Dead Rising 2: Case West is a 360 exclusive and features the return of Frank West

Released a few weeks ago,Dead Rising 2: Case Zero gave 360 players a taste of what%26rsquo;s to come in the long awaited sequel to Dead Rising. Priced at only five bucks (400 MS points), it seemed beforehandthat Capcom had little faith onmaking a profit, it just wanted to get the word out on the real game. But after reports of itselling over 300,000, the company is singing a different tune. A DLC follow-up was announced today, Dead Rising 2: Case West, and it will feature a certain photographer who has covered wars...

Taking place after Dead Rising 2, Case West features protagonist Chuck Greene meeting up with the first Dead Rising star, Frank West. Teased for some time, it%26rsquo;s nice to see that Capcom hasn%26rsquo;t forgotten the original zombie-killing journalist. Here the two guys work together to fight their way to safety by, what else, decimating hundreds of the undead.

Above: Sadly, none of the screens feature Frank, but you can check out the rest of themhere

Though details are sparse, it seems like this game would be a perfect fit for online co-op, which is already in the main game. And we don%26rsquo;t know the release date other than that it obviously comes out after DR2, or if Case West will repeat Case Zero%26rsquo;s attractive pricing, but unfortunately PS3 fans will miss out on this 360-exclusive DLC. What we do know is that Capcom has a lot of faith in developer Blue Castle, as the Japanese publisher announced it had purchased the Canadian developer.

Sep 15, 2010

Henry Gilbert

Henry Gilbert is a former 12DOVE Editor, having spent seven years at the site helping to navigate our readers through the PS3 and Xbox 360 generation. Henry is now following another passion of his besides video games, working as the producer and podcast cohost of the popular Talking Simpsons and What a Cartoon podcasts.