Days Gone fans rally around canned sequel with 55,000 signing a petition to Sony

Days Gone
(Image credit: Sony)

A fan petition asking Sony to approve Days Gone 2 has garnered over 55,000 signatures after a report revealed that sequel plans had been canned.

In the wake of the news that Sony Bend had its Days Gone 2 pitch rejected by Sony, fans of the game have been rallying around the team to try and show their support for the franchise, and now they’ve started signing a petition calling on Sony to to approve the sequel. 

The petition description is short and to the point, simply reading: “There’s millions of people who want Sony PlayStation to approve Days Gone 2. And I want all the fans to sign this petition. They can’t just pull the plug on such a amazing game that ended with a cliff hanger.” At time of writing the petition has an impressive 55,357 signatures.

Days Gone didn't match the critical reception of some of the best PS4 exclusives, but there was a ton of potential in its biker-gang-meets-zombie-apocalypse setting that could have been realised in a sequel. It sounds like that’s exactly what the team at Sony Bend had planned too, as Game Director Jeff Ross recently outlined how Days Gone 2 would have featured a shared universe with co-op play

There have also been some slightly more controversial comments from members of the original Days Gone team this week too, as one of the writers said in an interview that players shouldn’t “complain if a game doesn't get a sequel if it wasn't supported at launch”. 

While it didn’t manage the numbers of something like Spider-Man, by all accounts Days Gone sold well and made it into the NPD best sellers list for 2019. In the original Bloomberg report that revealed details on the cancelled sequel, it was reported that the game's mixed critical reception and lengthy development time were the reason for the cancellation of the sequel, and not the sales numbers.

We might not be getting a sequel to Days Gone, but check out our upcoming PS5 games list to see what else Sony is cooking up.

Ian Stokes

Ian Stokes is an experienced writer and journalist. You'll see his words on 12DOVE from time to time, but Ian spends the majority of his time working on other Future Plc publications. He has served as the Reviews Editor for Top Ten Reviews and led the tech/entertainment sections of LiveScience and as Tech and Entertainment Editor.