Captain America: Civil War directors act out weird alternate ending

(Image credit: Marvel)

Captain America: Civil War hits UK cinemas today and if you're one of the lucky few who has already been to a Midnight showing, you know how it ends. And you probably need lots of coffee right now. If you didn't like how it ended, or even if you did, we have a very early extra for you - an alternate ending.

We asked directors Joe and Anthony Russo to act out an alternate ending for the superhero showdown, and the results were... odd, to say the least.

Yeah, you heard it here first. Cap originally tried to apologise, but ended up riding off into the sunset with Black Widow because Iron Man was "emotionally unavailable". We know which ending we prefer. 

Directed by Joe Russo and Anthony Russo, and starring Chris Evans, Robert Downey, Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Chadwick Boseman, Tom Holland, Anthony Mackie, and Sebastian Stan, Captain America: Civil War opens in UK cinemas on April 29, 2016 and May 6, 2016 in the US.

Images: Marvel

Lauren O'Callaghan

Lauren O'Callaghan is the former Entertainment Editor of 12DOVE. You'd typically find Lauren writing features and reviews about the latest and greatest in pop culture and entertainment, and assisting the teams at Total Film and SFX to bring their excellent content onto 12DOVE. Lauren is now the digital marketing manager at the National Trust.