Catherine developers respond to cover art reaction, show off art book and soundtrack combo

Despite the lack of a confirmed Western release, we just can't get enough of Atlus' uniquely odd upcoming game, Catherine.

A new entry on the developer blog details a bonus that early buyers of the game in Japan will receive. It's a CD with 11 tracks, along with a booklet and liner notes featuring art from the game. The image below is from the jacket, and it's a slightly classier look for Catherine than we've seen in the past.

The blog post also contained the response to the game's cover art, which we discussed last week. Apparently, several fans in Japan thought it was a little bit too erotic.

"To those who thought the image was hot, thank you. Others said, 'If I had the package in my house, what would people say when they saw it?' Please, by all means, have a family meeting beforehand to teach them about Catherine. You could say 'Catherine is an action-adventure with an adult atmosphere, not a porn game.'"

...yeah, don't think your girlfriend's going to buy that one.

[Source: Catherine Blog via Andriasang]

Dec 9, 2010