Design the Doctor!

Now we know who the next Doctor is, the killer question becomes 'What will he wear?'

Over his ten incarnations the last survivor of Gallifrey has rocked a variety of looks from the depths of the space-time wardrobe. Edwardian frock-coats, bohemian scarves, dandy velvet, cricket clobber, question-mark infested tank tops and the ever dependable decorative vegetable. We'll draw a discreet veil over Colin Baker's eye-skewering '80s fashion statement (technically it was less of a fashion statement, more of a suicide note...)

But what should Doctor-elect Matt Smith wear? Do you see him in fogeyish tweeds or should he go for cosmic emo? A '40s demob whistle or a rhinestone-encrusted Elvis jumpsuit? Could it even be time for the first truly transvestite Time Lord?

We want to see your ideas. Artistic types, draw your vision of the Eleventh Doctor's ideal outfit and send it to us here at SFX Towers. You can email your pictures to [email protected] or pop them in the post to Dress the Doctor Competition, SFX, Future Publishing, 30 Monmouth Street, Bath BA1 2BW. We'll print the best in the magazine and display others in a gallery on this website.

Get your entries in by Friday 23 January. And, as they used to say in Tony Hart's Gallery, and now for the adventures of Morph. Or rather we're sorry, but we cannot return any submissions.

SFX Magazine is the world's number one sci-fi, fantasy, and horror magazine published by Future PLC. Established in 1995, SFX Magazine prides itself on writing for its fans, welcoming geeks, collectors, and aficionados into its readership for over 25 years. Covering films, TV shows, books, comics, games, merch, and more, SFX Magazine is published every month. If you love it, chances are we do too and you'll find it in SFX.