Dying Light's big new expansion needs smarter zombies

When it's not busy putting drunken trolls in their place, Polish developer Techland is hard at work tweaking the new expansion for its sandbox zombie paradise, Dying Light. The Following, due for release early next year, will add vehicles to the undead mix - but how do you maintain tension when you're hurtling around an open-world at high speed? In the latest issue of Official Xbox Magazine, lead designer Maciej Binkowski explains it's all about making those decomposing antagonists even smarter.

"We adapt all the AI, giving enemies new behaviours to keep pace with you – you’re not only running, but you’re driving," says Binkowski. "The basic approach is that if you keep moving you’re relatively safe, but the moment you stop you’ll find yourself surrounded. We’ve adapted all the enemy types so they can approach you in this new way – they know about your better mobility so they’re going to push you in a different direction."

The latest issue of Official Xbox Magazine, with Halo 5: Guardians on the cover, is out now. Download it here or subscribe to future issues.

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