Could a new Mass Effect game finally be on its way? Bioware teases possibilities

(Image credit: Twitter user @CaseyDHudson)

A tweet from Mass Effect game director Casey Hudson sure makes it seem like there's a new game in the works. Hudson took to Twitter to celebrate N7 Day, a community day appropriately on November 7 that's named after the game's vocational military code: "N" means special forces, while "7" is the highest level one can reach. For the last few years, N7 Day has felt more like a funeral than a celebration, however, as we've waited for new game announcements that could get the taste of Andromeda out of our mouths. This Tweet, however could change things.

Casey Hudson was game director on the Mass Effect trilogy in its entirety, so there's no better person to reassure us that there's "so many ideas" and "so many stories yet to tell." But let's unpack this concept art, which is slightly confusing. 

The first picture depicts a human seemingly in N7 armor standing in a forest near a downed structure - is that Reaper tech? In the background is what looks to be the Mako, a land vehicle deployed to help traverse planets, with another human-like figure crouching on top of it, and a Krogan standing right in front of it. Certainly seems like concept art from the original trilogy, or at least concept art set in the same time frame. 

The second picture could be showing the Citadel - the style of the structures look similar to the ones found on the Citadel, and the cool hues look very familiar. However, it looks more like an entirely new location, a city built within a giant crater. The third picture looks like a Cerberus base (the C6 certainly helps), with a mysterious alien riding what looks like a space cow. The only alien race I'm aware of that has a two-pronged head is the salarians, and this dude riding the space cow doesn't look Mordin Solus. There's also a figure inside the Cerberus base surveying the alien planet.

The fourth picture is the most blatant - that's clearly the Normandy flying away from some type of underwater base. This could potentially be just another piece of concept art from the Mass Effect 2: Arrival DLC, which initially was meant to have a base that was set entirely underwater. Concept art for that underwater hub was featured in the art book The Art of the Mass Effect Universe. 

It certainly seems like all of this concept art is based in the original trilogy, which suggests that Hudson is pointing to the long-anticipated remaster of all three Mass Effect games, potentially with new DLC that will explore these untold stories of which he speaks. Guess we'll just have to stay tuned and see what's in store for the Mass Effect universe…

A Mass Effect trilogy remaster isn't a certainty, but ya know what is? Black Friday deals. Check out our Black Friday gaming PC hub for deals that are out of this world. 

Alyssa Mercante

Alyssa Mercante is an editor and features writer at GamesRadar based out of Brooklyn, NY. Prior to entering the industry, she got her Masters's degree in Modern and Contemporary Literature at Newcastle University with a dissertation focusing on contemporary indie games. She spends most of her time playing competitive shooters and in-depth RPGs and was recently on a PAX Panel about the best bars in video games. In her spare time Alyssa rescues cats, practices her Italian, and plays soccer.