Daily NewsRadar: Fortnite vending machines, hints at more Overwatch PvE, and intriguing teaser trailers

You're halfway through the week already! Wednesday brought with it a bunch of cool gaming news; here are the best tidbits for your perusing pleasure.

Learn more about Blackwatch in the new Overwatch comic, Retribution 

Get more insight into the covert ops team of Blackwatch (led by Reaper, before he donned the skull mask) in the latest Overwatch comic, which could be setting the stage for a new Overwatch Archives mission being added to the game later this year. 

Fork over some in-game resources at Fortnite's vending machines 

Fortnite's iconic island is now dotted with vending machines, which will give you all kinds of guns and goodies in exchange for building resources. Here's a Fortnite Vending Machines guide to explain and help you track them down.

The Spectrum Retreat looks eerie and enchanting 

While it may not show off much in the way of gameplay, this reveal trailer for "narrative-driven puzzler" The Spectrum Retreat has the kind of unsettling atmosphere that looks like it could easily pull you in. 

Sunless Skies trailer whisks you away to the stars 

The space-faring follow-up to the gothic, narrative-driven adventure Sunless Seas, Sunless Skies looks appropriately weird and mesmerizing in this new trailer showing off the region of Albion. 

Even more news:  

How God of War's combat team made Kratos' new axe feel so good

The Guardians take aim and the Science Bros team up in these two exclusive Avengers: Infinity War images

5 things we’ve learnt from Westworld season 2’s viral unveiling of Shogun World

“It's not a question of if, but a question of when” - As Fortnite Battle Royale’s meteor gets closer, Epic confirms a new map is on the cards

Onesies and Thanos bibles: Josh Brolin’s prep for Avengers: Infinity War was... quite something

Middle-earth: Shadow of War devs admit loot boxes messed with the "core premise" but they'll be gone soon

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Lucas Sullivan

Lucas Sullivan is the former US Managing Editor of 12DOVE. Lucas spent seven years working for GR, starting as an Associate Editor in 2012 before climbing the ranks. He left us in 2019 to pursue a career path on the other side of the fence, joining 2K Games as a Global Content Manager. Lucas doesn't get to write about games like Borderlands and Mafia anymore, but he does get to help make and market them.