Carnival Games review

Step right up to Wii's latest party game - you could win a prize!

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The quest for unlockable goodies sustains the single-player mode for a few hours but, like any party game, this one has more legs in its up-to-four-players competitive modes - honestly, who goes to a carnival by themselves, anyway? Audio and visuals are a bit below the Wii's already unimpressive average, but judging a party game by such standards is like watching R-rated skin flicks on late-night Cinemax for the acting. If you're a fan of Nintendo's familiar mini-game fare, or just want something simple for the whole family to enjoy, Carnival Games should keep your Wii-mote moving more than an out-of-control Tilt-A-Whirl.

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GenreOther Games/Compilations
DescriptionIf you're a fan of Nintendo's familiar minigame fare, Carnival Games should keep your Wii Remote moving more than an out-of-control Tilt-A-Whirl.
US censor rating"Everyone"
UK censor rating""
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)
Matt Cabral
A full-time freelance writer based in Lizzie Borden's hometown, Matt Cabral has covered film, television, and video games for over a decade. You can follow him on Twitter @gamegoat, friend him on Facebook, or find him in the basement of an abandoned building hoarding all the canned goods, med-kits, and shotgun shells.