Deadpool 2's director has quit the film - here's who we think should replace him

Deadpool 2 has lost its director. Tim Miller, who directed the filthy-mouthed superhero flick that could, has left the project, reportedly due to creative differences with star Ryan Reynolds. The Wrap reports that there were two major sources of conflict between the duo: the overall tone of the film and casting of Cable.

Regarding the movie itself, Miller is said to have wanted a more stylized sequel, while Reynolds reportedly wanted to focus on the R-rated, raunchy humor. As for Cable, Miller reportedly had his sights set on Kyle Chandler, while Reynolds disapproved. The Wrap claims that Reynolds' contract includes casting approval, and it seems like the two just couldn't come to agreement. Still, the parting was said to be amicable by a source within the studio.

An open chair on such a high-profile movie is a little worrying, but I think it's also exciting. After all, this gives us (and you!) a chance to imagine who could take Miller's place. One fan has already gotten the ball rolling: "Quentin Tarantino is the master of writing dialogue, and Ryan Reynolds is a master of delivering dialogue," he says on his petition. "Tarantino makes ultra-violent movies where you love the characters, with horrible language, sexy women, and a villain you will never forget. Tell me Marvel doesn't need another one of those."

In that spirit, myself and several others at 12DOVE have come up with our own list of suggestions for who should replace Miller on Deadpool 2. Enjoy, and leave your own in the comments!

Timur Bekmambetov 

Watch Wanted. He can make ludicrously balletic action feel brutal and meaty at the same time. He handles comic book excess with a thick veneer of knowing humour. And he can really, really handle a psychotic, hedonistic, asshole protagonist who just happens to have worse enemies, and make you love pretty much everyone involved. - David Houghton

Shane Black

Deadpool is in so many ways the inevitable result of the '80s action film culture that Black helped establish with flicks like Lethal Weapon and The Last Boy Scout. He's a hyper self-aware wise cracking murder factory, the distillation of all the Gibson, Willis, Stallone, etc one liners into one cartoon freak. Couple that lineage with the execution of Black's warm, ridiculous, slightly sad and dangerous modern action comedies Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and The Nice Guys, you have the recipe for a Deadpool movie that can elevate itself over the fluff of the first movie. It could be as silly, violent and as substantive as Brian Posehn's remarkable run on the comics. - Anthony Agnello

James Gunn

Gunn's busy with Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 right now, so consider this a bit of a dream pick. But his slick style, excellent sense of pacing, and acerbic sense of humor would be a perfect fit for Deadpool 2. And if you think Gunn can't do raunchy, R-rated comedy, check out his official site and watch the PG Porn parody series he created. Just, you know, not while you're at work. - Sam Prell

Martin McDonagh 

Martin McDonagh did In Bruges and Seven Psychopaths. He can make a film about hitmen feel like a cheerful holiday, and can do black humour better than anyone. His Deadpool movie would be dark and funny like a bin bag of clown bits. - Matthew Elliott 

The Russo brothers

They've proven that they know how to film action sequences - the elevator fight in Winter Soldier is truly something special - and Deadpool deserves fight scenes that good. But they also have a light touch when it comes to larger-than-life characters. Deadpool is certainly towards the more goofy end of the superhero spectrum, and it's tough to make a psychopath likable, but they could find that balance. - Susan Arendt

Pete Travis

Did Dredd. Enough said. - Leon Hurley 

Edgar Wright

Edgar Wright knows comic timing better than nearly every other filmmaker in the business right now. His scripts may be whip-smart and tightly crafted, but they're nothing without his eye for wringing every last drop of visual comedy out of a scene, whether he's bombarding your senses with a barrage of edits or merely allowing a moment to simmer to let a joke slowly roll in. It doesn't matter the genre, whether he's sending up horror in Shaun of the Dead, buddy cop flicks in Hot Fuzz, or going full comic book spectacle in Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Edgar Wright's knack for the sight gag would blend seamlessly with Deadpool's penchant for fourth wall breaks and over-the-top violence. - David Roberts

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Sam Prell

Sam is a former News Editor here at GamesRadar. His expert words have appeared on many of the web's well-known gaming sites, including Joystiq, Penny Arcade, Destructoid, and G4 Media, among others. Sam has a serious soft spot for MOBAs, MMOs, and emo music. Forever a farm boy, forever a '90s kid.