City of Heroes review

Evil must be smited! Smitten? Aw, screw it - just blast the bastards

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Traditional online role-playing fans may find City of Heroes’ focus on point-and-click fighting somewhat hollow, but for anyone who doesn’t give a flying forge about arcane armorcraft, City of Heroes delivers an action-oriented kick that most massively multiplayer games lack. Find your friends, hit the streets, shoot radiation beams from your eyes and smite evil in your day-glo lycra. That’s a comic-book fan’s idea of heaven - and that’s what City of Heroes delivers.

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GenreRole Playing
DescriptionShoot radiation beams from your eyes and smite evil in day-glo lycra. It's every comic-book fan's dream come true.
US censor rating"Teen"
UK censor rating""
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)