DICE explains why Star Wars Battlefront is nothing like Battlefield because its a tomato. Or something

What makes a great online multiplayer 'great'? What's that secret sauce that taps into that part of us emphatically needs to play 'just one more' round or match? We'd argue a bit part of that is focusing less on roadblocks and more on rewards, but for Swedish studio DICE and it's freshly-Beta'd shooter Star Wars Battlefront, it's all about picking the right ingredients that balances the sweetness of Star Wars with the sharpness of its experience with Battlefield.

"We don’t throw away the learning we’ve done from Battlefield," comments studio GM Patrick Bach in the latest issue of Official Xbox Magazine. "You still know what you know, but if you base your decisions on something else, it’ll turn into something else. With Battlefront we asked, ‘What is the Star Wars universe about?’ It’s an epic story, technology, characters, accessibility – the story is not complicated. So we took a lot of the values from the movies and said, ‘If this was a game, what would I build?’ And that changed a lot of decisions we would make. You can see that when you play the game. ‘oh, this is nothing like Battlefield; it has nothing to do with Battlefield'."

The latest issue of Official Xbox Magazine, with Halo 5: Guardians on the cover, is out now. Download it here or subscribe to future issues.

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