Donkey Punch review

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First-time director… cast of unknowns… a title that belongs in a Soho sex shop… this one might just struggle to find an audience. That would be a shame because, despite all the indications to the contrary, Donkey Punch is a skillfully made, gripping thriller. Out for a good time in Mallorca, three flirty Yorkshirewomen (including Jaime Winstone) wind up trapped on a yacht with four strange men, a load of drugs and a bad situation that’s about to get worse. Way worse. Co-writer/director Olly Blackburn ramps up the suspense like a seasoned pro, but instead of filling his slasher flick with 35-year-old cheerleaders, he’s cast credible young actors as characters you can almost believe in. It’s gory and sensational yet oddly convincing. But seriously, who OK-ed that title?


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