Dragon Age: Dreadwolf dev lists 2024 release date on their LinkedIn profile, leaving fans hopeful for next year

Dragon Age Dreadwolf
(Image credit: BioWare)

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf fans are on high alert after a developer listed a 2024 release date on their LinkedIn profile.

We still don't officially have a release date for Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, aka Dragon Age 4, but one developer who has worked on the highly anticipated sequel may have just given fans a huge clue. Kevin Scott, a Senior Cinematic Animator at EA, has listed Dragon Age: Dreadwolf as releasing in 2024 on their LinkedIn profile. 

In the 'experience' portion of the developer's profile, Scott has written: "Animated gameplay characters using mocap and hand keyed animation for Dragon Age: DreadWolf (2024 release)." This isn't quite confirmation that we're definitely getting BioWare's highly anticipated game next year, but it's enough to get fans excited.

To add more credibility to Scott's suggested release date, this isn't the first time we've had inklings of the game releasing soon. In May of this year, EA inadvertently confirmed that Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is at least a year away in the company's Q4 and FY23 financial report. Here, the studio listed all of the games it plans to release in the next 12 months, and Dragon Age: Dreadwolf was nowhere to be seen. 

Again, this doesn't mean we'll definitely be getting the game next year, just that we very likely won't see it until at least after May 2024. However, things can always change. A few months after the financial results, it was reported that Dragon Age: Dreadwolf was dealing with internal delays at BioWare, which was also affecting the development of Mass Effect 5.

Things also appear to be a little unpredictable with Dragon Age: Dreadwolf at BioWare at the moment. In August 2023, BioWare laid off 50 developers as part of a plan to ensure "Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is an outstanding game" before later letting go of all unionized Dragon Age: Dreadwolf QA testers in October. This had led to some of the affected employees suing BioWare for for "shortchanging" them with low severance pay.

Basically, we'll have to keep our fingers crossed and wait and see when BioWare and EA plan to release Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. Until then, we can always rewatch the upcoming game's leaked gameplay footage which was shared almost a year ago now. 

Need something to play in the meantime? Take a look at our best RPG games list. 

Hope Bellingham
News Writer

After studying Film Studies and Creative Writing at university, I was lucky enough to land a job as an intern at Player Two PR where I helped to release a number of indie titles. I then got even luckier when I became a Trainee News Writer at 12DOVE before being promoted to a fully-fledged News Writer after a year and a half of training.  My expertise lies in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, cozy indies, and The Last of Us, but especially in the Kingdom Hearts series. I'm also known to write about the odd Korean drama for the Entertainment team every now and then.