Dying Light 2 devs ask you to wait for day 1 patch, even if you found an early copy

Dying Light 2
(Image credit: Techland)

Early copies of Dying Light 2 are surfacing throughout the world now, but the developers humbly request everyone still waits to play until the proper release date.

Developer Techland acknowledged the arrival of street-date-breaking copies of Dying Light 2 in a message posted to the game's Twitter account. While downloadable copies of games can be locked behind relatively airtight release windows through centralized storefronts, there's no accounting for every single international retailer who is only supposed to start selling a game disc at a certain time.

Techland says it's pleased that fans are eager to start playing ASAP, but it still recommends everybody - even if you have a copy in your hands just begging to be played right frickin' now - wait until the actual release date of Friday, February 4 to begin. That's when the developer will distribute the day 1 patch which includes a host of "improvements and fixes" that the studio has been working on since the launch version was locked down.

You could always split the difference and get the install done now but wait to actually play until Friday… though then you'd also have to contend with the temptation of seeing the game icon every time you booted up your system. In any case, we know that even the day-one version of Dying Light 2 will be far from finished; the first Dying Light 2 story DLC is set to arrive in June as part of a five-year plan for post-launch updates.

The Dying Light 2 Switch version has been delayed up to six months, but it might be tougher to break street date when the whole thing is streamed from the cloud anyway. 

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Connor Sheridan

I got a BA in journalism from Central Michigan University - though the best education I received there was from CM Life, its student-run newspaper. Long before that, I started pursuing my degree in video games by bugging my older brother to let me play Zelda on the Super Nintendo. I've previously been a news intern for GameSpot, a news writer for CVG, and now I'm a staff writer here at GamesRadar.