Comic-Con 2009: 5 most important missed stories

Above: Been there, done that

You're probably already bored with hearing about theHalo anime. And as cool as Gambit and Penance being announced for Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 is, that's pretty niche. So after a whole weekend of scouring the internets, we're proud to bring you five stories from Comic-Con that you probably missed, no matter how important they were.

1. There are approximately 8,000 comics based on games, with more on the way

Though comic adaptations of games were around even before the Archie-published Sonic comics of the '90s, there’s been a deluge of them since the big success of the Halo original graphic novel a few years ago, although you probably haven't noticed. Gears of War, Resistance, World of Warcraft and Prototype have all gotten their own series (or limited series), and we’re guessing they’ve been successful, because a crapload more comics got announced at SDCC.

EA was the biggest force, as they announced upcoming comic versions of Dante's Inferno (DC Comics is publishing), Dead Space: Extraction fromImage Comicsand Mass Effect fromDark Horse Comics. Meanwhile, new franchises from Capcom and Activision (SpyborgsandSingularity, respectively) are getting one-off comics to help hype and introduce readers to the new games. Even God of War isgetting into it. But what fascinated us most was the news that Jordan Mechner, the creator of Prince of Persia and the driving force behind the recent classic Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, iswriting a graphic novelmeant to follow the PoP film coming next year.

Why is this fascinating? Three reasons: first, unlike 99 percent of previous comics based on games, this one has the direct involvement of someone very important to the series. Second, Jordan Mechner has already written a really goodPrince of Persia graphic novel. And third, the more we see from thePoP filmthe more hope we put into the idea of this comic redeeming a possibly crappy film.

Henry Gilbert

Henry Gilbert is a former 12DOVE Editor, having spent seven years at the site helping to navigate our readers through the PS3 and Xbox 360 generation. Henry is now following another passion of his besides video games, working as the producer and podcast cohost of the popular Talking Simpsons and What a Cartoon podcasts.