Death Stranding 2 is "in negotiations", says Norman Reedus

Norman Reedus in Death Stranding
(Image credit: Kojima Productions)

It looks like a Death Stranding sequel may be on the way.

While we've yet to get official confirmation from creator Hideo Kojima nor Sony itself, Death Stranding lead character Norman Reedus recently told journalists at a The Walking Dead roundtable that Death Stranding 2 was "in negotiations" before finishing off with an enthusiastic: "yay!"

You probably shouldn't get too excited yet, though; not only do we only have Reedus' word about it for now, there's also the fact this news comes to us via the magic of Google Translate – and that's tripped up enthusiastic gamers before, of course. Also, many games unfortunately get canned before they reach full production… just look at Kojima and Reedus' prior project, Silent Hills, for proof of that.

"I think we're doing a second Death Stranding," Reedus told AdoroCinema (thanks, IGN Brasil) at a recent press event held for The Walking Dead. "[Death Stranding 2] is in negotiations right now. So... yay!"

Don't forget that Death Stranding Director's Cut launches on September 24 exclusively for the PS5, although he doesn't love the name. It boasts new features such as a cargo catapult and the buddy pot, plus we'll be able to use a firing range in our base of operations and replay main game boss fights.

We gave Death Stranding 3.5 stars out of five in the 12DOVE review, stating: "There is an okay experience here, filled with a scrapbooking hokum of afterlife mythology and pseudoscience, with a cast of likable if bluntly literal characters but it’s a game that, ironically, is easily lost in its lengthy delivery". 

And did you know that Kojima loves Twelve Minutes? "It's great!" he recently tweeted. "Lost track of time and just played it for about four hours! I haven't been into a game this much since Inside. A time loop adventure game and a good sense of style."

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Vikki Blake
Weekend Reporter, 12DOVE

Vikki Blake is 12DOVE's Weekend Reporter. Vikki works tirelessly to ensure that you have something to read on the days of the week beginning with 'S', and can also be found contributing to outlets including the BBC, Eurogamer, and Vikki also runs a weekly games column at NME, and can be frequently found talking about Destiny 2 and Silent Hill on Twitter.