Captain America: The Winter Soldier stars interview Samuel L Jackson

As much as we enjoy film junkets, we do sometimes feel sorry for the poor movie stars who essentially have to sit around answering the same questions all day long.

Obviously Total Film tries to make it fun for them, by asking original (ridiculous) questions and generally being a bit silly, but we thought that it was about time we mixed it up a bit, and gave the movie stars themselves the chance to ask the questions.

So, we handed Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan and the Russo brothers the chance to ask Nick Fury himself, Samuel L Jackson, literally anything they wanted.

From eyepatches to Jurassic Park and beyond, click below to find out what Samuel L Jackson's co-stars most want to know about him.

The Winter Soldier is in cinemas Friday 28 March

Sam Ashurst is a London-based film maker, journalist, and podcast host. He's the director of Frankenstein's Creature, A Little More Flesh + A Little More Flesh 2, and co-hosts the Arrow Podcast. His words have appeared on HuffPost, MSN, The Independent, Yahoo, Cosmopolitan, and many more, as well as of course for us here at 12DOVE.