How to approach the Sovran in the Dragons Dogma 2 Stolen Throne quest

Dragon's Dogma 2 stolen throne
(Image credit: capcom)

The Dragons Dogma 2 Stolen Throne quest sees you needing to find formal raiment (fancy clothes) and attend a masquerade ball to get a look at the false Arisen stealing your thunder. It sounds simple but there are more than a few curveballs here to make an apparently basic Dragon's Dogma 2 quest a bit of a pain, so here's everything you need to do.

Look out for some story spoilers below as this is quite a pivotal quest in Dragon's Dogma 2.

Where to find formal raiment for the Stolen Throne quest in Dragons Dogma 2

The first problem the Stolen Throne quest throws at you Dragon's Dogma 2 is where to find the clothes you need to attend the masquerade ball. Captain Brant gives you a mask when you accept the quest, but you also need formal raiment. The easiest way to get this is to head to the noble district and steal some nice clothes, so head here in the city: 

Dragon's Dogma 2 stolen throne

(Image credit: capcom)

I basically found a fancy coat and trousers in the first two houses I checked so it shouldn't take you too long. Just look for a glowing sack like the one below on the left, which seem to be stored in upstairs bedrooms: 

Dragon's Dogma 2 formal raiment

(Image credit: Capcom)

You just need to find a tunic and some pants and then you're good to go. Equip them, plus your mask, and wait for night before approaching the masquerade ball. If it's not happening that night a guard will tell you and you'll have to go away and wait for the next night.

How to approach the false sovran in Dragon's Dogma 2

Dragon's Dogma 2 false sovran

(Image credit: capcom)

The masquerade ball is where things get really fun for the Stolen Throne quest. When you first arrive you'll be able to mingle and talk to the guests but nothing really stand outs out. What you need to wait for is a cutscene where you see a man walking down a corridor outside the ball: 

Dragon's Dogma 2 stolen throne

(Image credit: capcom)

When this happens ignore the ball - and definitely ignore the sinister looking man with a beard that appears and seems to react strongly to you approaching him. He is a complete red herring. Instead, head out into the corridor that circles the main hall and look for this area of wall on the left here: 

Dragon's Dogma 2 stolen throne

(Image credit: capcom)

That is a secret door that the game never mentions or shows and is nothing to do with the masquerade ball the entire quest has focused on. If you've been stuck, this is probably why - completing the quest involves searching an area that isn't part of the objectives, for a secret door that isn't so much as hinted at.  

Once you've found this door, head through and keep going until you reach a balcony, then cross over to the attached building. This'll trigger a cut scene that I won't spoil here that then leads into the rest of the quest, helping you find out what's really going on in the early stages of Dragon's Dogma 2.

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Leon Hurley
Managing editor for guides

I'm GamesRadar's Managing Editor for guides, which means I run GamesRadar's guides and tips content. I also write reviews, previews and features, largely about horror, action adventure, FPS and open world games. I previously worked on Kotaku, and the Official PlayStation Magazine and website.