Conan review

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Kudos also to Nihilistic for keeping in spirit with the Hyborian legacy. This isn’t Schwarzenegger’s buffoon of a Conan; this is the bestial Cimmerian of Robert E Howard’s original pulp fiction with a smattering of Marvel comics. The one discrepancy was that THQ’s Conan dabbles in magic - a range of spells like turning enemies to stone, sucking them into vortexes or bombarding them with flocks of demon ravens - when Howard’s barbarian regarded the only good sorcerer as a dead one.

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DescriptionGod of War it ain't, but this gore-packed hack-n-slash epic will deliver both the Conan fans and the blood thirsty quite a fix.
Platform"Xbox 360","PS3"
US censor rating"Mature","Mature"
UK censor rating"Rating Pending","Rating Pending"
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)