Canis Canem Edit

The Big Prank
The season changes as you play through certain missions and eventually, in Chapter One, you'll reach Halloween. After performing a number of pranks with Gary (dressed as a Nazi) and your other friend Petey (dressed as a pink bunny, and mercilessly hounded by everyone as you roam the grounds), it's time for a real practical joke.

Gary leads you to Harrington House - the lair of the preppies - where you have to protect him while he catches the dog that lives on the grounds. While you fend off the preppies he feeds it rancid meat, collects the dog's hastily-evacuated mess in a paper bag and races off to the school building. You can probably guess what's coming next.

Above: The world around you reacts to your actions, with other students talking about you as you pass by

Bullworth Academy is off limits after 7pm so you and Gary have to sneak past patrolling teachers. Like Manhunt, the patrols seem to be occasionally random but slightly predictable, making the stealth more than just simply sticking to a set route.

Eventually, Gary dumps the bag outside the staff room, lights it, and you pull the fire alarm - forcing Mr Burton, the Gym teacher, to burst out of the door and stamp on the burning mass. Nice.

Canis Canem Edit's playground antics are consistently fun, even if the missions start off a little short and slightly uneventful. But although we rattled through Chapter One easily enough, later chapters open up Bullworth Town - more than tripling the size of your world - making for longer and more challenging tasks. Canis is out on 27 October and it won't disappoint.

Above: The world around you reacts to your actions, with other students talking about you as you pass by

Bullworth Academy is off limits after 7pm so you and Gary have to sneak past patrolling teachers. Like Manhunt, the patrols seem to be occasionally random but slightly predictable, making the stealth more than just simply sticking to a set route.

Eventually, Gary dumps the bag outside the staff room, lights it, and you pull the fire alarm - forcing Mr Burton, the Gym teacher, to burst out of the door and stamp on the burning mass. Nice.

Canis Canem Edit's playground antics are consistently fun, even if the missions start off a little short and slightly uneventful. But although we rattled through Chapter One easily enough, later chapters open up Bullworth Town - more than tripling the size of your world - making for longer and more challenging tasks. Canis is out on 27 October and it won't disappoint.

Ben Richardson is a former Staff Writer for Official PlayStation 2 magazine and a former Content Editor of 12DOVE. In the years since Ben left GR, he has worked as a columnist, communications officer, charity coach, and podcast host – but we still look back to his news stories from time to time, they are a window into a different era of video games.