Call of Duty: Warzone five man squads potentially teased in latest season 5 trailer

Warzone Rumble
(Image credit: Activision)

Call of Duty: Warzone players have spotted a potential teaser for five-man squads in the new season 5 trailer, suggesting a long requested mode could be arriving as part of tonight's major update to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

As posted on Reddit, a scene from the trailer where Shadow Company blow up Verdansk's Stadium shows at least five people together in a single helicopter, which currently isn't possible in Warzone at present. 

5 Man Squads coming to Warzone? from r/CODWarzone

Given that this part of the trailer is story focused, it's possible that Infinity Ward is taking some creative liberties that aren't necessarily about to be reflected in-game, but there's certainly reason to believe the studio is legitimately teasing an uptake in squad player counts for this new season. 

In an interview with USA Today earlier this year, for instance, Infinity Ward co-studio head Patrick Kelly confirmed that the team is "already playing with" five-man squads internally, so there's certainly a strong likelihood that the mode will be part of Warzone's future. 

The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare season 5 patch is already live ahead of tonight's launch, allowing players to download the hefty new update with plenty of time before they can jump in to the new content, which refreshes both multiplayer and Warzone with more guns, operators, and much more. 

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Alex Avard

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