Marvel fans think Charles Xavier is hidden in the Deadpool 3 trailer

Deadpool 3
(Image credit: Marvel Studios)

Ever since it dropped at the 2024 Super Bowl, Marvel fans have been pulling apart the action-packed and equally hilarious Deadpool 3 trailer, trying to uncover more about the upcoming movie. And one fan has spotted a possible cameo from everyone’s favorite X-Men leader. 

Although we only see the back of an unknown bald head for less than a second, the fan is sure it belongs to Charles Xavier. The screenshot, posted on Reddit, shows what seems to be a man sitting on a chair of sorts looking out onto a cityscape. It is the bald head and slightly pointed ears, alongside the fact he is sitting in a chair (which could very well be a wheelchair), that makes us think it is indeed Xavier, and others seem to agree. 

The trailer for Deadpool 3, now officially titled Deadpool & Wolverine, welcomes back everyone’s favorite foul-mouthed antihero, but most importantly introduces a new set of characters to the series from Paradox (Matthew Macfadyen) to X-Men's Wolverine (Hugh Jackman). This makes it entirely possible for more of the X-Men team to appear, so why not Xavier? 

However, below the post, other users had their own ideas of who the shaven stranger may be. "Nope, it's his twin sister, Cassandra Nova played by Emma Corrin," said one Reddit user. Since Corrin’s character is still unnamed, she may take on the role of Nova – who, like her brother Xavier, is also bald. 

Further down the chain, MCU fans were having fun throwing in comical guesses of who the mysterious bald head might belong to. One said "Nosferatu", accounting for the pointed ears, whilst another added, "It’s Vin Diesel and he’s come for his family." Now, we can't say for sure, but something tells us that a Fast and Furious x Marvel mash-up is not on the horizon. One user threw a total spanner in the works with "Lex Luthor.@ A DCU villain appearing in the MCU? Now that's something we would like to see. 

Deadpool 3 arrives in UK cinemas on July 25, 2024, and US theaters on July 26, 2024. For more check out our guide on how to watch the Marvel movies in order, or keep up with the Merc with the Mouth with everything we know about Deadpool 3 so far

Editorial Associate, 12DOVE

I am an Entertainment Writer here at 12DOVE, covering TV and film for SFX and Total Film online. I have a Bachelors Degree in Media Production and Journalism and a Masters in Fashion Journalism from UAL. In the past I have written for local UK and US newspaper outlets such as the Portland Tribune and York Mix and worked in communications, before focusing on film and entertainment writing. I am a HUGE horror fan and in 2022 I created my very own single issue feminist horror magazine.