate Stage and use Dian Wei. begin the stage on Cao Cao's attack route and run past like 3 enemy platoons and have them chase u till your out of range of any friendly troops that will take your valuable K.O.'s and turn around and kill em continue this till u get to hu lao gate u should have 400 to 600 kills when u ram your way through the gate kill Diao Chan and Li Jue so nothing is in your way and dont go around killing gate captains cuz they'll bring more troopz 2 kill finally when youve had your fill of kill go and kick da crap out of the remaining gate capn's and finally Dong Zhuo

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlock all Sound test BGMs

    L1, L1, R1, R1, L2, L2, R2, R2, Square, Triangle.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlock "Opening" Item in Options

    R1, Square, R1, Triangle, R1, L1, Square, L1, Triangle L1.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlock all Wei Chars

    L2, L1, Square, Triangle, L1, L2, R1, R2, L1, L2.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Wu Kingdom Warriors

    Go to the title screen and put in triangle, L1, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, L2

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Wei Kingdom Warriors

    Go to the title screen and put in Square, Triangle, L1, L2, R1, R2, L1, L2

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