Dinobots and Insecticons coming to Transformers: Fall of Cybertron's multiplayer as downloadable content

During a press event at this year's San Diego Comic Con, developer High Moon Studios revealed that, despite previous announcements stating that it wouldn't be the case, vanilla Transformers would be joined by Dinobots and Insecticons in the multiplayer portion of the upcoming Transformers: Fall of Cybertron. This, when mixed with the multiplayer's focus on absurd customization, is a dream come true for fans of the series, and we were briefly shown the fruits of the developer's labor, as different dinosaur and insect varieties were shown off.

There's a minor catch, though: these Transformers won't actually be available in the core game. High Moon Studios revealed that the different types of Transformers would be part of a downloadable content strategy, though the details weren't given. In fact, so far we have no idea how we'll get these – it could be linked to retailers, it could be post-release paid DLC, or it could be part of some sort of incentive to buy new copies of the game. Either way, Fall of Cybertron's multiplayer will feature robots that can turn into both dinosaurs and insects, and those are good things.

Hollander Cooper

Hollander Cooper was the Lead Features Editor of 12DOVE between 2011 and 2014. After that lengthy stint managing GR's editorial calendar he moved behind the curtain and into the video game industry itself, working as social media manager for EA and as a communications lead at Riot Games. Hollander is currently stationed at Apple as an organic social lead for the App Store and Apple Arcade.