Dream Pinball 3D review

These flippers make us sleepy…

12DOVE Verdict


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    Pinball on DS!

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    Six entire boards!

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    "Crazy" themes!


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    Little imagination

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    Lacks innovation

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    Upsettingly pixilated

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When you dream of playing pinball, does your subconscious picture mediocre tables that are upsettingly pixilated?

If that’s the best that your mind can conjure, then Dream Pinball really does what it says on the pack. For everyone else, it has six rather shabby tables that use little imagination, lack innovation and that fail to excite like Nintendo’s own pinball games do. Not a nightmare, but you’ll be wistfully wishing for more excitement.

Jul 28, 2008

More info

DescriptionWow, its 3D! That is pretty darn fancy. Seriously though, there are way too many good to great pinball games out there to really give this one a tilt.
US censor rating"Everyone 10+","Everyone 10+","Everyone 10+"
UK censor rating"Rating Pending","Rating Pending","Rating Pending"
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)