DVDstruction: Bullet Porn

The Matrix Trilogy | 1999-2003
How could we not? The Wachowski Siblings really know how to celebrate all that is firearm. Shots linger and pan on slung lead like a detective eyeballing the stems of a mouthy dame. They even had to pioneer a technique to better capture ammunition in its natural environment. Only in post-Matrix world can we truly appreciate the majestic splendor of the bullet’s lifespan: from the cartridge based pupa stage, on to barrel birth, then to its final resting ground in some unlucky bastard’s brain.

This just in: A lot of people don’t like the two thirds of the Matrix Trilogy. Perhaps that’s why you find so many copies up for grabs on eBay, sans the original. But when seen as a whole, especially with a viewing of the phenomenal Animatrix anthology, the whole shebang is a damn fine yarn of foot and fist. Mel Gibson even saw fit to rip off the ending of Revolutions in his blood-splattered, action-orgy, The Passion of The Christ.

The Disc
At $73, the Ultimate Collection is packed with supplemental shit to the point of overkill. Each film given multiple hours of bonus features, stuff found on the Revisited discs and commentaries by critics and philosophers.There’s video in police evidence lockers thatreceive less scrutiny.

We wouldn’t scold you for picking up the cheaper trilogy set. Xbox 360 owners even get The Animatrix, free, as an exclusive download. Be quick to snatch either up, HD DVD owners. Warner Bros. is outta there in May, going Blu-Ray exclusive.

Morpheousdied inThe Matrix Online,the continuingPC saga. Could you imagine if Lego Star Wars had the audacity to kill off Yoda?
