Cyberpunk 2077 Easter eggs: All the references and secrets you can find in Night City
All the Cyberpunk 2077 Easter eggs we've found and seen online

It's not exactly unexpected, but there are a lot of Cyberpunk 2077 Easter eggs to be found throughout Night City. Some are obvious references like the Batmobile, but there are plenty of obscure references and jokes that will go over most players' heads in Cyberpunk 2077. We've got a list of most of the big Cyberpunk 2077 Easter eggs here for your perusal.
Note: Some small Easter eggs like mission names, photo mode poses, and wall graffiti have been omitted intentionally. This list includes most of the major, notable Easter eggs.
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Cyberpunk 2077 Easter eggs
Akira & Ghost in the Shell - Kusanagi CT-3X
Shotaro Kaneda's iconic bike from Akira features in Cyberpunk 2077, as the Kusanagi CT-3X. You can find it in the northern section of Japantown where it costs 22,000 eddies from Wakado. The name of the bike, Kusanagi, is another anime reference too, this time to Major Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell.
Batman - Batmobile
Directly north of the Sunset Motel fast travel point in the Badlands is a tunnel. Drive down here and about halfway through you'll find a shipping container with the Batmobile inside, which is instantly added to your list of cars. There's also a datashard on the table that is rife with Batman references, only the character he refers to within is called "Murk Man" instead.
Blade Runner - "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe"
One of the most iconic scenes from Blade Runner – a classic cyberpunk film, if you haven't seen it – is the "Tears in Rain" monologue by Roy Batty. During this, he has a white dove, and a reference to this can be found on the rooftop of the Advocet Hotel in-game, in Vista Del Rey. Head to the top and you'll find a character that looks strikingly similar to Roy, holding a bird.
Blade Runner - "Let me tell you about my mother"
Another Blade Runner reference occurs during one of many Cyberpunk 2077 endings. Of course, this contains spoilers, so stop reading this entry if you haven't finished the game yet.
During the Arasaka ending, when you're enduring a series of tests, one of these will be a Voight-Kampff test, which was. created for the Blade Runner universe. The test is designed to distinguish between human beings and replicants – androids who are nigh-on impossible to tell apart from humans.
Breaking Bad - The Heisenberg Principle
Over on the west side of Watson, Regina will give you a gig called The Heisenberg Principle. Other than the name being an obvious reference, in the mission you need to find a destroy a lab used to make a fictional drug called "glitter". Just don't stand too close to the equipment when you blow it up...
CD Projekt Red development team
Within Kabuki roundabout, there's a hidden room with a TV screen dedicated to the CD Projekt Red development team. Head to the north-east sign, head down a staircase near the "hotel" neon sign, then look in the corner for a closed shutter door.
You need to input a code to access it, but this code is actually included with the message from CD Projekt Red which comes with every copy of the game. If you don't want to dig it out, the code is 605185. Head inside, sit on the sofa with Johnny – who will whip his guitar out and play a couple of tunes – turn the TV on, and watch selfies from all the people who worked on the game flash on the enormous TV, one by one.
CohhCarnage - Garry the Prophet
Stood right outside of Misty's esoterica and Viktor's ripperdoc clinic is Garry the Prophet, yelling about his outlandish claims and foretellings. This chap is actually CohhCarnage, a hugely popular Twitch streamer who plays a variety of games on his channel and is one of the most established content creators on the platform. This character is miles apart from his usual personality as quite a level headed entertainer.
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Death Stranding - BB Pod and Hideo Kojima
One of the most well known Easter eggs in Cyberpunk 2077 is that Hideo Kojima has a cameo. We've got a dedicated article to this on our Cyberpunk 2077 Hideo Kojima page, so you can find out more there, along with details on the BB Pod Easter egg in a different part of the game.
Demolition Man - Three Seashells
In V's apartment, you have a toilet. But instead of toilet paper, there are just three seashells next to the loo. This will go over most people's heads, but anyone who has seen Demolition Man will clock it as a reference to the movie, where seashells are used in place of toilet paper. Exactly how that works is anybody's guess.
Die Hard & Dirty Harry - Joan McClane & Henry Callahan
During the Following the River mission with River Ward, you'll play an AR game with Monique and Dorian, Joss' kids. When the youngsters put on the headsets, they transform into Joan McClane and Henry Callahan; references to John McClane (Die Hard) and Harry Callahan (Dirty Harry).
Dukes of Hazzard - General Lee
The General Lee car is absolutely iconic for any Dukes of Hazzard fans, but did you know you can buy it in Cyberpunk 2077? Found in the Rancho Coronado region, the Type-66 Jen Rowley (General Lee, Jen Rowley, geddit?) will set you back 58,000 eddies. Unfortunately it doesn't come with the unforgettable horn, but it's the classic car all the same.
Fallout - Vault 101 LARPers
Down in the Badlands, approximately 650m east from the border and 750m south-west from the Regional Airport fast travel point, are a few corpses around a circular dish with "101" on the front. If you loot the archived conversation between Albert Cole and Gary Epps, you'll learn these LARPers were role-playing a post-apocalyptic scenario where they leave the safety of bunker 101 for the first time since nuclear war.
Grand Theft Auto - Grove Street
This one is a little tenuous, but a road that strongly resembles Grove Street can be found in Rancho Coronado. Round the corner from the Almunecar & Jerez fast travel point is a cul-de-sac that looks very similar, and is also full of gang members. It looks more like the GTA V Grove St than the original, however.
Grand Theft Auto - "Follow the damn train, CJ!"
Over by the Trailer Park fast travel point in the Red Peaks region of the map, there's a train track. Approach the tunnel and there'll be two bodies on the floor, along with a crashed motorbike nearby. Loot the datashard off one of them and it'll be an archived conversation between "JC" and "Little Smoke", about how they're trying to catch a train. All you had to do was follow the damn train, JC!
Hidan no Aria - Aria H. Kanzaki
One for all the anime fans out there and quite an obscure reference, but one of the streets in Japantown is named after Aria H. Kanzaki, the main protagonist of Hidan no Aria, and a descendent of Sherlock Holmes (the H stands for Holmes). In English, the show is called Aria the Scarlet Ammo, and she's known as Sherlock Holmes IV.
Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull - Refrigerator man
Everyone knows the scene in Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull where Indiana saves himself from a nuclear blast by hiding in a fridge. It's been referenced multiple times over the last decade or so – including a classic one in Fallout New Vegas – and it can also be found in Cyberpunk 2077. Head out to the badlands, along the road north of the Medeski Fuel Station fast travel point, and just before the crossroads you'll be able to find a fridge with a corpse in, along with a cowboy hat on the ground next to it. There's also a note on the corpse referencing the time Mythbusters featured the scene on their show.
Jesse Cox - Flaming Crotch Man
The third and final influencer cameo we've spotted in Cyberpunk 2077 is Jesse Cox, a YouTuber and Twitch streamer with almost a million subscribers. He typically plays horror games, and his character in Cyberpunk 2077 is quite horrifying indeed. You pick him up in a gig called Burning Desire, because his cybernetic penis mod has caught fire, and you need to take him to a ripperdoc. Very on brand for Jesse.
John Wick - A little misunderstanding
During the Olive Branch gig, you're instructed to meet with a man called Sergei. When talking to him, he tells you about a hitman who looked "normal - beard, brown shoes...", who also had a dog with him. Keanu Reeves (the chap who plays Johnny Silverhand if anyone is unaware) plays a bloke just like that in the John Wick film franchise. Sergei even says he looked like nothing breathtaking, which is a reference to Keanu's E3 2019 appearance on stage.
Jovem Nerd - Ozob Bozo
Another super obscure reference in Cyberpunk 2077 comes in the form of Ozob Bozo, who is inspired by a character from the Brazilian tabletop RPG podcast Jovem Nerd. Ozob has a grenade for a nose and resembles a clown – you'll have a fist fight with him during the Beat on the Brat questline.
Mad Max: Fury Road - Crashed war rig
For some reason, the corpses had despawned when returning to the location, but take our word for it that usually at this Easter egg, you can find some bodies that heavily resemble Immortan Joe and Imperator Furiosa. There's also an archived conversation between one Charlize Fury and Dakota Smith talking about how Max is wounded and the girls are all pregnant. Pretty on the nose, all things considered.
The Matrix - Guns, lots of guns
On the Just Ads TV channel, there's a familiar ad you might spot. "Guns, lots of guns" is a scene in The Matrix and this ad references it with "Clothes, lots of clothes". It's most notable during the the There Is A Light That Never Goes Out side mission, when you're with Zuleikha in her house.
The Matrix - Red or Blue Pill?
When you let Johnny take over as V for the first time and he goes on a rampage in the Afterlife club, one of the scenes shows an ominous man in a black coat offer Johnny a blue pill or a red pill. This is a reference to The Matrix, which was one of Keanu Reeves' biggest acting gigs, alongside John Wick mentioned above.
Mike Pondsmith - Pondsmith Street
Mike Pondsmith is the original creator of Cyberpunk and he worked directly with CD Projekt Red on the game. As a result, there's a street named after him in Japantown called Pondsmith Street. Neat!
Mortal Kombat - Scorpion
Warning: Minor spoilers for Panam's storyline below.
After you complete the mission I'll Fly Away with Mitch, he gives you a figurine as a gift, that you can display on the coffee table below the window in V's apartment. This resembles Scorpion, both the character in Cyberpunk and the Mortal Kombat character thanks to the pose. If you scan it, the brand is "KO Kombat".
The Office US - Surgeon from Japan
When you complete the mission Big In Japan, you're introduced to Haruyoshi, a brain surgeon from Japan. Fans of The Office US will recognise his backstory though... it sounds eerily similar to that of the heart surgeon Darryl saves, Hidetoshi Hasagawa, who details his story in season six.
Portal - GLaDOS
During the Epistrophy mission, when Delamain wants you to recover his rogue vehicles, one of them has a very familiar voice for anyone who has ventured through the test chambers of Aperture Science. When you approach the vehicle in Coastview, it sounds exactly like GLaDOS. There's even a "the cake is gone" reference, because of course there is.
Rihanna - Disturbia
One of the most unexpected Easter eggs in Cyberpunk 2077 is a reference to Rihanna. More specifically, her 2008 song Disturbia. When you find the Cyberpunk 2077 Skippy gun, it will often hum the tune to Disturbia when you use it. It's quite catchy, especially in those robotic tones.
Romancing the Stone - Colby "Little Mule"
If you've seen Romancing the Stone, the 1984 romcom starring Michael Douglas, Kathleen Turner, and Danny DeVito, then you may recognise the Colby "Little Mule" car you can buy in the Badlands region. It's not an identical replica by any means, but the design is similar and the name is a reference to the Little Mule car featured in the film.
The Shining - Room 1237
During the first proper mission in the game, The Rescue, you head to a scav hideout with Jackie. The room you go in is number 1237 – this is a reference to The Shining, where room 237 is the one that haunts Danny Torrance in the film. You also see a dead woman in a bathtub in the film, and guess who you're going to rescue in this mission? That's right; a woman in a tub.
Terminator 2: Judgment Day - Truck chase scene
In Rancho Coronado, in the sewers by Arasaka Industrial Park, you can find a crashed truck and motorbike with two corpses nearby. One man and one... robot? This is a reference to the truck chase in Terminator 2: Judgment Day. The archived conversation you can find nearby between Arnold Blake and Tex explains that they really need to keep Jimmy O'Connor alive, but the enemy has undergone advanced cyborgification. Yikes.
Tori Amos - Muhammed My Friend
The motel chain featured throughout Night City is called the Dewdrop Inn, which is a very niche reference to the song Muhammed My Friend by Tori Amos. The lyrics say "do drop in at the dew drop inn".
The Witcher 3 - Roach Race
There are plenty of arcade machines throughout Night City, all with different game titles on. One of these names is Roach Race, which is like a horse auto-scroller – although some machines will have the wrong game on the screen like the one in our screenshot. Roach was the name of Geralt's horse in The Witcher 3.
The Witcher 3 - Smuggler's Cache
If you played The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt through to completion, you'll remember the pain of hunting down Smuggler's Caches in Skellige. Three barrels, floating on the surface of the ocean, with tantalising loot within. If you head to the bridge connecting Heywood to Pacifica, you can find another one in the water. It doesn't have any legendary loot, but there is a shard on a nearby chap who unfortunately drowned while hunting for the final Smuggler's Cache. It explains that the obsession of finding all the stashes has left him too exhausted to go on... we know the feeling mate.
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