Crusaders: Thy Kingdom Come review

Killing in the name of righteousness

12DOVE Verdict


  • +

    Tactically solid

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    Interesting period of history

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    Nice gameplay tweaks


  • -

    Compares badly to Total War

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    Dated Graphics

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    Fails to innovate

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But where Crusaders fails to innovate and re-invent the genre, it does a good job of specialising in the Crusades setting. The five leaders’ powers come in handy, the secondary objectives are something that the game makes it worth going back to, and the religious relics are a nice way of working game-like stat bonuses into a 200-year religious conflict that was pretty low on leveling up. This is a relaxing game (mainly thanks to the time accelerator only going up to x2), with combat playing out sensibly, and the skirmishes looking surprisingly good up close. The sound is inoffensive and never breaks your immersion – units don’t vocally respond to an order, so blessedly you don’t listen to 30 synonyms for OK like usual.

Crusaders just doesn’t reach the depth or the heights of the Total War games though. That may be an impossibly cruel comparison, but it’s one that’s forced by the blatant similarities of this game. Developers Neocore side-step the still-warm potato of Muslim vs Christian crusades, by letting you play through the Muslim campaign, and – thankfully – by declining to reference current difficulties. Also, the manual self-deprecatingly refers to the game’s treatment of religion as “idealised” – whichwe took to be their way of saying the whole affair was as corrupt and indecent as hell. But then, you read into these things what you want to believe, don’t you? Who cares what the book actually says?

Oct 6, 2008

More info

DescriptionThis Total War-esque strategy game might not be as deep as the games it takes its inspiration from, but solid tactical gameplay, surprisingly good graphics and an interesting historical backdrop make it a satisfying package.
US censor rating"Rating Pending"
UK censor rating"12+"
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)