Dead Rising 2: Off the Record essentially charging for cheats with "Gamebreaker" DLC

Just as we thought the age of silly DLC was behind us, a company goes and proves that there's still a disconnect between what should be included in a game, and what's appropriate to charge for. Today, Capcom released the Gamebreaker downloadable content for Dead Rising 2: Off the Record, adding in... wait for it... cheats. That's right, they're charging for cheat codes. Quick! Someone call Game Genie!

The Gamebreaker pack, which is available now for 400 Microsoft points, allows you to press LB and RB together to activate a number of different bonuses, including additional PP (Dead Rising's take on experience), the ability to manipulate the game's clock, and being able to dumb down the AI. Other elements sound even more like classic cheat codes. Buying the DLC will unlock the ability to turn on God Mode, Infinite ammo, Infinite weapon durability, Super damage, Super speed, Big head mode, Body builder mode, Dumb zombies, Flat Frank, Giant hands, Cinema filters, and other modifiers that are can be found in every game from the Nintendo 64 generation.

We suppose it's better than locking out important stuff, like multiplayer or story content, but it's still fairly strange to see a developer charge for something so unimportant, especially when it's an element that gamers have grown accustomed to having access to for free. It's no horse armor, or anything insane like that, but it's certainly something we would have laughed at if it had shown up in DLC Quest...

Hollander Cooper

Hollander Cooper was the Lead Features Editor of 12DOVE between 2011 and 2014. After that lengthy stint managing GR's editorial calendar he moved behind the curtain and into the video game industry itself, working as social media manager for EA and as a communications lead at Riot Games. Hollander is currently stationed at Apple as an organic social lead for the App Store and Apple Arcade.