Deadpool 2 is getting a ‘Super Duper Cut’ with 15 minutes extra footage - and it’s coming real soon

Eager to see more of the Merc with a Mouth and, maybe, just maybe, cram a few more dick jokes into your eyeholes? Then you’re in luck. Deadpool 2’s home release sees it getting a ‘Super Duper Cut’, with 15 minutes of new footage for you to pore over. Oh, and it’s coming sooner than you think. 

The Super Duper Cut (or the Super Duper $@%!#& Cut to give it its full name), is arriving on digital formats on August 7, with the Blu-ray release coming two weeks later on August 21 in the US. The UK release is heading our way on September 7 (digital) and September 17 (Blu-ray/4K). Ryan Reynolds announced it on Twitter in his own inimitable way:

No jabs at Thanos or Marvel this time but, as you might have expected, there’s a bunch of innuendo and irreverent jokes squeezed in for good measure.

Of course, there isn’t just an extended Deadpool 2 runtime to get excited about. Here is the full list of bonus features:

That all looks good: deleted scenes, a gag reel, some… interesting features (what is Deadpool’s Fun Sack? I’m not sure I want to know...), and wait a minute: Omega Red?!

For the uninitiated Omega Red is an X-Men and Deadpool villain that hasn’t yet appeared in any of the Fox Marvel movies. The home release just straight-up dropping a new character – and a pretty great villain at that – in the deleted scenes would be the most Deadpool thing ever. It’s arguably even more exciting that the extended cut.

If that wasn’t enough, Deadpool and his chums will be at San Diego Comic Con 2018 on July 21 in the iconic Hall H. While the Super Duper Cut (which premieres later that night) will probably be a big topic of discussion, you have to wonder why are they taking over Hall H for a movie which is already out? Could an X-Force release date announcement imminent?

Want more from the Merc with a Mouth? Cool your chimichangas: here's the Deadpool creator on why X-Force is the franchise's next inevitable step.

Bradley Russell

I'm the Senior Entertainment Writer here at 12DOVE, focusing on news, features, and interviews with some of the biggest names in film and TV. On-site, you'll find me marveling at Marvel and providing analysis and room temperature takes on the newest films, Star Wars and, of course, anime. Outside of GR, I love getting lost in a good 100-hour JRPG, Warzone, and kicking back on the (virtual) field with Football Manager. My work has also been featured in OPM, FourFourTwo, and Game Revolution.