Chiwetel Ejiofor teases Doctor Strange 2: "I'm very excited to see what Sam Raimi does with that world"

(Image credit: Marvel)

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is looking set to be one very strange movie (I'll see myself out). Not only will our eponymous Avenger be dealing with multiple universes, but he'll be going up against former ally-turned-nemesis, Baron Mordo, played by Chiwetel Ejiofor. Plus, the whole thing will be directed by Sam Raimi, a veteran of the superhero genre who helmed the original Spider-Man trilogy.

While promoting The Old Guard – a Netflix movie about immortal beings who protect the Earth though have become somewhat disheartened by the state of the world – 12DOVE asked Ejiofor about working with Raimi on the Doctor Strange sequel during a roundtable interview.

"I love Sam Raimi, so I'm very excited that he's making a film, the second Doctor Strange," Ejiofor said. "He brings to anything he does, a wealth of imagination and passion. In this genre, he's just one of the seminal figures. I remember seeing Darkman when I was a kid. It was beyond, it's so amazing. 

"So I think he has an incredible mind and I think he's really able to bring that mind into his storytelling in a really unique way, and it's very suited to the world that's been created by Doctor Strange, and I'm very excited to see what he does with that world."

While the comments do not go into plot specifics, there's no denying that Raimi sounds like the perfect fit for the wonderfully weird world that we only glimpsed at in Scott Derickson's original movie. Previously, Raimi told 12DOVE of directing the sequel: "I loved Doctor Strange as a kid. He was always after Spider-Man and Batman for me. He was probably number five for me for great comic book characters. He was so original. 

"When we had that moment in the [second] Spider-Man movie, I had no idea we’d be making a Doctor Strange movie. So it was really funny to me also, coincidentally that line was in the first Spider-Man movie… I wish I had the foresight to know I was going to be involved in the project!"

The Doctor Strange sequel will be part of Marvel Phase 4. For more MCU goodness, check out our pieces below. Meanwhile, The Old Guard reaches Netflix on July 10. 

Jack Shepherd
Freelance Journalist

Jack Shepherd is the former Senior Entertainment Editor of GamesRadar. Jack used to work at The Independent as a general culture writer before specializing in TV and film for the likes of GR+, Total Film, SFX, and others. You can now find Jack working as a freelance journalist and editor.