Dark Souls 2 Pharros' Contraptions guide

Shaded Woods (2 of 3)

This is near the Shaded Ruins bonfire. When you come up the grassy ramp, look left. Enter the building here and head downstairs. Bust up the barrels to reveal a corpse holding this item.

Shaded Woods (3 of 3)

Take a right from the same ramp to see a large gecko enemy. Past him is a set of stairs leading to a corpse, which holds another lockstone.

Doors of Pharros

You'll find this on your way to the Ordeal's End bonfire.Check the left side of the steps before entering the ledges above the firstarea to find it atop a corpse.

Note: It is also possible to farm Pharros' Lockstone drops from the rats in this area, though the drop is rare.

Brightstone Cove Tseldora (1 of 2)

This is found near the lower Brightstone Cove bonfire at the bottom of the sandpit. Exit the building, then enter the first door on your left. Bust up the pots in here to find a corpse holding the lockstone.

Brighstone Cove Tseldora (2 of 2)

This is found when descending the spider web pit. After you drop one level, use a web to cross to the opposite ledge. Bust up the pots here to find a corpse holding the item.

Grave of Saints

After defeating the Royal Rat Vanguard, continue through the tunnels. When you drop through a hole beneath a hanging skeleton, pick the corpse nearby for this lockstone.

Note: It is also possible to farm Pharros' Lockstone drops from the rats in this area, though the drop is rare.

Black Gulch

From the Black Gulch Mouth bonfire, head down the green path. Instead of bearing left toward the fog gate, bear right. You can cross a narrow ledge to a small cave with the Hidden Chamber bonfire. Bust up the pots here to find a corpse holding the lockstone.

Drangleic Castle

To the right of the King's Gate bonfire are several stone soldiers and soul doors. Kill them before the doors to have the way opened, but beware - most chambers house a Ruin Sentinel. Open the second chamber on the left, and loot the corpse here for a lockstone.

Aldia's Keep

When heading down the long hallway with the cyclops cage, take the first door on the left to reach a green room. Bust up the shelves on the right side of the staircase to find a hidden corpse holding this.

Freelance Writer

Tony lives in Maryland, where he writes about those good old-fashioned video games for 12DOVE. His words have also appeared on GameSpot and G4, but he currently works for Framework Video, and runs Dungeons and Dragons streams.