Warzone error codes, problems and fixes

Warzone season 4 mercenaries of fortune update Call of Duty
(Image credit: Activision)

Warzone Error Codes are always an issue - sooner or later some string of numbers will stop you getting into the game, and who has the patience to wait for a 400GB update to come? Call of Duty Warzone constantly changing means that errors are inevitable, and while they're usually dealt with fairly quickly, it's still a frustrating thing to happen. 

For that reason, we've listed all the Warzone error codes, glitches and bugs we know of below, with fixes and solutions to help players address them wherever possible. Whether it's crashing, telling you it's "fetching online profile" for ages, locking you out of multiplayer or more, we've got something on it below, arranged in order of most recent Warzone bugs and error codes to oldest.

Warzone error code 11328: Fetching Online Profile

Since Vanguard Season 4 dropped for Warzone, players have been struggling with error code 11328, a recurring issue which states that it's "Fetching Online Profile" without progressing past that point and letting you into the game. It's more common on Xbox consoles right now, but can happen on any of platform, and PlayStation and PC players are not immune. 

There seem to be multiple causes that can prompt this error, but the main understanding is that, for some reason, Warzone can't access your COD Account. It's an issue that can have multiple causes, but most of these can be addressed by the standard approaches: restart your console, reset your internet and check its settings, update drivers, and even try rebuilding your database (on PlayStation) or clearing the cache (on Xbox).

If all that fails though, it's most likely an issue at Activision's end. If that's the case, all you can do is simply try again at another time when the issue's been resolved. Try checking official channels to see if they've acknowledged these problems, and if they've given a timeframe for fixing them.

Current Profile Is Not Allowed To Play Multiplayer error

If you're playing on Xbox One or Series X/S in the wake of Season 3, you might be hamstrung by the message "Current Profile Is Not Allowed To Play Multiplayer". That's not ideal, and it's not your fault either - this is a glitch that's appeared in the wake of Season 3 where Warzone (incorrectly) views an Xbox Live Silver account membership as not permitted to play the game. Whereas in reality, it should be.

Sadly, there's nothing players can do about such an issue, as it's an error on the server's end and needs to be addressed by the developers. Fortunately we know that is currently being looked at, according to a tweet seen below. Hopefully it should be addressed soon.

Whitelist error code

While there's been no official comment yet on the Warzone Whitelist error code, the current crowdsourced opinion is that you can brute force your way past it by simply restarting the game until you get it. It's not the best solution admittedly, but it does seem to be working for some people. Unless you're lucky enough to get past via this method there currently no other options, with Raven's bug tracker yet to list the issue. 

Error Code TORCH

There's a lot of issues that seem to be affecting PlayStation players at the moment, and Torch is a noteworthy one. However, nobody seems to be sure exactly what's causing it, which makes fixes difficult to nail down. After a great deal of experimentation, players have reported some success with the following steps. Go through them in order, moving to the next step if the previous one doesn't work.

  • Closing and restarting the game multiple times
  • Changing from a wired to wireless connection (or vice versa) if possible
  • Uninstalling Warzone and reinstalling the entire game as a last, frustrating resort

Content package not available on PS4 or PS5/ Error Code 6039

This is a rough one - if you try to open Warzone and get a message telling you that the content package is not available (sometimes known as Error Code 6039), you're in for a real annoyance, as the only way to fix this error is to completely uninstall Call of Duty Warzone and reinstall it again afterwards. Basically, delete and download the entire game.

From what we understand, this is an issue wherein certain essential files have become corrupted or deleted. The game can't identify what they are, so the only way to fix it is to download Warzone all over again, including the missing files. It'll take a while if there's slow internet at your home, but there's no other known fix at time of writing. Sorry.

Call of Duty Warzone dev error code 6345

This Error 6345 seems to be affecting PC players, especially in the wake of Caldera launching recently, and the best solutions we've found is to perform the scan and repair function in the game launcher under options.

Other suggestions include making sure your PC, drivers game and Battle.net are fully up to date. Disabling any antivirus software, setting the game priority to 'normal' in task manager and running Battle.net in admin mode could also help. Another extreme solution is to reinstall the entire game. 

Warzone dev error 5476 

The dev error 5476 code issue seems to prevent people from starting multiplayer at all, and while it's a code that's been around before, it isn't clear why it's giving players grief this time around.

One odd fix that's worked for a lot of folks in the past in changing your calling card and emblem. Some players are saying that simply changing them can fix things, while the example below seems to suggest that having them randomized can cause problems. Regardless, dev error 5476 is here once more, and we don't yet have a definitive answer on how to fix it just yet, but we're holding out hope that Raven sorts things out promptly.

blzbntagt00000bb8 scan and repair glitch

This jumble of letters is a recurring glitch that's been an issue recently where Warzone gets stuck in a recurring loop of scan and repair, leaving you unable to open it. This usually happens if you delete Battle.net or files that make it up off your PC, but it can happen regardless.

If you have this issue, you basically need to uninstall Battle.net totally and re-install it afterwards. Make sure you delete any %LOCALAPPDATA% folders related to it before you re-install.

PS4 and PS5s crashing and freezing in Warzone

One of the real issues now that the Pacific Caldera map has launched is that PS5s and PS4s are crashing regularly, with no clear explanation or prompt as to why. Unfortunately there is no known fix at time of writing - this seems to be a fundamental performance issue that triggers usually when loading the new map, though not exclusively. As far as we know the developers haven't addressed it yet, but it seems to be a real issue on both PlayStation consoles - and we can't suggest any fix beyond trying over and over. However, we will update this the moment we know more, what with this being a real pressing issue for many Warzone players.

Status GOLDFLAKE Warzone Glitch

The statue GOLDFLAKE glitch appears to be affecting mainly PS4 and PS5 players, from what we can see, and appears to be tied to putting your system into a rest mode without closing the game first. Apparently this causes some issue in Warzone itself that usually prevents you from playing the game, freezing up altogether. 

The only solution at the moment is simply to close the game and relaunch it, or failing that, restart the console altogether (remember, turn it off properly rather than putting it into rest mode). There is no other fix as we know at the moment, beyond just rebooting the whole thing - and don't put your console into rest mode while the game is active!

Call of Duty Warzone error codes 6 and DIVER

This isn't the first time we've encountered Warzone's 6 or DIVER error code. There's no official word from Activision on how to fix this issue, but after scouring some forum threads and discussions, there's a couple of user submitted solutions that allegedly can fix the situation. Though we can't vouch for these ourselves, they might be worth a shot if you're truly desperate to back in.

  • Restart your router
    A common solution that should always be given a shot, Reddit user /u/traicel claims that this fixed the problem for them.
  • (PC Only) Turn off Windows Firewall
    Do this at your own discretion (and remember to turn it back on when you're done playing Call of Duty), but Reddit user BloodPrince_COD has said that turning off Windows Firewall will fix the issue on PC. A number of people in the replies have said that this solution works, which lends credence to the solution.
  • Download the update via cellular data
    This error code often occurs when there's been a brand new update to download and install. There's been a few people who claim downloading it on their usual WiFi network caused the issue and that if you have the data allowance, downloading the updating and launching the game on cellular data is the way forward. Of course, switch back to your usual network when you're in the game, but try downloading the update via a cell phone hotspot to see if that fixes it.
  • Delete and reinstall the game
    Something a number of players have said is a potential fix is to delete the entire game and reinstall it. Of course, this isn't an ideal solution because the full game is 170GB+, but if all else fails, give it a shot.

Status Savannah

The dev error 5476 code issue seems to prevent people from starting multiplayer at all, and while it's a code that's been around before, it tends to appear and disappear without much explanation.

One odd fix that's worked for a lot of folks in the past in changing your calling card and emblem. Some players are saying that simply changing them can fix things, while the example below seems to suggest that having them randomized can cause problems. Regardless, dev error 5476 is here once more, and we don't yet have a definitive answer on how to fix it just yet, but we're holding out hope that Raven sorts things out promptly.

Raven Software is aware of the Warzone dev error 5476 code happening today, assuring players that it is "looking into this issue and will provide an update ASAP." We've also reached out to Raven to ask how long it might take for the issue to be resolved, and we'll update this article if and when we hear back.

Status Goalpost Warzone error

The Status Goalpost Warzone error is a multiplayer error that prevents friends sending and receiving friend requests and joining each other's game. The fix is a fairly simple work around, however, and involves using Activation accounts in Warzone rather than your console's built-in friend systems. Although double check you have cross play activated in your accounts settings first before you do anything else. Assuming that's not the problem then here's in order to fix the Status Goalpost Warzone error you'll need to make sure you all have Activision accounts and use the your Activision names to invite each other. 

Store unavailable, or PlayStation Plus unavailable

Modern Warfare and Warzone has suffered from Store Unavailable issue in the past, which might also appear as a PlayStation Plus issue. If you encounter this issue one possible fix in the meantime is to select the game in the menu and press down to find the 'PlayStation Store' tab in the column with the start button. Navigate to the and select it. That should bring up an option called 'Your Add Ons' go in there and check everything is downloaded. There have been previous season where multiplayer packs and other functional downloads have been 'lost' with an update and you can't play until you re-download them.

Warzone ce-34878-0 error code

The ce-34878-0 error seems to be one activision are aware of and has a range of possible fixes. It's a general crash error code and often means something else, other than the game itself is wrong. So there are few basic things you can try: 

  1. Bring up the game options by selecting the game in the menu, pressing options and checking to see if it needs an update.
  2. Check your PS4 is up to date with the latest system software by checking System Software Update in settings.
  3. Restart you PS4. 

Other things you can try are to remove a PS Camera if it's connected, restart the PS4 and make sure facial recognition is disabled via the settings and user options.

In the worst case scenario option that hopefully will never be needed, if you've upgraded your hard drive the advice is to put the original drive back in and initialize the PS4. Hopefully you won't have to do that but if you are running the game from external storage it might be an idea to move it on the PS4's internal drive. 

Call of Duty error code 8192

If you're reading this looking for answers on error code 8192, which prevents some Call of Duty players from connecting to Modern Warfare, we've got good news and bad news. The good news is Activision know all about it but, bad news, when it happened there isn't always a clear solution.

It's not the first time the dreaded 8192 has reared its ugly head, and it seems it usually happens after a big update (season 4 of Modern Warfare just launched). It could be due to server capacity or a bug that crawled its way in through the new patch. Either way, stay tight and we'll keep this updated as we learn more from Activision and the player community.

Call of Duty Warzone error codes 262146 and 263234

Both of the above Call of Duty Warzone error codes indicate there's a problem with the connection to the servers. There's a few solutions you can try to fix the problem:

  • Log out and back in
    It sounds obvious, but simply logging out then back in of your game can fix the problem. It's a classic solution, but should always be your first port of call.
  • Power cycle your machine
    Whether you're on PS4, Xbox One, or PC, give your system a proper restart. Don't just send it to sleep; turn it off completely, give it a moment, then boot it back up again. This can give it a hard reset and fix the issue.
  • Restart your router
    If neither of the above work, try restarting your router or modem. Switch it off completely then wait for 30 seconds before turning it back on again. When your machine is connected to the internet once more, see if you can get into Warzone.
  • Reset to factory settings
    This is a last resort, but you can reset your machine to factory settings. You'll lose all saved data that isn't stored in the cloud, along with your installed games, but it could fix the problem. Only go for this if you've exhausted every other option because there's no reversing it.

    On PS4, head over to the Settings menu, then Initialization, followed by Restore Default Settings. Follow the on-screen instructions.

    On Xbox One, go to System, then Settings, then System again, followed by Console Info. Now you can choose Reset Console, then Reset And Remove Everything.

    Playing on PC? Depending on your operating system and version the exact method for restoring factory settings will be different, so search Google for a guide on how to do it based on your device.

Warzone Xbox error code 0x80131500

If you get the error code shown above when trying to download an update for Call of Duty Modern Warfare or Warzone, unfortunately there's not a lot you can do. This is due to an error on the Microsoft Store and nothing to do with your connection, download, or anything else. Some players have reported updating the system software will fix the issue but if not, keep trying and hope Microsoft fix the issue soon.

We'll continue to list more Call of Duty Warzone error codes as they become available so if your error code isn't on the list above, hang tight. There will undoubtedly be some server downtime later down the line though, so make sure you check our guide about is Call of Duty Warzone down? Keep your eyes peeled and good luck jumping back into Verdansk!

Warzone Ricochet anti cheat | Call of Duty Warzone tips | Warzone Error codes | Is Warzone down? | Warzone Patch notes | Warzone best guns | Warzone best SMGs | Warzone best sniper | Warzone best LMG | Warzone PDS | Warzone Sabotage Contract | Warzone M1916 loadout | Warzone Nikita AVT loadouts 

Austin Wood
Senior writer

Austin has been a game journalist for 12 years, having freelanced for the likes of PC Gamer, Eurogamer, IGN, Sports Illustrated, and more while finishing his journalism degree. He's been with 12DOVE since 2019. They've yet to realize his position is a cover for his career-spanning Destiny column, and he's kept the ruse going with a lot of news and the occasional feature, all while playing as many roguelikes as possible.

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