Crash Team Racing Cheats
Crash Team Racing FAQs
Submitted by Moises Baez
Crash Team Racing Unlockables
PS1 | Submitted by RomarioGet Nitrous Oxide
Race Time Trail
After beating N.Tropy in his time records, beat Nitrous Oxide's and you will receive him in the character select menu.
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Papu Papu
To get Papu Papu you must win the Green Gem cup
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Blue Gem Cup
To get Blue Gem Cup you must use adventure mode to get all 4 blue coins
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Fake Crash
To get Fake Crash you must win the Purple Gem cup
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Pinstripe
INVALID CODE??This code was reported invalid by Users-You Decide
To get Pinstripe you must win the Yellow Gem cup
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Turbo Track
To get Turbo Track you must use adventure mode to get all coins and all 5 gems
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Yellow Gem Cup
To get Yellow Gem Cup you must use adventure mode to get all 4 yellow coins
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Red Gem Cup
To get Red Gem Cup you must use adventure mode to get all 4 red coins
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Ripper Roo
To get Ripper Roo you must win the Red Gem cup OR at the title screen, hold down L1 & R1 and press RIGHT, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, DOWN, UP, DOWN, RIGHT
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarNew Battle Arenas
Use the arcade 1 player mode to finish the easy, medium and hard difficulty to get up to 4 new arenas
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Green Gem Cup
To get Green Gem Cup you must use adventure mode to get all 4 green coins
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Purple Gem Cup
To get Purple Gem Cup you must use adventure mode (crystal Levels) to get all 4 purple coins
Crash Team Racing Cheats
PS1 | Submitted by Salman JaveedUnlock Turbo Track, The North Bowl, Lab Basement, Parking Lot
At the main menu HOLD L1+R1 AND PRESS RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, TRIANGLE, RIGHT, DOWN, DOWN. You'll here a special sound effect if the code is correct.
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet N Trophy
Finish the Roos Tubes level using time trial mode OR at the title screen, hold down L1 & R1 and press Down, Left, Right, Up, Down, Right, Right
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Spyro the Dragon 2 Demo
At the main or new game screen hold L1 + R1 and press Down, Circle, Triangle, Right
PS1 | Submitted by ANONYMOUSTurbo Counter
At the Main Menu, hold L1 + R1, then press Triangle, Up(2), Circle, Up.
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Penta Penguin
At the title screen, hold down L1 & R1 and press Down, RIGHT, Triangle, DOWN, Left, Triangle, Up
PS1 | Submitted by sparkyKomodo Joe
Hold L1+R1 and press down, circle, left, left, triangle, right, down at them main menu. A sound will confirm the correct entry
PS1 | Submitted by sparkyPinstripe
Hold L1+R1 and press left right, triangle, Down, right, down at the main menu a sound will confirm the correct entry.
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Unlimited Wumpa Fruit
At the title screen, hold down L1 & R1 and press Down, Right, Right, Down, Down
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Komodo Joe
To get Komodo Joe you must win the Blue Gem cup OR at the title screen, hold down L1 & R1 and press DOWN, CIRCLE, LEFT, LEFT, TRIANGLE, RIGHT, DOWN
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Unlimited Masks
At the title screen, hold down L1 & R1 and press Left, Triangle, Right, Left, Circle, Right, Down, Down
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Invisible Power Ups
(INVALID CODE?? This code was reported invalid by Users-You Decide! Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't?)
At the title screen, hold down L1 & R1 and press Down, Left, Right, Up, Down, Right
PS1 | Submitted by Nitros Oxide ([email protected])Alternate way to unlock Pinstripe
To unlcok Pinstripe withought winning the gem, at the tittle screen, hold L1+R1 and hit left, right, triangle, down, right, down.
PS1 | Submitted by Nitros Oxide ([email protected])Alternate way to unlock Papu Papu
INVALID CODE??This code was reported invalid by Users-You Decide
To unlcok Papu Papu withought winning the gem, at the tittle screen, hold L1+R1 and hit left, triangle, right, down, right, O, left, left . Also reported as At the main menu, hold L1+R1 and then press left, triangle, right, down, right, circle, left, left & down
PS1 | Submitted by ANONYMOUSInvisibility
At Main Menu, hold L1 + R1, then press Up(2), Down, Right(2), Up.
PS1 | Submitted by Menace quake proGet Scrapbook
(INVALID CODE?? This code was reported invalid by Users-You Decide! Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't?)
At the main menu, hold L1 + R1 and press Up(2), Down, Right(2), Left, Right, Triangle, Right. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Alternately, break N. Oxide's records in time trial mode to unlock a "Scrapbook" option at the main menu.
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet More Tracks
At the title screen, hold down L1 & R1 and press Right, Right, Left, Triangle, Right, Down, Down
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Super turbo Pads
At the title screen, hold down L1 & R1 and press Triangle, Right, Right, Circle, Left
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Invisibility
At the title screen, hold down L1 & R1 and press Up, Up, DOWN, Right, Right, Up
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Unlimited Bombs
At the title screen, hold down L1 & R1 and press Triangle, Right, Down, Right, Up, Triangle, Left
Crash Team Racing Hints
PS1 | Submitted by AGEGENT MPCBetter shortcut for Polar Pass
Just before the "jump from this island to that that one" part you will notice 2 thin turbos. Make sure you enabled the Super Turbo pad cheat you should be able to go to the right and skip the islands!!!
PS1 | Submitted by GarbageCTR Token Levels
To Unlcok The PURPLE Gem Cup, Get The CTR Token At:
Rocky Road
Rampage Ruins
Nitro Court
Skull Rock
To Unlcok The BLUE Gem Cup, Get The CTR Token At:
N. Gin Labs
Dragon Mines
Tiger Temple
Sewer Speedway
To Unlock The RED Gem Cup, Get The CTR Token At:
Papu's Pyramid
Crash Cove
Mystery Caves
Blizzard Bluff
To Unlcok The GREEN Gem Cup, Get The CTR Token At:
Coco Park
Roo's Tubes
Polar Pass
Cortex Castle
To Unlcok The YELLOW Gem Cup, Get The CTR Token At:
Hot Air Skyway
Oxide Station
Tiny Arena
Dingo Canyon
If Slide Colisium And Turbo Track Had CTR Tokens, They Might Have Been Yellow. You Can Tell By The Color Of The Ground That Is Under A Level.
PS1 | Submitted by BrianSewer Speedway Shourt cut
After the first jump when you get out of the tunnel you go to the ledge on the left hand side and when you come to the turn use a juiced up Aku-Aku or Uka-Uka and jump down of the ledge, go across to the other ledge and push L1 when you are about to be on the ledge. This should get you to a secret passage.
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarThird short cut an papu papu's pyramid
Before you go round the corner where the stonge-henge things are, you will need a turbo. There'll be a little ramp thing, fire your turbo and push the r1 or l1 button. You turn right in the air and then you should land on the home stretch.
PS1 | Submitted by BrianBlizzard Bluff Short Cut
On the first ice pond right before the bridge turn to the left and you should see an opening. With a juiced up boost or Aku-Aku/Uka-Uka go in that opening and use the boost or Aku-Aku/Uka-Uka and push L1 right before you go over. If you don't press L1 and use what you have you will fall in the water.
PS1 | Submitted by janak PatelExtra Turbo Boost
At the beginning of a race,hit the gas button just before the green light flashes to start off with a turbo boost.
PS1 | Submitted by IncognitoTWO Shortcuts in PAPU'S PYRAMID
Before the first shortcut, you will need an Aku-Aku(or Uka-Uka if your a bad guy) mask or a turbo boost(preferably juiced-up) ready to use. The first shortcut is located just after the "kart-eating" plants. After that there is a fairly sharp turn. Just before that, there are two small walls with yellow arrows warning you of the turn. Between them is a large gap, and after that there is a small pillar with Papu's big ugly mug on it. You need to use the Aku-Aku/Uka-Uka/turbo so that you get up enough speed to make the jump before the gap, then you should drop down onto the track. The second short cut is located just after the "fairly sharp turn" mentioned in the instructions for the first shortcut. After the turn, go to the left of the track and just before the drops, jump to the left and you should land on a small ledge with wumpa fruit.
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarCTR Token
In Adventure, when you are playing Crash Cove, go off of the ramp and push jump to turbo. Go through the water and it will bounce you up. Push jump again and make a right onto the bridge once you make it up, and you will get the letter. Don't go on that ship because it is a dead end.
PS1 | Submitted by Hot TunaA Cool Turbo
When on a(preferebly long and curved)corner, do a powerslide. But hit the "burst" button three times. Your third burst should be super fast!
PS1 | Submitted by Stinky PeepieTiger Temple Shortcut
If you get a bomb or a missile, save it until you see teeth on the left side of the speedway, then shoot it with bomb or missile. Instead of going ALL the way around you cut threw the middle.
PS1 | Submitted by Hot TunaA Better Cortex Castle Short Cut
This cheat works best with a juiced-up speed burst or mask. When you enter the bluish room after the stairs, turn left. You should see a ledge. Use your "weapon" here, and jump to the ledge. It takes practice, but is worth while!!!
PS1 | Submitted by AGEGENT MPCSuper shortcut for Papu's Pyramid.
This shortcut may be VERY HARD but can take up to 10 SECONDS off your lap time! Here it is: first DON'T take Oxide's first shortcut take the one that allows you to skip the annoying steps. Then do a HUGE jump and land on the short wall (You know the one that stops you from falling off the edge just before the home stretch.) Then jump off it and land in front of the finish line. It totally kicked Oxide's butt!!!
PS1 | Submitted by Brett5000Short Cut in Dragon Mines
At the first railroad make a right into the tunnel. Then keep following the railroad until your going on the ground.
PS1 | Submitted by IncognitoCut a Corner on POLAR PASS
After a number sparatic jumps(the ones with all the turbo pads) you will cross a very narrow, wooden bridge and enter a cave. At the end of the cave you should see a large wall with yellow arrows pointing to the right, indicating a very tight U-turn. To avoid this(and get a weapon or some wumpa fruit) just before you get to the wall there should be a small hill. Use this hill to jump over the wall and collect some goodies!
PS1 | Submitted by IncognitoShortcut in TIGER TEMPLE (and the R for the CTR Challenge)
Before you do this you will need an Aku-Aku(or Uka-Uka if your a bad guy) mask ready to use. After you exit the first main temple area(the place with the flaming statues) if you look straight ahead you should see what looks like to be a giant monkey head on top of the building. Just under it there should be a section of the wall that is darker than the other parts of the wall. Now you need to use the Aku-Aku/Uka-Uka I mentioned earlier. Once on, drive toward the dark section of the wall and it should open up, leading to some wumpa fruit boxes(and the R if your racing the CTR Challenge). Don't worry my child, have faith!!!!
PS1 | Submitted by IncognitoGet rid of those pesky missles
If a missle is tailing you, drop a TNT or NITRO box behind you. If your desperate, you could use a bowling bomb on a straightaway. (NOTE:This also works on bowling bombs, but not warp orbs)
PS1 | Submitted by Colman` ([email protected]Speed Boost
When you reach the very top of a jump press the R1 button and when you land you will go faster for about 5 seconds.
PS1 | Submitted by crash bandicootGet rid of pesky TNTs
When you land on a TNT immediatly start jumping. If you have jumped enough then it will fall off and you won't blow up. It might work with Nitros as well
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