Deathloop will reportedly be available to play on PC via Steam, not Bethesda Launcher

(Image credit: Bethesda)

Deathloop will reportedly be available to play on PC via Steam and not Bethesda's own Launcher client.

Though prior, and recent, Bethesda PC releases have been locked to the publisher's own proprietary software, a tweet from UK retailer Green Man Gaming confirmed that all new – and even existing – orders for Deathloop on PC would now be fulfilled on Steam.

"We’re happy to inform you that from now on we will be selling Steam keys for Deathloop - also for existing orders!" the retailer tweeted. 

A brief foray through the company's Twitter feed shows that it had confirmed the change earlier this week, too, telling one customer that "yes, we're going to be offering Steam keys for all versions of Deathloop and also retroactively".

The switch has also been rumored elsewhere on the internet, too, with an (admittedly unsubstantiated, so take this with a pinch of salt) claim from a Resetera user insisting that a different retailer, GameBillet, told them that Bethesda only "decided to switch to Steam keys for Deathloop last Friday [August 27]" (thanks, Exputer, via NME). 

We've reached out for clarification from Bethesda and will update just as soon as we hear back.

Not sure about Deathloop just yet?

"I'll always cherish the moment that Deathloop clicked into place," Josh told us in his excellent Deathloop preview, insisting that "the mysteries of Deathloop deserve to be discovered".

"I couldn't tell you how many cycles it took, but as Colt awoke to see that damned sunrise again something felt different. 

"Equipped with three rare weapons, a couple of Trinkets, and two upgraded reality-altering powers that I quite liked – retained even in death after Infusing them with enough of a collected resource named Residuum in previous cycles – I decided to stop obsessing over the day resetting in death (or the evening, whichever should come first) and the assassination targets I knew I could easily reach, and just started exploring."

Deathloop is out on September 14, 2021, on PC and PS5.

Head over to our Deathloop pre-order guide to find the cheapest price point possible for Arkane's shooter before it launches.

Vikki Blake
Weekend Reporter, 12DOVE

Vikki Blake is 12DOVE's Weekend Reporter. Vikki works tirelessly to ensure that you have something to read on the days of the week beginning with 'S', and can also be found contributing to outlets including the BBC, Eurogamer, and Vikki also runs a weekly games column at NME, and can be frequently found talking about Destiny 2 and Silent Hill on Twitter.