Cammy bringing incredibly revealing leotards to Street Fighter IV iPhone

Not too long ago Street Fighter IV launched for the iPhone, and it beat the odds by being good, making it better than 99.9 percent of the games available for the stupidly popular device. And we certainlyliked itbut wouldn’t it have been even better if it had a brain-washed, Bison-cloned, ex-MI6 operative, ex-Shadaloo assassin Brit with an amazing keister? Well now Capcom has taken that step to make their iPhone App even better.

Yes, soon enough anyone who bought the fancy fighting App can download Cammy and add her to their roster for free. That’s right, free DLC, just a nice little thank you from Capcom to their fans. Though there isn’t a release date yet, it’ll probably be sooner than later.

Hmm, this story seems a little short. Lets fill it out a little with a couple Cammy fun facts!

Cammy fun fact 1! In the truly perfect and Oscar-worthy Street Fighter live-action film, Cammy was played by singing sensation Kylie Minogue. She also reprised that role in the transcendent Street Fighter: The Movie: The Game.

Above: Better than a dozen Okamis

Cammy fun fact 2! In an early localization of Cammy’s ending in Super Street Fighter II it was revealed that she was a former lover of Bison, though that isn’t really except cannon now. Meanwhile in Alpha 3 it was reveal she was cloned from Bison’s DNA, meaning Bison basically did it with a girl version of himself. Grody!

Above: If Bison were sexy

For more Cammy fun facts,click here.

Apr 15, 2010

Henry Gilbert

Henry Gilbert is a former 12DOVE Editor, having spent seven years at the site helping to navigate our readers through the PS3 and Xbox 360 generation. Henry is now following another passion of his besides video games, working as the producer and podcast cohost of the popular Talking Simpsons and What a Cartoon podcasts.