All Dredge Recording Rarities exotic fish locations

Dredge recording rarities exotic fish
(Image credit: Team17)

The Dredge Recording Rarities Pursuit is given to you by the Travelling Merchant on the Pontoon, and sets you out to find four rare, exotic fish: the Oarfish, the Gulper Eel, the Goliath Tigerfish and the Coelacanth. These exotic fish are spread out all over the world, with one in each location (except the starting Marrows), and they're very difficult to find. However, with substantial rewards for completing this pursuit sidequest, we've gone out and found every Recording Rarities exotic fish location in Dredge, so you can get them all yourself.

All Recording Rarities exotic fish locations in Dredge

Dredge recording rarities exotic fish

(Image credit: Team17)

There are four exotic fish that players need to find the locations of in Dredge for the Travelling Merchant's Recording Rarities pursuit, which we've laid out below.

  1. Oarfish (Gale Cliffs)
  2. Gulper Eel (Stellar Basin)
  3. Goliath Tigerfish (Twisted Strand)
  4. Coelacanth (Devil's Spine)

You can scroll down to find them all or use the side tabs to leap to whichever one you want to catch first - however, keep in mind that you'll need to have unlocked Dredge Abyssal and Hadal fishing options to catch most of these fish, and many of them will also require the Dredge explosives too, so make sure you have all of that ready to go. It's also important to know that these fish are available to catch at all times of day. Otherwise, let's see what the deeps have to offer…

How to catch the Oarfish in Dredge

Dredge recording rarities exotic fish

(Image credit: Team17)
  • Location: Gale Cliffs, coordinates P-3
  • Requires: Abyssal Rod

The Oarfish is in Gale Cliffs, and is VERY well hidden if you don't know where to look. Head to the open section in the Southeast corner where you found the Family Crest, right in the middle of the one-eyed fish's hunting territory, coordinates P-3, and there'll be a waterfall - one that you can actually sail right through without being harmed. On the other side is a hidden cave, with the Oarfish in the middle of it waiting to be caught.

How to catch the Gulper Eel in Dredge

Dredge recording rarities exotic fish

(Image credit: Team17)
  • Location: Stellar Basin, coordinates F-4
  • Requires: Hadal Rod

The Gulper Eel is in Stellar Basin, in the trench extending Northeast from the central pit where the tentacled horror kills anything that gets too close. However, it's not actually in the danger zone, so you should be fine. If you need help finding the hotspot where it's waiting, go to the abandoned Research Outpost inside the basin and look West, scanning it with your telescope. You're looking for a silhouette with a curved tail and a large shape at the front that could be open jaws, or a big claw (it's the former).

How to catch the Goliath Tigerfish in Dredge

Dredge recording rarities exotic fish

(Image credit: Team17)
  • Location: Twisted Strand, coordinates F-14
  • Requires: Mangrove Rod, Explosives

This Tigerfish is in the maze of Twisted Strand, but what you're looking for is the large, open dead-end marked on the map at coordinates F-14. Bring explosives - this dead end is cut off by a tree you need to destroy. Once you've blown it up, you'll be able to access this little aquatic cul-de-sac with the Goliath Tigerfish inside.

How to catch the Coelacanth in Dredge

Dredge recording rarities exotic fish

(Image credit: Team17)
  • Location: Devil's Spine, coordinates Q-12
  • Requires: Abyssal Rod, Explosives

The primordial Coelacanth is at the Easternmost island of Devil's Strand. Approach from the East side on the border of map coordinates Q-12 and Q-13, and you'll see a watery strait cutting through the island, blocked on both sides by boulders. Blow up the rocks on either side to enter, and the Coelacanth's fishing spot is in the middle of that little strait.

Recording Rarities Pursuit rewards

Dredge recording rarities exotic fish

(Image credit: Team17)

The rewards for the Recording Rarities are both better and worse than you think. The Travelling Merchant doesn't actually take the fish from you - she just wants to see that you caught them. This means that even after you sell them, she'll still hand over the reward if you just tell her you caught them, namely two research parts per exotic fish caught. Not only that, but each exotic fish is worth $250 when sold, and more if you have selling bonuses from reading books.

However, there is no overall quest completion reward, disappointingly. Once you give the final fish, whichever one it is, the Merchant just hands over the last two research parts like she did every other time, gives you a thumbs up, and waves you on, the pursuit now over. Awww.

© 12DOVE. Not to be reproduced without permission

Joel Franey
Guides Writer

Joel Franey is a writer, journalist, podcaster and raconteur with a Masters from Sussex University, none of which has actually equipped him for anything in real life. As a result he chooses to spend most of his time playing video games, reading old books and ingesting chemically-risky levels of caffeine. He is a firm believer that the vast majority of games would be improved by adding a grappling hook, and if they already have one, they should probably add another just to be safe. You can find old work of his at USgamer, Gfinity, Eurogamer and more besides.