Daybreakers review

Good news: no emo-vampires. Bad news: it’s still a bit sucky…

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The witty set-up to the Spierig Brothers’ vampire flick introduces a 2019 dystopia (actually Sydney) ravaged by Sam Neill’s corporate bloodsuckers. Humans are farmed for their blood, white-collar parasites such as Ethan Hawke’s haematologist use plasma cafes for their daily fix, and, as in The Matrix, every other character sounds suspiciously Antipodean. “Life’s a bitch, then you don’t die,” quips Hawke, whose unlikely entanglements with resistance fighters Willem Dafoe and Claudia Karvan (a cut-price Carrie-Anne Moss) point towards salvation.

Freelance Writer

Matt Glasby is a freelance film and TV journalist. You can find his work on Total Film - in print and online - as well as at publications like the Radio Times, Channel 4, DVD REview, Flicks, GQ, Hotdog, Little White Lies, and SFX, among others. He is also the author of several novels, including The Book of Horror: The Anatomy of Fear in Film and Britpop Cinema: From Trainspotting To This Is England.