Doctor Who The God Complex Spoiler Free Preview


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A few random thoughts about next week’s random episode

1 This is a weird one and make no mistake. And we don’t just mean it’s surreal. It’s weirdly structured as well, with a weird tone. A meandering plot that reflects the subject matter. It’s certainly got an intriguing mystery at its heart

2 There are moments like the more extreme episodes of The Prisoner

3 The monster is magnificent…

4 …Although there is one dodgy creature costume as well – unless it was supposed to be dodgy?

5 It’s an in-joke and continuity reference-spotters paradise. One remark alluding to a notorious Tom Baker story will make long-term fans smirk

6 There is a very unexpected final scene. And it’s not a cliffhanger

7 Some of the direction is breathtaking, creating an unsettling and spooky atmosphere. Lots of dolly zooms (think Jaws ) and a couple of The Shining moments, plus a great chase scene near the end

8 Not entirely convinced by the major guest star. He seems acting in a different show

9 Another character with companion potential appears

10 There’s a startling Star Trek moment

11 It starts with a voiceover

12 Although it’s pretty much standalone, there are consequences

13 Dwalls

14 Someone has a right hissy fit

15 Is there a Rubik’s cube agenda gong on?

16 The Doctor admits to a previously unrevealed cheesy talent

17 “You’re doing it in your pants”

18 Somebody is fired. First as a joke, then for real

19 Rory keeps getting shown the exit

20 HD viewers need not adjust their sets. It’s supposed to look like that occasionally…

21 It gets quite emotional, but more “Big Bang” emotional than “The Girl Who Waited” emotional

22 The Doctor and somebody unexpected have a Leonardo DiCaprio/Claire Danes moment

Dave Golder
Freelance Writer

Dave is a TV and film journalist who specializes in the science fiction and fantasy genres. He's written books about film posters and post-apocalypses, alongside writing for SFX Magazine for many years.